Gov. Scott Walker: "I Don't Know Weather Obama Is A Christian ( Psss......Hey Scott....He's Not!)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
He's definitely not a Christian as his recent actions siding with Islam confirms and he's definitely not a true natural born Citizen with America's best interests in his heart. No Scott, Obama's actions indicate he's Muslim. He was allegedly sired by a Muslim Kenyan ( According to his fraudulent birth certificate) and as we all know the Muslim fathers religion is passed to the son. He sent to a Muslim school as a kid and his school record states his religion as Islam. And then we have this goody in the video below.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

EDIT: Should be 'Whether' in title.

Gov. Scott Walker I don t know whether Obama is a Christian - The Washington Post
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How many more threads you gonna post with this same asssinine shit?

Walker is nothing. He'll never get any further than where he is now because the Koch's won't buy the presidency for him.

Meanwhile that black guy you hate is still fighting for you.
Obama supports the muslim brotherhood and armed the ISIS.
Organized, Funded and Armed... PLUS! He murdered a US Ambassador, three other US Citizens, seriously wounded dozens more and lied to the US Public for MONTHS.. to conceal it.
Obama supports the muslim brotherhood and armed the ISIS.

You people are just plain stupid.

I am not stupid.


“I’ve actually never talked about it or I haven’t read about that,” Walker said, his voice calm and firm. “I’ve never asked him that,” he added. “You’ve asked me to make statements about people that I haven’t had a conversation with about that. How [could] I say if I know either of you are a Christian?”

Walker said such questions from reporters are reflective of a broader problem in the nation’s political-media culture, which he described as fixated on issues that are not relevant to most Americans.

“To me, this is a classic example of why people hate Washington and, increasingly, they dislike the press,” he said. “The things they care about don’t even remotely come close to what you’re asking about.”

If he keeps up with answers like this he will be tough to beat.
Yo, I would like a Constitution Candidate like Ted Cruz, who I think is the most American out of the bunch! But, if he is not the Candidate? Then I hope its Scott Walker, next American behind Cruz!!! Go Tea Party!!!
“Told that Obama has frequently spoken publicly about his Christian faith, Walker maintained that he was not aware of the president’s religion.”

Walker is either a liar or has lived under a rock for the last 7 years.

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