Gov. Abbott delivers first busload of migrants to NYC

Illegal immigrants work mostly in construction, cleaning, maintenance, food service, garment manufacturing, and agricultural occupations. California had about 6.7 million immigrant workers as of 2017, the most in the nation, which account for nearly a quarter of all U.S. immigrant workers. The state had 5.2 million legal immigrant workers (24% of all U.S. legal immigrant workers) and 1.5 million unauthorized immigrant workers (20% of all U.S. unauthorized immigrant workers). Texas had the next largest immigrant workforce, with 2.1 million legal immigrant workers and 1.1 million unauthorized immigrant workers.

Now, who will do all the low-wage dirty work that Americans are too lazy to do???
Illegal immigrants work mostly in construction, cleaning, maintenance, food service, garment manufacturing, and agricultural occupations. California had about 6.7 million immigrant workers as of 2017, the most in the nation, which account for nearly a quarter of all U.S. immigrant workers. The state had 5.2 million legal immigrant workers (24% of all U.S. legal immigrant workers) and 1.5 million unauthorized immigrant workers (20% of all U.S. unauthorized immigrant workers). Texas had the next largest immigrant workforce, with 2.1 million legal immigrant workers and 1.1 million unauthorized immigrant workers.

Now, who will do all the low-wage dirty work that Americans are too lazy to do???
In fact, immigrants help grow the economy by filling labor needs, purchasing goods and paying taxes. When more people work, productivity increases. And as an increasing number of Americans retire in coming years, immigrants will help fill labor demand and maintain the social safety net.
Illegal immigrants work mostly in construction, cleaning, maintenance, food service, garment manufacturing, and agricultural occupations. California had about 6.7 million immigrant workers as of 2017, the most in the nation, which account for nearly a quarter of all U.S. immigrant workers. The state had 5.2 million legal immigrant workers (24% of all U.S. legal immigrant workers) and 1.5 million unauthorized immigrant workers (20% of all U.S. unauthorized immigrant workers). Texas had the next largest immigrant workforce, with 2.1 million legal immigrant workers and 1.1 million unauthorized immigrant workers.

Now, who will do all the low-wage dirty work that Americans are too lazy to do???
Maybe, the homeless should be doing something productive.
Great job, Governor!
It's also important that the next president hire the employees (think IRS) needed to handle the volume of foreigners illegally entering this country and also round up those Democrats let in illegally and ship them back to where they belong.

If they want to come back they need to do so through the legal process.
There really isn't enough work for the illiterate and unskilled. There is no housing for them. They come here to be doomed. The women will be prostitutes, the men drug runners or cartel enforcers. We are importing the opposition army.
Not sure of the details.

But the folks on the bus are volunteers who got a free trip to NY.
If they are vacationers ,,,,wtf is New York putting them up in 7000$ per night exotic hotels ? My City around Detroit is FLOODED with illegals. Literally 50% of people in Walmarts are speaking Spanish when 2 yrs ago, you never saw a Mexican. AND THERE ARE MILLIONS OF AMERICANS HOMELESS SLEEPING ON THE STREETS. I guess the Democrats really do HATE AMERICANS ( many have drug problems).
If they are vacationers ,,,,wtf is New York putting them up in 7000$ per night exotic hotels ? My City around Detroit is FLOODED with illegals. Literally 50% of people in Walmarts are speaking Spanish when 2 yrs ago, you never saw a Mexican. AND THERE ARE MILLIONS OF AMERICANS HOMELESS SLEEPING ON THE STREETS. I guess the Democrats really do HATE AMERICANS ( many have drug problems).

I chuckle at your misery.
Maybe, the homeless should be doing something productive.
A homeless society we created? LMFAO. Maybe illegals should fix their own countries so the whole of them would benefit from it.

Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year – 8% of the estimated $250 billion United States illegal immigrant cost reported circa 2018. Texas, California and Arizona, have the most.
Send them to DC and other democratic states.
A homeless society we created? LMFAO. Maybe illegals should fix their own countries so the whole of them would benefit from it.

Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year – 8% of the estimated $250 billion United States illegal immigrant cost reported circa 2018. Texas, California and Arizona, have the most.
Send them to DC and other democratic states.
There are lots of factors that cause homelessness. People end up on the streets due to economic hardships, family issues, domestic violence, mental illness, or just plain lack of affordable housing. This means that most of us are just a divorce or one serious illness away from homelessness.Jun 27, 2021
A homeless society we created?
Speak for yourself. I didn't have a thing to do with creating the homeless. There is no excuse, especially in today's job market. You can't walk into a business that isn't begging for help. Wages are higher than they have ever been. Even McD's is paying $18/hr. The solution is a get tough policy that targets vagrancy. Activate the NG, walk through these encampments, arresting the occupants. Bulldoze the trash left behind and follow it with fire hoses spraying disinfectant. Put those arrested in tent enclosures ala Joe Arpaio and they will become productive.
Speak for yourself. I didn't have a thing to do with creating the homeless. There is no excuse, especially in today's job market. You can't walk into a business that isn't begging for help. Wages are higher than they have ever been. Even McD's is paying $18/hr. The solution is a get tough policy that targets vagrancy. Activate the NG, walk through these encampments, arresting the occupants. Bulldoze the trash left behind and follow it with fire hoses spraying disinfectant. Put those arrested in tent enclosures ala Joe Arpaio and they will become productive.
What part of mental illness do you not f**king understand??? Mental illness, in addition to adverse childhood experiences and substance use, are risk factors for homelessness. Although estimates of the prevalence of mental illness vary, studies looking at mental illness in the homeless population have generally found a high prevalence of mental disorders.
This man sleeping in my garden is obviously mentally ill and most like has worked and paid into the system that is now failing him but we can put illegal aliens up in hotels.?? Oh Hell No.
NYC could spend $300M annually to house migrants in hotels: analysis


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What part of mental illness do you not f**king understand??? Mental illness, in addition to adverse childhood experiences and substance use, are risk factors for homelessness. Although estimates of the prevalence of mental illness vary, studies looking at mental illness in the homeless population have generally found a high prevalence of mental disorders.
This man sleeping in my garden is obviously mentally ill and most like has worked and paid into the system that is now failing him but we can put illegal aliens up in hotels.?? Oh Hell No.
NYC could spend $300M annually to house migrants in hotels: analysis
Two-thirds of homeless Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in one major sample had posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) —
Two-thirds of homeless Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in one major sample had posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) —
The VA does a tremendous job of addressing veteran problems. As long as you are an enabler, these problems will grow. Do you think the veterans of today are the first to experience PTSD? Nope they aren't--they just have a fancier name that "shell shock." As long as our society enables these people to live the way they do, we will have the problem. Government is not designed to be your mommy, nor should it be. What was it Reagan said? "A government that can give you everything you want, will take everything you have." Welcome to communism.
The VA does a tremendous job of addressing veteran problems. As long as you are an enabler, these problems will grow. Do you think the veterans of today are the first to experience PTSD? Nope they aren't--they just have a fancier name that "shell shock." As long as our society enables these people to live the way they do, we will have the problem. Government is not designed to be your mommy, nor should it be. What was it Reagan said? "A government that can give you everything you want, will take everything you have." Welcome to communism.
And America takes care of its own? Load of bull s**t. Race, religion, nationality, or political opinion persecution are faced by many American citizens. When you pay into the system you should be able to depend on help from the system when it is needed. Americans need to cross the border then cross back illegally and claim illegal status and they would get help.

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