Great Advice from a former civil rights activist Bob Goodson

Robert Woodson is his name and he has never really advocated for civil rights.

He's 100% right in the first couple second ....then I pitterned off

malcolm was right "we can't stop stabbing and shooting each other "
I asked another leftwing idiot this ....they just go biden
How does so much systemic racism exist when goverment ,education, criminal justice system ,and corporations are busting at the seams with leftwing nazis, progressives ,and karens ?Plus most cities facing Burning Looting Murder have been democrat run for decades now ....

White liberals and blacks who cant keep from killing and robbing each other is the problem

the right wing suburban or rural white man has nothing to do with it
Even if he's sitting in his basement with a kkk hood on

Wake the fuck up darkies YOU'RE STILL Being bamboozled ....and stop killing each other

I was just reading black crime is way down over the last three years.? probably correlated with great employment numbers and trumps economy

Trump is the great white father denying it now

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