Gun crime caused by democrat party policies....they keep releasing violent gun criminals.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Just another in a long list of violent criminals, arrested on gun charges as felons, who are released from jail and prison...who go on to commit more gun crimes.

95% of gun crime in America is a direct result of the policies of the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians who keep releasing these repeat offenders.

Normal Americans who own and carry guns for self defense, hunting and other sports do not cause gun crime or gun murder......criminals released by democrats are the ones driving our gun crime rates.

Prosecutors on Friday charged a fourth person with killing retired Chicago Fire Dept. Lt. Dwain Williams during a botched carjacking on December 3.

Like one of the other defendants, Jalen Saulsberry has a violent juvenile history and
was free on a recognizance bond for gun charges and for possessing a stolen motor vehicle at the time of Williams’ murder.

Saulsberry is at least the 34th person to be charged with shooting or killing someone in Chicago last year while on affordable bail for another serious felony, according to CWBChicago research. Those 34 defendants are accused of killing or shooting a total of 37 people.

During Saulsberry’s bail hearing Friday, Assistant State’s Attorney James Murphy said the four defendants trailed Williams in traffic as the 65-year-old drove to a popcorn shop. The group allegedly parked nearby while Williams shopped, then moved in to take his car as he emerged from the store.

Surveillance video of the crime shows Saulsberry getting out of the front passenger seat and moving toward Williams with a gun in his hand along with another armed offender, Murphy said.

I think all the ones that want to take the guns away from American citizens should have to live in China for atleast 1 year and see what real gun control is like. And if they don't beg to come back to the US then can just stay there in China. :)

Just another in a long list of violent criminals, arrested on gun charges as felons, who are released from jail and prison...who go on to commit more gun crimes.

95% of gun crime in America is a direct result of the policies of the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians who keep releasing these repeat offenders.

100% of gun crime happens because people who shouldn't have guns have them.

Okay, reality check- we lock up 2 million people. we have another 7 million on parole or probation.

The crazy idea that we don't lock up enough people, when we in fact, lock up more people than any other country in the world, including Communist China, is just laughable on its face.
Just another in a long list of violent criminals, arrested on gun charges as felons, who are released from jail and prison...who go on to commit more gun crimes.

95% of gun crime in America is a direct result of the policies of the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians who keep releasing these repeat offenders.

100% of gun crime happens because people who shouldn't have guns have them.

Okay, reality check- we lock up 2 million people. we have another 7 million on parole or probation.

The crazy idea that we don't lock up enough people, when we in fact, lock up more people than any other country in the world, including Communist China, is just laughable on its face.

Moron....what part of democrats continuously releasing the same violent felons over and over do you not understand? It doesn't matter if you put them in jail and prison if you let them out again over and over dumb shit.

The same gun criminals committing gun crimes over and over because democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors keep letting them out....
Just another in a long list of violent criminals, arrested on gun charges as felons, who are released from jail and prison...who go on to commit more gun crimes.

95% of gun crime in America is a direct result of the policies of the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians who keep releasing these repeat offenders.

100% of gun crime happens because people who shouldn't have guns have them.

Okay, reality check- we lock up 2 million people. we have another 7 million on parole or probation.

The crazy idea that we don't lock up enough people, when we in fact, lock up more people than any other country in the world, including Communist China, is just laughable on its face.
We lock up the wrong people. That's the problem
Moron....what part of democrats continuously releasing the same violent felons over and over do you not understand? It doesn't matter if you put them in jail and prison if you let them out again over and over dumb shit.

The same gun criminals committing gun crimes over and over because democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors keep letting them out....

We have 2 million people in prison. If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there by now.
Moron....what part of democrats continuously releasing the same violent felons over and over do you not understand? It doesn't matter if you put them in jail and prison if you let them out again over and over dumb shit.

The same gun criminals committing gun crimes over and over because democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors keep letting them out....

We have 2 million people in prison. If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there by now. can lock up 8 million people....but if you let the violent ones back out again and defeats the purpose of locking them up in the first place.

What part of that is so hard for you to understand? can lock up 8 million people....but if you let the violent ones back out again and defeats the purpose of locking them up in the first place.

What part of that is so hard for you to understand?

you know, you might have a point. They did let Kyle Rittenhouse out.

So let me get this straight. Kyle Rittenhouse, who SHOT TWO PEOPLE and likes to hang out with White Supremacists, can get bail, but you want to throw some kid who got caught with a gun in prison for years until he maybe gets a trial?

That's kind of fucked up, man. can lock up 8 million people....but if you let the violent ones back out again and defeats the purpose of locking them up in the first place.

What part of that is so hard for you to understand?

you know, you might have a point. They did let Kyle Rittenhouse out.

So let me get this straight. Kyle Rittenhouse, who SHOT TWO PEOPLE and likes to hang out with White Supremacists, can get bail, but you want to throw some kid who got caught with a gun in prison for years until he maybe gets a trial?

That's kind of fucked up, man.

Well.......two lies right out of the starting gate for you.....

He shot 3 people who violently attacked him........and where is the link that he hangs out with white supremacists....since all 12 of them currently live in their parents basements and haven't been out in years?

but you want to throw some kid who got caught with a gun in prison for years until he maybe gets a trial?

YOu have a funny definition of kid as you justify letting a violent, career criminal out of jail over and over again....

This isn't a kid...this is a violent, career criminal caught with at least one illegal gun.....something he can't legally buy, own or carry...who then used another illegal gun to murder someone...

Hey...dipshit....these are the "Kids," you are defending as you demand guns are taken away from law abiding, normal Americans....

One of those persons is Devin Barron, 20, who collected five convictions as a juvenile and was free on bond for four pending cases at the time of Williams’ murder. One of those pending cases was for a home invasion and kidnapping just five weeks before Williams was killed.

Prosecutors said video shows Barron getting out of the rear passenger seat of a car moments before he shot Williams. According to the state’s allegations, Barron had three guns when police caught up with him.

Murder and more

Antonio Reyes, 17, was given three years probation in juvenile court for aggravated robbery and aggravated battery in December 2019. When he allegedly shot a man last month, he had four more juvenile cases pending — for armed robbery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful use of a weapon, and a narcotics case — prosecutors said.

Prosecutors have also charged him as an adult with killing a man last summer and, they say, he’s suspected of participating in a third shooting. can lock up 8 million people....but if you let the violent ones back out again and defeats the purpose of locking them up in the first place.

What part of that is so hard for you to understand?

you know, you might have a point. They did let Kyle Rittenhouse out.

So let me get this straight. Kyle Rittenhouse, who SHOT TWO PEOPLE and likes to hang out with White Supremacists, can get bail, but you want to throw some kid who got caught with a gun in prison for years until he maybe gets a trial?

That's kind of fucked up, man.

Well.......two lies right out of the starting gate for you.....

He shot 3 people who violently attacked him........and where is the link that he hangs out with white supremacists....since all 12 of them currently live in their parents basements and haven't been out in years?

but you want to throw some kid who got caught with a gun in prison for years until he maybe gets a trial?

YOu have a funny definition of kid as you justify letting a violent, career criminal out of jail over and over again....

This isn't a kid...this is a violent, career criminal caught with at least one illegal gun.....something he can't legally buy, own or carry...who then used another illegal gun to murder someone...

Hey...dipshit....these are the "Kids," you are defending as you demand guns are taken away from law abiding, normal Americans....

One of those persons is Devin Barron, 20, who collected five convictions as a juvenile and was free on bond for four pending cases at the time of Williams’ murder. One of those pending cases was for a home invasion and kidnapping just five weeks before Williams was killed.

Prosecutors said video shows Barron getting out of the rear passenger seat of a car moments before he shot Williams. According to the state’s allegations, Barron had three guns when police caught up with him.

Murder and more

Antonio Reyes, 17, was given three years probation in juvenile court for aggravated robbery and aggravated battery in December 2019. When he allegedly shot a man last month, he had four more juvenile cases pending — for armed robbery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful use of a weapon, and a narcotics case — prosecutors said.

Prosecutors have also charged him as an adult with killing a man last summer and, they say, he’s suspected of participating in a third shooting.

No they didn't.. Kyle is a loser and much too stupid to own a firearm. can lock up 8 million people....but if you let the violent ones back out again and defeats the purpose of locking them up in the first place.

What part of that is so hard for you to understand?

you know, you might have a point. They did let Kyle Rittenhouse out.

So let me get this straight. Kyle Rittenhouse, who SHOT TWO PEOPLE and likes to hang out with White Supremacists, can get bail, but you want to throw some kid who got caught with a gun in prison for years until he maybe gets a trial?

That's kind of fucked up, man.

Well.......two lies right out of the starting gate for you.....

He shot 3 people who violently attacked him........and where is the link that he hangs out with white supremacists....since all 12 of them currently live in their parents basements and haven't been out in years?

but you want to throw some kid who got caught with a gun in prison for years until he maybe gets a trial?

YOu have a funny definition of kid as you justify letting a violent, career criminal out of jail over and over again....

This isn't a kid...this is a violent, career criminal caught with at least one illegal gun.....something he can't legally buy, own or carry...who then used another illegal gun to murder someone...

Hey...dipshit....these are the "Kids," you are defending as you demand guns are taken away from law abiding, normal Americans....

One of those persons is Devin Barron, 20, who collected five convictions as a juvenile and was free on bond for four pending cases at the time of Williams’ murder. One of those pending cases was for a home invasion and kidnapping just five weeks before Williams was killed.

Prosecutors said video shows Barron getting out of the rear passenger seat of a car moments before he shot Williams. According to the state’s allegations, Barron had three guns when police caught up with him.

Murder and more

Antonio Reyes, 17, was given three years probation in juvenile court for aggravated robbery and aggravated battery in December 2019. When he allegedly shot a man last month, he had four more juvenile cases pending — for armed robbery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful use of a weapon, and a narcotics case — prosecutors said.

Prosecutors have also charged him as an adult with killing a man last summer and, they say, he’s suspected of participating in a third shooting.

No they didn't.. Kyle is a loser and much too stupid to own a firearm.

Several videos and eyewitnesses say you are a moron who doesn't know what you are talking dumb twit.
Well.......two lies right out of the starting gate for you.....

He shot 3 people who violently attacked him........and where is the link that he hangs out with white supremacists....since all 12 of them currently live in their parents basements and haven't been out in years?

He shot one person who was demonstrating, and two people who were trying to take him into custody.

And, yes, he hangs with White Supremacists ...

YOu have a funny definition of kid as you justify letting a violent, career criminal out of jail over and over again....

This isn't a kid...this is a violent, career criminal caught with at least one illegal gun.....something he can't legally buy, own or carry...who then used another illegal gun to murder someone...

Except they weren't out on bail for a violent crime... they were usually out for something minor like gun possession.

Hey...dipshit....these are the "Kids," you are defending as you demand guns are taken away from law abiding, normal Americans....

Hey, until we address poverty, racism, mental illness and the fact it's too easy to get a gun in this country, this is what we are going to have to learn to live with.
Just another in a long list of violent criminals, arrested on gun charges as felons, who are released from jail and prison...who go on to commit more gun crimes.

95% of gun crime in America is a direct result of the policies of the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians who keep releasing these repeat offenders.

Normal Americans who own and carry guns for self defense, hunting and other sports do not cause gun crime or gun murder......criminals released by democrats are the ones driving our gun crime rates.

Prosecutors on Friday charged a fourth person with killing retired Chicago Fire Dept. Lt. Dwain Williams during a botched carjacking on December 3.

Like one of the other defendants, Jalen Saulsberry has a violent juvenile history and was free on a recognizance bond for gun charges and for possessing a stolen motor vehicle at the time of Williams’ murder.

Saulsberry is at least the 34th person to be charged with shooting or killing someone in Chicago last year while on affordable bail for another serious felony, according to CWBChicago research. Those 34 defendants are accused of killing or shooting a total of 37 people.

During Saulsberry’s bail hearing Friday, Assistant State’s Attorney James Murphy said the four defendants trailed Williams in traffic as the 65-year-old drove to a popcorn shop. The group allegedly parked nearby while Williams shopped, then moved in to take his car as he emerged from the store.

Surveillance video of the crime shows Saulsberry getting out of the front passenger seat and moving toward Williams with a gun in his hand along with another armed offender, Murphy said.

We should stop letting gun felons out?
We should stop letting gun felons out?


Where are you going to put them?

Our prisons are already overcrowded. We don't have enough prison cells, prison guards or facilities to keep them "all" locked up. So we have to make a decision as to WHO we lock up.

Some punk caught with a gun. Meh, can't get worked up about that. I mean, not as long as you let some people have guns and say others can't.
We should stop letting gun felons out?


Where are you going to put them?

Our prisons are already overcrowded. We don't have enough prison cells, prison guards or facilities to keep them "all" locked up. So we have to make a decision as to WHO we lock up.

Some punk caught with a gun. Meh, can't get worked up about that. I mean, not as long as you let some people have guns and say others can't.
Parole non-violent offenders before gun offenders.
Parole non-violent offenders before gun offenders.

But we aren't talking about parole, we are talking about bail in this case.

The thing is, we have parole boards that evaluate the cases in a lot of detail, before anyone is paroled.

Who would you rather parole, a kid who made a mistake, robbed a liquor store, but during his time in jail got an education, learned a skill and is ready to be a member of society.

Or a non-violent con artist who you know damned well is going to go right back to scamming old people with fake home repair scams?
Parole non-violent offenders before gun offenders.

But we aren't talking about parole, we are talking about bail in this case.

The thing is, we have parole boards that evaluate the cases in a lot of detail, before anyone is paroled.

Who would you rather parole, a kid who made a mistake, robbed a liquor store, but during his time in jail got an education, learned a skill and is ready to be a member of society.

Or a non-violent con artist who you know damned well is going to go right back to scamming old people with fake home repair scams?
Let non-violent offenders out on bail instead of gun offenders?
Let non-violent offenders out on bail instead of gun offenders?

I wouldn't have a problem with that.

So let's review, though. The gun offender more than likely belongs to a gang, so his gang buddies raise the money to get him bail. Or in Kyle Rittenhouse's case, the My Pillow Guy.

The non-gun offender is more often than not, poor, so he doesn't get bail. He ends up languishing in jail until they get around to his court case.. and alot of these guys get off with time served.

Illinois is going to get rid of Cash bail now, and frankly, I'm all for it. If someone is an immediate danger, by all means, lock him up. if he isn't, he can wait until his court case. If he flees the jurisdiction, totally not our problem.
Well.......two lies right out of the starting gate for you.....

He shot 3 people who violently attacked him........and where is the link that he hangs out with white supremacists....since all 12 of them currently live in their parents basements and haven't been out in years?

He shot one person who was demonstrating, and two people who were trying to take him into custody.

And, yes, he hangs with White Supremacists ...

YOu have a funny definition of kid as you justify letting a violent, career criminal out of jail over and over again....

This isn't a kid...this is a violent, career criminal caught with at least one illegal gun.....something he can't legally buy, own or carry...who then used another illegal gun to murder someone...

Except they weren't out on bail for a violent crime... they were usually out for something minor like gun possession.

Hey...dipshit....these are the "Kids," you are defending as you demand guns are taken away from law abiding, normal Americans....

Hey, until we address poverty, racism, mental illness and the fact it's too easy to get a gun in this country, this is what we are going to have to learn to live with.

No....he shot 3 assholes who violently attacked and eye witnesses confirm this.
We should stop letting gun felons out?


Where are you going to put them?

Our prisons are already overcrowded. We don't have enough prison cells, prison guards or facilities to keep them "all" locked up. So we have to make a decision as to WHO we lock up.

Some punk caught with a gun. Meh, can't get worked up about that. I mean, not as long as you let some people have guns and say others can't.

Not some punk caught with a gun.......a violent, repeat offender with various violent criminal convictions .......

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