If govt doesnt provide affordable HC for the un-insured, who will? Private HC system is not interested in and cannot afford to provide affordable HC for the un-insured. If they give affordable HC to the un-insured, they will not make a profit and the cannot stay in business without making big profits and in order to make big profits they have to ration healthcare. And we will not have Healthcare Reform but more of the same.
Govt should not aid and abet Private Healthcare system by giving people any kind of subsidies, cutting taxes or otherwise, to buy into Private Healthcare. If it is affordable, it cannot be profitable.
Healthcare for the un-insured can only be done by government control.
If Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, Veterans HC,etc is socialized government HC , so be it. Socialism, just like terrorist, is just a fear mongering word thrown out by Right Wing Nut to scare and control people and it is working. So if Government take over of the healthcare system. What do we already have?