Grassroots Conservatives View DACA Amnesty as End of Road for GOP


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
READ MY LIPS. NO DACA: Breaking campaign promises to your base has been known to be fatal

Trump now seems almost irrelevant on Issue #1 (immigration). If Dems take Senate, either Pres. Biden will sign huge amnesty/more immig. bill or newly Schlappy Pres. Trump will sell out base & sign it. Everything hinges on Senate control, not WH race, no?
Moderates and conservatives need to quit pandering to the RNC anyway, their establishment is just as traitorous and anti-American as the DNC and just as fond of labor racketeering and killing off white proles to get all the bennies companies want here that they had in Red China, now that the Cadre over there has been upping the shakedown money. A huge wave of voters deserting them down ballot for some third party or indies would be nice; they've already ceded the country to the BLM scum and the big global corporations who love them, so all that is left is to force all the corruption on both sides out and make it so obvious they all drop to zero credibility and a real revolution can take place.
READ MY LIPS. NO DACA: Breaking campaign promises to your base has been known to be fatal

Trump now seems almost irrelevant on Issue #1 (immigration). If Dems take Senate, either Pres. Biden will sign huge amnesty/more immig. bill or newly Schlappy Pres. Trump will sell out base & sign it. Everything hinges on Senate control, not WH race, no?

Americans overwhelmingly support DACA. The base is irrelevant. If the base is all you have means Republicans will lose White House, Senate and House. DACA should receive strong support from Republicans as it is a Republican-type law. I have no doubt that Ronald Reagan would strongly support it.

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