Greenwald: Tucker is a Socialist


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Glenn Greenwald says Tucker Carlson is a Socialist. Personally, I think he's like every other right-wing talking head: he'll say whatever he needs to say, promote whatever ideology he needs to promote, to stay in power. The only organizing principle is greed.

Glenn Greenwald Says ‘I Consider Tucker Carlson To Be A Socialist’

Glenn Greenwald, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and co-founder of The Intercept, claimed Monday that Fox News host Tucker Carlson is “a socialist.”

Greenwald appeared on the Daily Caller’s “Wall Street Meets Washington” and talked to hosts Christian Datoc and Omeed Malik about how the fundamentals of socialism are applied on the political right, as well as the left. He also described various political figures on “the right” as “socialists.”
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Glenn Greenwald says Tucker Carlson is a Socialist. Personally, I think he's like every other right-wing talking head: he'll say whatever he needs to say, promote whatever ideology he needs to promote, to stay in power. The only organizing principle is greed.

Glenn Greenwald Says ‘I Consider Tucker Carlson To Be A Socialist’

Glenn Greenwald, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and co-founder of The Intercept, claimed Monday that Fox News host Tucker Carlson is “a socialist.”

Greenwald appeared on the Daily Caller’s “Wall Street Meets Washington” and talked to hosts Christian Datoc and Omeed Malik about how the fundamentals of socialism are applied on the political right, as well as the left. He also described various political figures on “the right” as “socialists.”
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Glenn Greenwald says Tucker Carlson is a Socialist. Personally, I think he's like every other right-wing talking head: he'll say whatever he needs to say, promote whatever ideology he needs to promote, to stay in power. The only organizing principle is greed.

Glenn Greenwald Says ‘I Consider Tucker Carlson To Be A Socialist’

Glenn Greenwald, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and co-founder of The Intercept, claimed Monday that Fox News host Tucker Carlson is “a socialist.”

Greenwald appeared on the Daily Caller’s “Wall Street Meets Washington” and talked to hosts Christian Datoc and Omeed Malik about how the fundamentals of socialism are applied on the political right, as well as the left. He also described various political figures on “the right” as “socialists.”
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Why is Glen Greenwald's opinion of Tucker Carlson important? Calling Carlson a socialist is absurd.

Not quite as absurd and calling him a defender of limited government or free markets. He's a hypocritical tool.
Most of the Establishment supports tyranny in their own way.
There are only a handful of politicians and talking heads that arent.

". . . They think Friedman's version of events makes their guy look bad; they prefer to cast Mises as a defender of ideological integrity in the face of a pernicious pre-emptive watering down of principle. In his account, Friedman dryly notes that by his lights the assembly "contained not a single person who, by even the loosest standards, could be called a socialist," which seems undeniably true in hindsight. But the specific point of disagreement that drove Mises from the room in anger—the "appropriateness of government action to affect the distribution of income"—remains unresolved in libertarian circles.

Sometimes the questions we argue about are pure déjà vu. The cover of one of the very first issues of Reason asks the question: "The Cops: Heroes or Villains?" That's a topic on which one could easily hold a debate today at any libertarian gathering and find robust disagreement.

The fact that many of these debates may never be resolved once and for all is no excuse not to have them. Mises and Friedman may not have been able to agree on everything, but they—along with other powerhouse brainiacs before and since—became pillars in a movement that has valiantly kept a crucial strain of pro-freedom ideology alive in even the most dire political conditions. Engagement with people who argue in good faith from outside of libertarianism is both inevitable and desirable. But internal debates are just as important to figuring out how to make the world free.. . ."
Glenn Greenwald says Tucker Carlson is a Socialist. Personally, I think he's like every other right-wing talking head: he'll say whatever he needs to say, promote whatever ideology he needs to promote, to stay in power. The only organizing principle is greed.

Glenn Greenwald Says ‘I Consider Tucker Carlson To Be A Socialist’

Glenn Greenwald, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and co-founder of The Intercept, claimed Monday that Fox News host Tucker Carlson is “a socialist.”

Greenwald appeared on the Daily Caller’s “Wall Street Meets Washington” and talked to hosts Christian Datoc and Omeed Malik about how the fundamentals of socialism are applied on the political right, as well as the left. He also described various political figures on “the right” as “socialists.”
Since when is a weirdo saying weird shit "news worthy"?
Why is Glen Greenwald's opinion of Tucker Carlson important? Calling Carlson a socialist is absurd.
Greenwald needs to be roundly ignored.

He's acted as Putin's lapdog for years now.

Fuck him. The Intercept dumped his ass...the rest of the world needs to do so also
“I think the vision is, you know, you have this kind of right wing populism, which really is socialism, that says we should close our borders, not allow unconstrained immigration, and then take better care of our own working class people, and not allow this kind of transnational, global, corporatist elite to take everything for themselves under the guise of neoliberalism,” Greenwald said.

If this is socialism, where do I sign up?
Tucker is an asshole.

Greenwald just as big an asshole

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