Government and Millennial white males.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016

There is a dangerous demographic scourge afoot in the United States. American males in the Millennial generation and in particular white males, are failing to marry, get an adequate education, attain gainful employment and are suffering a shortened life expectancy. Millennial males, born between 1982 and 2004, have been swept up in the failed experimentation that took place beginning about 1964 with the War on Poverty coupled with the growth of government that began shortly after Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s ignored warning that replacing parenting with a benefit check would be a national disaster.

The social calamity of the War on Poverty began with an attempt to address the growing anarchy in US urban centers in the 1960’s marked by rioting, looting and violence. Moynihan, a trained sociologist, raised the alarm that paying females to raise children with no fathers would lead to a social catastrophe but academics and politicians were bent on expanding government.

This ill-advised and unwise social engineering destroyed conventional families and cast black males to the winds of societal irrelevancy condemning them to a miserable existence of street crime, drugs and prison. But bad policy has a way of spreading its tentacles like a disease and white Americans, specifically white males, were drawn into the social carnage implemented by the same inept intellectuals that clamor for a $15 an hour minimum wage today.

Today millions of Generation X households provide living space for a four-hundred-pound forty-year-old Maynard Crebs living in the basement, eating junk food, playing video games and smoking weed. What female would even want to associate with, let alone marry, a societal slug like that? We didn’t need Thomas Sowell’s “Intellectuals and Society” to alert us that tampering with a functioning society by “fixing” it with the same jack leg methodology that’s impoverished every socialist country since time began.

The US is a first world country yet the life expectancy is dropping from government-induced despair, mental illness and opioid addiction. These poor slobs are either going to commit suicide, drop dead or end up in nursing homes long before Baby boomers die of old age still on the job as grandparents trying to help support the poor souls.

As America fights to avoid the pall of socialism encroaching from the rat holes of modern academia what is their response? Legalize marijuana! That should help; at least we can make them comfortable before they die early.
And today, the very ones who destroyed the American family rend their clothes and scream to the sky that we separate families at the southern border.

Go figure.
1) For the good of the environment, the population needs to be thinned.

2) For the good of humanity, the gene pool needs to be cleansed.

3) If the boomers had not failed at parenting, Gen x would have done a better job with their kids, and

4) Whatever gives you comfort when your palpitating heart makes you afraid to go to sleep at night.

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And today, the very ones who destroyed the American family rend their clothes and scream to the sky that we separate families at the southern border.

Go figure.

Do you think they see the writing on the wall and are in the process of desperately trying to replace the demographic they destroyed with the poor from other countries?
And today, the very ones who destroyed the American family rend their clothes and scream to the sky that we separate families at the southern border.

Go figure.

Do you think they see the writing on the wall and are in the process of desperately trying to replace the demographic they destroyed with the poor from other countries?

No. I think they just want to increase their potential proletariat for their planned new utopia.
Why do so many miss the elephant in the room? The central government is colluding with big corporations for profit and not protecting the American people. They are screwing the American people.

There is a dangerous demographic scourge afoot in the United States. American males in the Millennial generation and in particular white males, are failing to marry, get an adequate education, attain gainful employment and are suffering a shortened life expectancy. Millennial males, born between 1982 and 2004, have been swept up in the failed experimentation that took place beginning about 1964 with the War on Poverty coupled with the growth of government that began shortly after Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s ignored warning that replacing parenting with a benefit check would be a national disaster.

The social calamity of the War on Poverty began with an attempt to address the growing anarchy in US urban centers in the 1960’s marked by rioting, looting and violence. Moynihan, a trained sociologist, raised the alarm that paying females to raise children with no fathers would lead to a social catastrophe but academics and politicians were bent on expanding government.

This ill-advised and unwise social engineering destroyed conventional families and cast black males to the winds of societal irrelevancy condemning them to a miserable existence of street crime, drugs and prison. But bad policy has a way of spreading its tentacles like a disease and white Americans, specifically white males, were drawn into the social carnage implemented by the same inept intellectuals that clamor for a $15 an hour minimum wage today.

Today millions of Generation X households provide living space for a four-hundred-pound forty-year-old Maynard Crebs living in the basement, eating junk food, playing video games and smoking weed. What female would even want to associate with, let alone marry, a societal slug like that? We didn’t need Thomas Sowell’s “Intellectuals and Society” to alert us that tampering with a functioning society by “fixing” it with the same jack leg methodology that’s impoverished every socialist country since time began.

The US is a first world country yet the life expectancy is dropping from government-induced despair, mental illness and opioid addiction. These poor slobs are either going to commit suicide, drop dead or end up in nursing homes long before Baby boomers die of old age still on the job as grandparents trying to help support the poor souls.

As America fights to avoid the pall of socialism encroaching from the rat holes of modern academia what is their response? Legalize marijuana! That should help; at least we can make them comfortable before they die early.
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Now many reading this know of someone who has a 30-something toddler living in their basement? What do you think is going to happen as the parents age are no longer able to care for a socialistically disabled adult child?

There is little doubt that white Millennial males are an outcropping of bad social engineering and legalizing marijuana is the proposed solution to an artificially created problem. This is going to result in a constellation of issues facing the nation. The health concerns alone could bankrupt the heath care system.

I Feel Sorry For Real Men In The Millennial Generation
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