Green energy fails. Check this out.
In summary:
Amazon electric vehicles seen charging in the snow All these vehicles are being charged by a huge diesel generator. The generator is on, you can hear it running providing the power

..... Not to mention the fact that most electric generation comes from the burning of coal and natural gas.

Wake up people. The "carbon" they want to reduce: IS YOU

Everything liberals do end up being for show and truly accomplishes NOTHING,


You lefties are clowns. 🤡 🤡 🤡
Fossil fuels are well over 60% of US ELECTRICITY.

Add Nukes and it is about 80%.

If we snapped our fingers and made every car in the US run on electric batteries, 80% of the energy production would STILL BE NON RENEWABLES, AND 60% STILL FOSSIL.

You libtards cannot do simple math.


How are we going to generate the electricity to charge 300,000,000 motor vehicles?

Three hundred million motor vehicles in the US.
In summary:
Amazon electric vehicles seen charging in the snow All these vehicles are being charged by a huge diesel generator. The generator is on, you can hear it running providing the power

..... Not to mention the fact that most electric generation comes from the burning of coal and natural gas.

Wake up people. The "carbon" they want to reduce: IS YOU

For a diesel engine powered generator to work properly they need to reach a certain coolant temperature of somewhere between 180 F. - 205 F. before charging starts. The smaller the battery, like the e-bike batteries the faster they charge just make sure U have fire proof drawers & leggings the next time U use the bike to avoid attending a wiener/marshmallow roasting;

Oh I almost forgot, if U plan on charging your e-bike battery in your apartment I'd avoid taking the elevator & use the stairwell as it may be a little bit more safe;

The above vid was a freak one time occurrence with the manufacturer guaranteeing the problem has been solved;

Obviously as from what we see in the above vids it's probably best to have an apartment on the main floor with a minimum of 2 exterior doors & preferably 3 exterior access doors & as many egress windows as possible just in case! Once plugged into the charger the problems with the batteries simply vanishes!

Where the e-bikes have had a few minor hitches as seen above the e-cars have not had any problems what so ever;

- YouTube

- YouTube

- YouTube

- YouTube

Or @ least the FORD EV's have not had issues;

- YouTube

- YouTube

Well if one is convinced that e-bikes & personal EV's are not safe one can always use public mass transit to get around in;

- YouTube

- YouTube

Small wonder why the Trump admin. wants to permanently defund the EPA & ban the green loonies. The old adage still rings true;

"The green machine, don't leave sanity without them!"
I heard China is winning when it comes to EV sales around the world. Europe, Mexico. And the guy who told me this is an engineer from Mexico who works in automotive. He says they're coming to the USA bet.

So the only American battery cars will be Tesla. Elon will love that.
Made in CHINA.

Elon Musk: Tesla to build new battery factory in Shanghai​

BBC › news › business-65228927

Apr 9, 2023 — Elon Musk's electric car company Tesla says it is expanding in China as it builds a new factory to make its large-scale batteries.
Where is the cable coming out of the generator? I agree that it makes no sense to drive electric/with subsidies. But there is no big fat cable coming out of the generator.
The cable is likely in the back side of the mobile generation vehicle, going to the switch rear (the big green box) behind the vehicle and then being distributed on the load side of the gear.
They are now fighting worse than when they couldn’t pick a speaker f the house. Remember that? Now it’s the racists vs the corporatists. I will post later an article from the 2000 where us liberals explain how the gop is split. Corporatists vs racists. Elon vs Bannon is a perfect example of what we were talking about.

Please do the Elon is president thingy next.
I really enjoy that one.
Please do the Elon is president thingy next.
I really enjoy that one.

The point is, Trump isn't going to run any illegals out of this country. He may pretend to down at the border but that was just the deal Biden was going to do. So the illegals remain here. And even the token ones you catch and deport, aren't going to raise your wages. That's engineered by the Feds and corporations. They don't want to pay you more. So Trump was just foolin ya dummy.
Fossil fuels are well over 60% of US ELECTRICITY.

Add Nukes and it is about 80%.

If we snapped our fingers and made every car in the US run on electric batteries, 80% of the energy production would STILL BE NON RENEWABLES, AND 60% STILL FOSSIL.

You libtards cannot do simple math.


How are we going to generate the electricity to charge 300,000,000 motor vehicles?

Three hundred million motor vehicles in the US.

The nation's grid couldn't handle it either

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