Gun control as jewelry.....I guess we have won after all......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When a cause reaches the point where it's defenders simply put their thoughts on a ribbon, or a bracelet...they have gotten really the irrational anti gun nutters are putting a slogan on a bracelet....and sadly Hugh Jackman, the supporting this stupidity......

Donna Karan to Spread Gun Control Message on Bracelets

And how irrational is this movement.....this says it all.....

The saying, “Not One More,” comes from Richard Martinez, “whose 20-year-old son, Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez, was killed near UC Santa Barbara’s campus last May” even though his assailant–Elliot Rodger–went through background checks, registered his guns with the state, and complied with California’s “high capacity” magazine ban.

Despite the clear impotence of gun control in this instance, Martinez, Karan, Bloomberg, Giffords, and Jackman continue to point to gun control as the solution.

Sooooo, the killer who inspired this slogan.....obeyed every anti gun law on the books at the time he murdered people with his gun.....

So of course.....we need even more laws.................

That is why anti gun nuts are irrational......

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