guess who made their court date?

“Election meddling via social media”
This is what the Nation is being drug around over?
How weak minded we must be to succumb to “Nyet Hillary” internet messages
No evidence of one vote being changed or incorrectly tabulated
Drug addiction like emotions over intellect. We have a gang of druggies trying to undo an election with horse face flaunting his virtues of catering to the druggies
I would shit can them all, get on with governing America without deflecting any more addict wailing
Mueller never expected the Russians to show up and act like it's a real case. It is just no argument at all to claim that the evidence can't be presented because the investigation is ongoing. That is a mountain of bullshit. If the investigation is on going filing indictments is premature. There is no case. Maybe there might be a case in the future but there isn't one now.

The demand for results got loud. Mueller filed against Russians thinking it was safe. They would never appear and make a demand. Now that he has to put up, he is shitting his pants. It's poker Mr. Shitface Mueller, put up or fold.
so i take it you didn't look at these.

i downloaded the first one and am going to pick some out at random:

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The image of 1938 shows several African American Youths dangling around
the stairs leading up to the back entrance of a segregated movie theater in
Anniston, Alabama.That day the Tarzan film, Call of the Savage was shown.
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Location: United States: Baltimore Maryland; Ferguson, St. Louis Missouri;
Cleveland Ohio
Age: 18 - 65+
Placements: News Feed on desktop computers or News Feed on mobile
People Who Match: People who like Black Matters, Friends of connections:
Friends of people who are connected to Black Matters
90.65 RUB
06/15/15 07:21:33 AM PDT
Ad End Date 06/16/15 07:21:33 AM PDT

man. if that doesn't make you VOTE TRUMP what will?

next up:
Ad ID 343
Ad Text The violent pool story #3. White police officer slammed black teen against his
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This black family from Ohio will never forget the June 9th. According to the
family's testimony, Krystal Dixon and her sister Maya Dixon took their eight
children, nephews and nieces to Ohio public school in a Fairfield.
Nevertheless, the pool employee demanded the family to leave due to one of
the children did not have swim trunks. One of the boys broke the rules and
the staff asked the family to leave. As six-months pregnant Krystal Dixon
walked to the parking lot, the police officer grabbed her arm and asked for an
ID-card. The witness video shows how the police officer pepper sprayed
Dixon's family and grabbed 12-year-old child by neck. But according to the
Fairfield police department, the white police officer did not use excessive
Did the pool staff force them to leave because they were black? Was it a race
factor? Don't you think the police officer's attempt to arrest Krystal Dixon was
unlawful? How the police officers should be charged? What kind of right of
defense do you have against unlawful arrests?
These days, there is far more to being a "good cop" than choosing not to hurt
innocent people. Plus, when are we going to stop being stereotypical? Even
today, the stereotypes effect black population of the United States of America
transmitted through music, lyrics, titles, literature, movies and folk saying.
White Americans across the country embrace African-Americans the image of
criminals and looters. How are we going to live with that? 579673598947501 /
Location: United States: Baltimore Maryland; Ferguson, St. Louis Missouri;
Cleveland Ohio
Age: 18 - 65+
Placements: News Feed on desktop computers or News Feed on mobile
People Who Match: People who like Black Matters, Friends of connections:
Friends of people who are connected to Black Matters
91.73 RUB
06/18/15 07:21:41 AM PDT
06/19/15 07:21:41 AM PDT

nothing but GO TRUMP!!!! TRUMP RULES ALL!!!!

Ad ID 552
Ad Text The Chinese hackers executed a complex attack that gave them
"administrator privileges" into the computer networks at the Office of
Personnel Management, mimicking the credentials of people who run the
agency's systems. They began siphoning out a rush of data after
constructing what amounted to an electronic pipeline that led back to China,
investigators told Congress last week in classified briefings.
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Much of the personnel data had been stored in the lightly protected systems
of the Department of the Interior, because it had cheap, available space for
digital data storage. The administration is urgently working to determine what
other agencies are storing similarly sensitive information with weak
protections. Officials would not identify their top concerns, but an audit issued
early last year, before the Chinese attacks, harshly criticized lax security at
the Internal Revenue Service, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the
Energy Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission — and the
Department of Homeland Security, which has responsibility for securing the
nation's critical networks. It's not clear who is held liable for security hole.
What do you think the hacker attack will affect U.S. — Chinese relations?
Location: United States
Interests: Independence or Patriotism
Age: 18 - 65+
Placements: News Feed on desktop computers or News Feed on mobile
06/23/15 07:14:41 AM PDT
06/24/15 07:14:41 AM PDT

no trump there.

Ad ID 663
Ad Text California Attorney General ruled against the execution of gays and lesbians
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A California judge argued against a proposed initiative about the execution of
gay and lesbian people, naming this measure "unconstitutional on its face."
The Sodomite Suppression Act proposes that "any person who willingly
touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual
gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient
method." The act also will outlaw advocating gay rights to minors.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris claimed that the proposal was
unconstitutional and it had no place in civil society. The proposal reminds me
the Inquisition. We live in a free and tolerate country! So even talks about
such an initiative should be immediately stopped. Where is our President?
Stop considering gays as naughty and not like all the others. We are all equal.
Despite all the arguments that the opponents of gay marriage call, polls show
that the majority of Americans stand for gay marriages. Why not to hold a
referendum as the Irish did? Why we should listen to conservatives?
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Location - Living In: United States
Age: 18 - 65+
Placements: News Feed on desktop computers or News Feed on mobile
People Who Match: People who like LGBT United, Friends of connections:
Friends of people who are connected to LGBT United
400.00 RUB
06/25/15 04:17:19 AM PDT
06/26/15 04:17:19 AM PDT

Ad ID 654
National Organization for Marriage is asking all of the GOP presidential
candidates to sign an anti-equality pledge. Let's take a look at just how crazy
this pledge gets.
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That's just nuts! They want candidates to support a constitutional
amendment to ban marriage nationwide. This will never happen. For the last
decade public support for marriage equality has gone from 35 percent to 55
But they don't stop there. NOM also wants candidates to "work to overturn
any Supreme Court decision" in favor of the freedom to marry. NOM wants
the president to only nominate judges who will uphold marriage bans, but at
this point, legal consensus so strongly supports marriage equality that
supporting marriage bans is a sign that person isn't qualified to be a judge.
Also, NOM wants the candidates to weaken civil rights laws, creating
loopholes to let companies and citizens to discriminate if they cite a religious
justification. That could actually happen — and it already has in some states —
so it's a huge concern.
And fifth, they want the Department of Justice to investigate harassment
against people who oppose marriage equality. Sure, gays and lesbians are
harassed every day, fired, kicked out of their homes and schools, separated
from their families, but I really hope soon there'll be NO MORE of it!
There's a part of me that feels very sad for NOM's fanatics. When they
finally kick the bucket, they'll be dealing with the reality (whether they openly
face it or not) that their Life's Work has amounted to NOTHING. Nothing they
worked for made anyone's life better. At all.
They didn't win, and they wasted their lives fighting against the inevitable.
And when they're dead and gone, they'll be remembered only as footnotes
in shameful history — or more likely they'll be forgotten completely.
#LGBT #NOM #SameSexMarriage #Marriage #SCOTUS #equality
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Location - Living In: United States
Age: 18 - 65+
Placements: News Feed on desktop computers or News Feed on mobile
People Who Match: People who like LGBT United, Friends of connections:
Friends of people who are connected to LGBT United
183.93 RUB
06/23/15 07:03:47 AM PDT

this is your evidence? i'm 0-5 on looking for Pro Trump ads from these filthy bastards. so far all i see is them stirring up one side against the other.

care to show me the exact ads that are pro trump and then the overall percentage of Pro Trump vs. Pro Hillary ads were likely in the mix?
Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg.

and now for their defense, they get to look at all the evidence. SO - now mueller is saying we can't do that because of a security risk. well, you're the one who brought them into our court system - now you're saying we won't play fair???
Mueller makes a good argument.

Does he?

His only option is to withdraw.

If Mueller doesn’t want to move forward he is going to have to drop the charges and if he does double jeopardy will set in. It looks like Mueller jumped the gun.

And Concord Management decided to fight it...

As Powerline notes, Mueller probably didn't see that coming - and the indictment itself was perhaps nothing more than a PR stunt to bolster the Russian interference narrative.
View attachment 198082

Does he?

His only option is to withdraw.
Better for him to withdraw and continue the investigation into their American co-conspirators who actually have to show up in court. You're right.
he withdraws it's over. that would be a death blow. he would have gotten his bluff called and would have zero credibility at that point in this matter.
It would not be a death blow. The investigation would continue. The Russian conspirators will just sadly avoid consequences.
you are living a fantasy now.

the russians are they key here. they are the ones we say did all this and the ones mueller chose to indict.

if he says "uh, bad" it's over.


fat lady ripping out a good one and it's not a fart this time.

This is from the article where your conspiracy site got its information:

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russian intelligence services still have active “interference operations” into U.S. elections and that handing over certain evidence in a criminal case could imperil ongoing investigations.

Mueller on Tuesday asked a federal judge in Washington for an order to protect voluminous evidence sought by lawyers for Concord Management and Consulting LLC, one of three companies and 13 Russian nationals charged in a February indictment alleging election meddling via social media. Prosecutors have uncovered evidence of other individuals and entities who are “continuing to engage” in similar activities.

U.S. documents identify “sources, methods and techniques used to identify the foreign actors behind these interference operations,” Mueller wrote. Improper disclosure of that information would tip foreign intelligence services about how the U.S. operates and let them “adjust their conduct, thus undermining ongoing and future national security operations.”

Just how badly do you want Russia to continue screwing us in the future?


And Concord Management decided to fight it...

As Powerline notes, Mueller probably didn't see that coming - and the indictment itself was perhaps nothing more than a PR stunt to bolster the Russian interference narrative.
View attachment 198082
Their guys will never show up in court. They want the evidence so they can avoid detection in the future.
you are so full of shit, dude. 100% grade a not to be believed shit.

Just remember folks, 2 more days, just 2 more, and the IG report is released. At that time, the intelligence committee, is going to tell Rosenstein to give up the INITIAL documents that started this investigation, or they will IMPEACH, and it won't be Trump!

This is the beginning of the end for the Left. Why? Because they already know where this all originally started, they just want the document to wave it around before the midterms, and it will NOT be the Left waving it, lol.

This is going to turn Trump into a victim in most peoples eyes. (just not the far left) AND, it will change peoples perception of Hillary, and the Obama administration, and NOT for the better.

It is basically over for the Left, it really, really is! The Leftists on here just don't know yet, that their heroes are UNELECTABLE POLITICIANS walking, everywhere but the bluest, of blue states!
Now it’s starting to show up that the social media example has no social media postings that reference Trump over Hillary
Just lie after lie and addled emotion displays galore All over the inability to accept the results of an election
Mueller never expected the Russians to show up and act like it's a real case. It is just no argument at all to claim that the evidence can't be presented because the investigation is ongoing. That is a mountain of bullshit. If the investigation is on going filing indictments is premature. There is no case. Maybe there might be a case in the future but there isn't one now.

The demand for results got loud. Mueller filed against Russians thinking it was safe. They would never appear and make a demand. Now that he has to put up, he is shitting his pants. It's poker Mr. Shitface Mueller, put up or fold.

Does Mueller realize that here in America you have a right to a speedy trial?

No....he has a right to investigate right up to the 2018 midterms when he will then release a report with no evidence that says Trump is a mean guy....

And Concord Management decided to fight it...

As Powerline notes, Mueller probably didn't see that coming - and the indictment itself was perhaps nothing more than a PR stunt to bolster the Russian interference narrative.
View attachment 198082

Better for him to withdraw and continue the investigation into their American co-conspirators who actually have to show up in court. You're right.
he withdraws it's over. that would be a death blow. he would have gotten his bluff called and would have zero credibility at that point in this matter.
It would not be a death blow. The investigation would continue. The Russian conspirators will just sadly avoid consequences.
you are living a fantasy now.

the russians are they key here. they are the ones we say did all this and the ones mueller chose to indict.

if he says "uh, bad" it's over.


fat lady ripping out a good one and it's not a fart this time.

This is from the article where your conspiracy site got its information:

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russian intelligence services still have active “interference operations” into U.S. elections and that handing over certain evidence in a criminal case could imperil ongoing investigations.

Mueller on Tuesday asked a federal judge in Washington for an order to protect voluminous evidence sought by lawyers for Concord Management and Consulting LLC, one of three companies and 13 Russian nationals charged in a February indictment alleging election meddling via social media. Prosecutors have uncovered evidence of other individuals and entities who are “continuing to engage” in similar activities.

U.S. documents identify “sources, methods and techniques used to identify the foreign actors behind these interference operations,” Mueller wrote. Improper disclosure of that information would tip foreign intelligence services about how the U.S. operates and let them “adjust their conduct, thus undermining ongoing and future national security operations.”

Just how badly do you want Russia to continue screwing us in the future?


And Concord Management decided to fight it...

As Powerline notes, Mueller probably didn't see that coming - and the indictment itself was perhaps nothing more than a PR stunt to bolster the Russian interference narrative.
View attachment 198082
Their guys will never show up in court. They want the evidence so they can avoid detection in the future.
you are so full of shit, dude. 100% grade a not to be believed shit.

Just remember folks, 2 more days, just 2 more, and the IG report is released. At that time, the intelligence committee, is going to tell Rosenstein to give up the INITIAL documents that started this investigation, or they will IMPEACH, and it won't be Trump!

This is the beginning of the end for the Left. Why? Because they already know where this all originally started, they just want the document to wave it around before the midterms, and it will NOT be the Left waving it, lol.

This is going to turn Trump into a victim in most peoples eyes. (just not the far left) AND, it will change peoples perception of Hillary, and the Obama administration, and NOT for the better.

It is basically over for the Left, it really, really is! The Leftists on here just don't know yet, that their heroes are UNELECTABLE POLITICIANS walking, everywhere but the bluest, of blue states!

Soros will concoct some false flag event to distract attention from his failed coup

And Concord Management decided to fight it...

As Powerline notes, Mueller probably didn't see that coming - and the indictment itself was perhaps nothing more than a PR stunt to bolster the Russian interference narrative.
View attachment 198082

he withdraws it's over. that would be a death blow. he would have gotten his bluff called and would have zero credibility at that point in this matter.
It would not be a death blow. The investigation would continue. The Russian conspirators will just sadly avoid consequences.
you are living a fantasy now.

the russians are they key here. they are the ones we say did all this and the ones mueller chose to indict.

if he says "uh, bad" it's over.


fat lady ripping out a good one and it's not a fart this time.

This is from the article where your conspiracy site got its information:

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russian intelligence services still have active “interference operations” into U.S. elections and that handing over certain evidence in a criminal case could imperil ongoing investigations.

Mueller on Tuesday asked a federal judge in Washington for an order to protect voluminous evidence sought by lawyers for Concord Management and Consulting LLC, one of three companies and 13 Russian nationals charged in a February indictment alleging election meddling via social media. Prosecutors have uncovered evidence of other individuals and entities who are “continuing to engage” in similar activities.

U.S. documents identify “sources, methods and techniques used to identify the foreign actors behind these interference operations,” Mueller wrote. Improper disclosure of that information would tip foreign intelligence services about how the U.S. operates and let them “adjust their conduct, thus undermining ongoing and future national security operations.”

Just how badly do you want Russia to continue screwing us in the future?


And Concord Management decided to fight it...

As Powerline notes, Mueller probably didn't see that coming - and the indictment itself was perhaps nothing more than a PR stunt to bolster the Russian interference narrative.
View attachment 198082
Their guys will never show up in court. They want the evidence so they can avoid detection in the future.
you are so full of shit, dude. 100% grade a not to be believed shit.

Just remember folks, 2 more days, just 2 more, and the IG report is released. At that time, the intelligence committee, is going to tell Rosenstein to give up the INITIAL documents that started this investigation, or they will IMPEACH, and it won't be Trump!

This is the beginning of the end for the Left. Why? Because they already know where this all originally started, they just want the document to wave it around before the midterms, and it will NOT be the Left waving it, lol.

This is going to turn Trump into a victim in most peoples eyes. (just not the far left) AND, it will change peoples perception of Hillary, and the Obama administration, and NOT for the better.

It is basically over for the Left, it really, really is! The Leftists on here just don't know yet, that their heroes are UNELECTABLE POLITICIANS walking, everywhere but the bluest, of blue states!

Soros will concoct some false flag event to distract attention from his failed coup

Won't work this time, because when the IG report is released, they are also going to recommend charges as they did with Mcabe. This time, they WILL be arrested. Not even Soros can change the narrative on that!
anyone see oldschool?

he kept using that link. i do not think it means what he thinks it means. :)
Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg.

and now for their defense, they get to look at all the evidence. SO - now mueller is saying we can't do that because of a security risk. well, you're the one who brought them into our court system - now you're saying we won't play fair???

As expected, your ZeroHedge link is so full of inaccuracies and false information that it qualifies as “fake news”.

What Mueller is asking the court for is protection from the defendant disclosing the evidence to others because the data could be used by others to disrupt future electictions.
Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg.

and now for their defense, they get to look at all the evidence. SO - now mueller is saying we can't do that because of a security risk. well, you're the one who brought them into our court system - now you're saying we won't play fair???

As expected, your ZeroHedge link is so full of inaccuracies and false information that it qualifies as “fake news”.

What Mueller is asking the court for is protection from the defendant disclosing the evidence to others because the data could be used by others to disrupt future electictions.
so we are not smart enough to stop this tactic now? we know what they did but it was so clever there can be no defense? we that stupid?

mueller is trying to hide evidence. he tried that before n the judge said no.
Last edited:
Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg.

and now for their defense, they get to look at all the evidence. SO - now mueller is saying we can't do that because of a security risk. well, you're the one who brought them into our court system - now you're saying we won't play fair???

As expected, your ZeroHedge link is so full of inaccuracies and false information that it qualifies as “fake news”.

What Mueller is asking the court for is protection from the defendant disclosing the evidence to others because the data could be used by others to disrupt future electictions.
so we are not smart enough to stop this tactic now? we know what they did but it was so clever there can be no defense? we that stupid?

mueller is trying to hide evidence. he tried that before n the judge said no.

regardless of how lawless mueller is the fact remains that the accused

have a right to all evidence
Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg.

and now for their defense, they get to look at all the evidence. SO - now mueller is saying we can't do that because of a security risk. well, you're the one who brought them into our court system - now you're saying we won't play fair???

As expected, your ZeroHedge link is so full of inaccuracies and false information that it qualifies as “fake news”.

What Mueller is asking the court for is protection from the defendant disclosing the evidence to others because the data could be used by others to disrupt future electictions.
so we are not smart enough to stop this tactic now? we know what they did but it was so clever there can be no defense? we that stupid?

mueller is trying to hide evidence. he tried that before n the judge said no.

regardless of how lawless mueller is the fact remains that the accused

have a right to all evidence

The OP is a lie. The company is definitely getting discovery. What they can’t do is to disclose to third parties the data they receive on discovery and that’s what the negotiations are about.
Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg.

and now for their defense, they get to look at all the evidence. SO - now mueller is saying we can't do that because of a security risk. well, you're the one who brought them into our court system - now you're saying we won't play fair???

As expected, your ZeroHedge link is so full of inaccuracies and false information that it qualifies as “fake news”.

What Mueller is asking the court for is protection from the defendant disclosing the evidence to others because the data could be used by others to disrupt future electictions.
so we are not smart enough to stop this tactic now? we know what they did but it was so clever there can be no defense? we that stupid?

mueller is trying to hide evidence. he tried that before n the judge said no.

regardless of how lawless mueller is the fact remains that the accused

have a right to all evidence

The OP is a lie. The company is definitely getting discovery. What they can’t do is to disclose to third parties the data they receive on discovery and that’s what the negotiations are about.

they are entitled to to it all not in the future but now why are you lefties so supportive of leftist criminals

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