Grown adults that literally cry and even pick fights over sports teams


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
I have personally witnessed adults scream and actually be pissed at someone wearing the "other team's" jersey and even want to pick a fight with them on occasion. Why is this considered sane, rational behavior? Should they be locked up in a psych ward? If you want to disrespect or even physically assault another person because they like a different sports team, you are a pathetic human being.

I have also seen an adult male with kids literally crying with actual tears in his eyes when his football team was losing. He did not have money bet on the game, he does not have any family or friends associated with the team, and it wasn't even an important game. The team's record went to 6-9 instead of 7-8 and they had long been mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. He had to turn the channel because he said he couldn't bear to watch it anymore and he had actual tears in his eyes.

Are people like that stupid, mentally disturbed or both?
What always tickles me is when I watch coverage of a soccer match; at the end, if the home club loses, their fans always have this look on their face like If I had only cheered louder, we would have won.
What always tickles me is when I watch coverage of a soccer match; at the end, if the home club loses, their fans always have this look on their face like If I had only cheered louder, we would have won.

Whenever I hear that, I always think "What's this we shit?"

It also seems the more "passionate" the sports fan, the less objective and honest they are. To the screaming retard shouting at the television set the entire game, every single call that didn't go their team's way was a robbery. Like all things in life, it seems you can have passion or you can have integrity. You can't have both.
What always tickles me is when I watch coverage of a soccer match; at the end, if the home club loses, their fans always have this look on their face like If I had only cheered louder, we would have won.
What pisses me off are the losers talking shit to the players safely in the stands. The sacks of shit think because they bought a ticket they get to verbally abuse the players.
I have personally witnessed adults scream and actually be pissed at someone wearing the "other team's" jersey and even want to pick a fight with them on occasion. Why is this considered sane, rational behavior? Should they be locked up in a psych ward? If you want to disrespect or even physically assault another person because they like a different sports team, you are a pathetic human being.

I have also seen an adult male with kids literally crying with actual tears in his eyes when his football team was losing. He did not have money bet on the game, he does not have any family or friends associated with the team, and it wasn't even an important game. The team's record went to 6-9 instead of 7-8 and they had long been mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. He had to turn the channel because he said he couldn't bear to watch it anymore and he had actual tears in his eyes.

Are people like that stupid, mentally disturbed or both?
I remember making a similar comment when I first arrived in Seattle back in 2001 and one of my fellow passengers reminded me that fan is short for fanatic.
The obsession with pro sports is ridiculous.

IMO Seeing some fat 40 year old in a pro sports Jersey is sad and funny.
I have personally witnessed adults scream and actually be pissed at someone wearing the "other team's" jersey and even want to pick a fight with them on occasion. Why is this considered sane, rational behavior? Should they be locked up in a psych ward? If you want to disrespect or even physically assault another person because they like a different sports team, you are a pathetic human being.

I have also seen an adult male with kids literally crying with actual tears in his eyes when his football team was losing. He did not have money bet on the game, he does not have any family or friends associated with the team, and it wasn't even an important game. The team's record went to 6-9 instead of 7-8 and they had long been mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. He had to turn the channel because he said he couldn't bear to watch it anymore and he had actual tears in his eyes.

Are people like that stupid, mentally disturbed or both?

Anyone who wears a packer jersey to soldier Field is just asking for it.

As for the mental midgets getting into it at sports venues everywhere in the name of their favorite teams, there’s an extremely high probability they’ve over imbibed in adult beverages leading up to and during the game.

What’s nice though is every now and then you get treated to seeing some obnoxious prick full of liquid courage get his ass kicked after picking on the wrong guy.
The obsession with pro sports is ridiculous.

IMO Seeing some fat 40 year old in a pro sports Jersey is sad and funny.

To be fair, wearing a sports jersey in and of itself is fairly innocuous behavior. The same can not be said for throwing beer at people, screaming in their faces, or acting suicidal because your sports team lost.

Look at this video. In particular, take a look at the guy at 4:15 taking a baseball bat to his flat screen TV while screaming profanity in front of his young son over a sports game. "Look son, this is how a grown man carries himself when things don't go his way."


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