‘Green Jobs’ Website, but No Jobs Listed


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A $230,000 Taxpayer-Funded ‘Green Jobs’ Website, but No Jobs Listed

1. How’s this for a waste of taxpayer money? According to Energy& Environment News, the Department of Energy is paying $230,000 for a website to promote career paths in the green energy sector–and it has, ironically, prohibited the listing of actual jobs in the industry.

2. "The Department of Energy has awarded a $230,000 contract to the Association of Energy Services Professionals to develop a website on energy efficiency jobs — but the agency has prohibited the listing of actual position openings....the website will include information on what training and education is needed to nab a job,..."

3. It probably shouldn’t be surprising that a “green jobs website” doesn’t actually list any green jobs. After all, President Barack Obama’s green dream has proven to be a bust. The President made green jobs a centerpiece of his Administration, and he hailed them as the future of this U.S. economy. The trouble is, those jobs didn’t materialize, despite a massive infusion of federal spending–including billions in the 2009 stimulus bill.

4. The New York Times wrote, ”federal and state efforts to stimulate creation of green jobs have largely failed” and Obama’s goal of creating 5 million new green jobs within 10 years is a “pipe dream.”

5. Maybe the Obama Administration is operating under “The Field of Dreams” theory — if they build a website, the jobs will come. A better strategy would be to get the federal government out of the way and let the free market thrive instead of spending taxpayer money on quarter-million-dollar PR projects.
A $230,000 Taxpayer-Funded Green Jobs Website, but No Jobs Listed
Goes perfectly with these progressive "solutions" ......

Raise the DUI level to 2.0 - solve the drunk driving problem!
Cut off a leg - LOSE WEIGHT!!
Remember, folks, government is the ultimate solution to all your problems.

Daveman...one of the new members, a simp of the first order, represents exactly what you are satirizing:

"We have really messed up our environment, and we don't have another planet to go to.

Any protection that the average person from the polluters has IS FROM GOVERNMENT.

Any consumer protection is from the government.

Our educational system is from the government.

Our transportation. Our military. Our police.

We vote in officials, who make decisions on expenditures for our societal benefit.

That is not servitude. I'm freer under this government [along with people in other modern democracies] than any average person in the history of the world."

I kid you not! This is an actual post.
Doesn't it seem strange that Barry's choice for a seat on the "green jobs" board is the communist anarchist who is pulling the strings in OWS? The fact that Van Jones is the mastermind behind OWS is an indication that the "green jobs" board wasn't about green jobs. As a matter of fact there never were any green jobs. The so-called green factories were (are) standard smokestack technology financed in part by US taxpayers. Like Solyndra they manufacture "green" products that nobody wants. There are no green jobs and there never were.
Remember, folks, government is the ultimate solution to all your problems.

Daveman...one of the new members, a simp of the first order, represents exactly what you are satirizing:

"We have really messed up our environment, and we don't have another planet to go to.

Any protection that the average person from the polluters has IS FROM GOVERNMENT.

Any consumer protection is from the government.

Our educational system is from the government.

Our transportation. Our military. Our police.

We vote in officials, who make decisions on expenditures for our societal benefit.

That is not servitude. I'm freer under this government [along with people in other modern democracies] than any average person in the history of the world."

I kid you not! This is an actual post.
Wow. Total Kool-Aid. :cuckoo:
3,396 solar jobs listed here, as well as 4050 wind jobs.

Wind Jobs, All Wind Job Database

About Us

The two-approach job search guide (2ajobguide.com) is a product of E&R InterConsult Inc., a consulting firm specialized in career support and telemarketing. We are an international multilingual and multidisciplinary team with offices in the US and Bolivia, South America.​
That's not the DoE. Could it be that you're trying to distract from yet another failure by this Administration?
Pointing out that there are many jobs available in this field. Just as I never bothered with government websites when I was looking to change jobs, I would not look to the DOE job site were I looking for a job in the wind industry. Here is Oregon the starting wages for the technicians that maintain the turbines is quite high. Equal to the wages of experiance millwrights in most industries. And they cannot get enough of them. Graduate from a two year technical course, and the jobs come hunting for you.
Pointing out that there are many jobs available in this field. Just as I never bothered with government websites when I was looking to change jobs, I would not look to the DOE job site were I looking for a job in the wind industry. Here is Oregon the starting wages for the technicians that maintain the turbines is quite high. Equal to the wages of experiance millwrights in most industries. And they cannot get enough of them. Graduate from a two year technical course, and the jobs come hunting for you.

Yay. So the DoE flushing your tax dollars down the toilet doesn't mean anything to you?
3,396 solar jobs listed here, as well as 4050 wind jobs.

Wind Jobs, All Wind Job Database

Well, with the collapse of Solyndra they should be able to fill the Bay Area jobs up super duper quick. I do find this listing CO hilarious. Here is the job description,

"The primary responsibility of the Foot Canvasser is to canvass neighborhoods for REC Solar Residential Sales that are deemed to be the correct demographic for our business and have many "Solar ready" homes. The Foot Canvasser works under the guidance of the local Residential Sales Consultant and Regional Sales Manager. The goal of the Foot Canvasser is to set appointments for our Sales Team by qualifying solar ready customers by observing the home and roof orientation to determine suitability for Solar."

Almost everything they want this poor schmuck to do can be done from an office using Google Earth in no time at all. The only thing that the person might have o do on the ground is a face to face to set up the appointment if the residence didn't ever answer their phone.

A typical highly efficient government supported job.:lol::lol:
A sign of the times...
Sears and Kmart to close up to 120 stores on poor sales
27 December 2011 - Shares in US retail giant Sears fell 27% by the end of the day in Wall Street after announcing plans to close up to 120 Sears and Kmart stores.
Sears Holdings, the department store group which owns the two major retail chains, blamed falling sales. In the eight weeks to Christmas Day, sales at Kmart fell 4.4% and by 6% at Sears. The company, which has 2,200 outlets in the US, says the closures should raise up to $170m (£108.5m; 130m euros). It added that it expected fourth-quarter earnings to be less than half of last year's amount.

Retail analyst Howard Davidowitz told the BBC that the news came as no surprise: "Sears took their cash flow and used it to buy back shares instead of enhancing their offer to the customer. This has proven to be a disastrous investment that was made even though the company has been losing market share every single quarter for the past four years."

Both Sears and Kmart have experienced a decline in demand for consumer electronics, amid fears of another US recession. Kmart has also reported a decline in clothing sales over the same period. Chief executive Lou D'Ambrosio said: "Given our performance and the difficult economic environment, especially for big-ticket items, we intend to implement a series of actions to reduce on-going expenses, adjust our asset base, and accelerate the transformation of our business model."

The results point to "deepening problems at this struggling chain and renewed worries about Sears survivability," said Gary Balter, an analyst at Credit Suisse. "The extent of the weakness may be larger than expected, but the reasons behind it are not. It begins, and some would argue ends, with Sears' reluctance to invest in stores and service." The firm's third quarter sales saw the company post a loss due to weakness in its Canadian stores, soft electronics sales and struggles in clothing and pharmaceutical sales at its Kmart unit.

BBC News - Sears and Kmart to close up to 120 stores on poor sales
green jobs are gay...........and I cant wait for the topic to come up in the debates next year!!!:D:D

Anybody with any more than the political IQ of a handball knows that over this entire decade, green job growth will be anemic. The only thing that will change the 100% certainty of that will be a major technological breakthrough.........but nothing notable with the current green technologies.
Nancy Folbre: The Green Jobs Numbers - NYTimes.com

The study estimates an increase in direct employment of about 367,000 jobs, while indirect employment effects came to about one million – not a cure-all for an economy with more than 14 million unemployed, but a significant contribution.

The cost per job created varied considerably, and not all programs have moved forward as quickly as they should have. But as a report from Think Progress carefully documents, sensationalized assertions of a million dollars or more spent per job are misleading. Overall, the costs of green jobs creation, whether funded with public or private dollars, are lower than those in most other sectors of the economy, at an average of about $60,000 each. These jobs are likely to last for years, generating private cost-savings and important public benefits.

Retrofits to improve the energy efficiency of our existing building stock offer a particularly high rate of return.
Nancy Folbre: The Green Jobs Numbers - NYTimes.com

By this definition, the clean economy is a pretty small slice of the United States economy, accounting for only about 2 percent of all jobs. But it’s now bigger than the dirtiest slice, related to production of fossil-fuel based energy.

The analysis by Brookings of employment trends on the county level between 2003 and 2010 shows that jobs in wind energy and solar photovoltaics represent a small but rapidly expanding part of the larger clean economy.

The report also points to a growing share of private venture capital moving in this direction: 16 percent in 2010, from 2 percent in 1995.
Green Jobs Outnumber Fossil Fuel Jobs -- and Are Growing Steadily | GreenBiz.com

The report says that part of the intent of the research is to dispel some of the "speculation, assertion and partisanship" that have long surrounded debates about the green economy and green jobs.

And the findings solidly support the belief that building a green economy will be a panacea for our many economic and environmental challenges. From the report:

• The clean economy is manufacturing and export intensive. Roughly 26 percent of all clean economy jobs lie in manufacturing establishments, compared to just 9 percent in the broader economy.

• The clean economy offers more opportunities and better pay for low- and middle-skilled workers than the national economy as a whole.

• The clean economy permeates all of the nation's metropolitan areas, but it manifests itself in varied configurations.
In short, supporting the green economy can rebuild the domestic manufacturing base, create new jobs at all pay and experience levels, and take a bite out of our trade deficit -- each clean economy job exports $20,000 per year, compared to $10,000 for the economy's average. All while spurring improvements in and adoption of low-carbon technologies.
Home - Solar Jobs

Green jobs are real: U.S. solar employs more people than steel | Grist

People want to know: Are green jobs real? The answer is resoundingly "yes."

With roughly 93,500 direct and indirect jobs, the American solar industry now employs about 20,000 more workers than the U.S. steel production sector. The American steel industry has historically been a symbol of the country's industrial might and economic prosperity. But today, the solar industry has the potential to overtake that image as we build a new, clean-energy economy.

Last week, Germany's economic development agency announced similarly big news: There are now more than 100,000 workers employed in the German solar photovoltaic (PV) industry alone. Why is that so significant? The U.S. figures take into account solar jobs in PV, solar hot water, and concentrating solar power; Germany is only factoring in solar PV.

And as a reader over at Clean Technica observed: "The U.S. has about 312 million people while Germany has 82 million, about 25 percent as many people ... That makes the German solar industry more than four times as large an employer than U.S. steel based on country size."

A couple words of caution: These figures are comparing solar manufacturing, sales, and installation to steel production alone. If one were to factor in products made from steel, the industry would be up around 160,000 workers.

With that said, the solar industry is just getting started here in America. Solar is a high-growth industry with the potential to create millions more jobs in a diverse range of sectors; while still an extraordinarily important industry, steel is not.

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