GOP's Fear Mongering Backfiring on GOP Leaders

Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

You are clearly delusional. Hillary has received more votes than Trump. And the Democratic convention was everything the Republican party hoped their convention could have been. And you are full of crap that the caucuses were rigged. Post some proof of it. That the DNC leaders showed some bias on e-mails does not translate to rigging any caucuses. Where do you come up with such crap?

Your party is so disjointed and the Republican leaders are trying to save it before buffoon Trump (who makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar) completely destroys it. But they aren't smart enough to figure out what to do. Now they are plotting to dump him, even at this late date and it is not going to go in their favor. Trump isn't going to win, but he is going to destroy the Republican party either way.

"You are clearly delusional. Hillary has received more votes than Trump. And the Democratic convention was everything the Republican party hoped their convention could have been"

Actually, no one knows how many votes Hitlery ACTUALLY got because as we have all learned is that the vote totals were compromised. As far as the convention goes? They had to hire people to come sit in the seats after Sanders supporters walked out so they could protest outside the convention but if you want to call that a "blue ribbon day" for leftards? Be my guest and this was right on the heels of Bill ":drop trou" meeting with Lorretta Lynch privately while her staff waited on the tarmac just before Comey declared that "yeah, she did mishandled sensitive security documents with an unsecured server and she was less than forthcoming with ALL her e-mails but no charges will be filed" . Anyone that can look at that and not see how the fix was in is utterly stupid, deaf AND dumb.

No votes were compromised. You're the one that mouths off and never posts any proof.....just like Trump, lying is your best asset. Please post some proof that votes were compromised, otherwise I'll just regard your comment as more BS from the lying "right-wing-for-Trump-brigade".

"And you are full of crap that the caucuses were rigged. Post some proof of it"

Two words..... "Super delegates"....nuff said.
That's not proof...just your own conjecture. Super delegates have been there way before the primaries began and Bernie Sanders is one, no, you can't dismiss your fat lie with that answer. They voted for who they wanted, that's legitimate. Sanders tried to convince them to change, they didn't, so you're grossly mistaken and have no proof to back up your bs.

"That the DNC leaders showed some bias on e-mails does not translate to rigging any caucuses. Where do you come up with such crap?"

Showed some bias????? That's like saying you can buy a few things at Wal-Mart. They were plotting against Sanders and were trying to come up with strategies to hurt him....I thought they were on the same side and it was about "may the best man or woman win"?
They may have been discussing ways to derail Sanders but those ideas never came to fruition....just written words. Again, show some proof how they affected votes if voters didn't even know about the e-mails until after the primaries were over. You can't can you?

"Your party is so disjointed and the Republican leaders are trying to save it before buffoon Trump (who makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar) completely destroys it. But they aren't smart enough to figure out what to do. Now they are plotting to dump him, even at this late date and it is not going to go in their favor. Trump isn't going to win, but he is going to destroy the Republican party either way."

I do not participate in elections because I am not a U.S citizen and thus no longer under the UCC because I reclaimed my birthright so now I am simply an American. I know that elections are nothing but theater and that a "shadow government" has been calling the shots since the Federal Reserve Act was illegally passed in 1913. The last president that tried to do right by us was JFK and he was murdered for doing so. Since that coup de'etat, the "establishment" has made sure that whichever candidate is selected is "on board" with their agenda. I will say that if I had to vote, I would pick Trump over the Hitlkery simply because he has hacked off the establishment puppets on both sides of the aisle and Trump has said things (as did Sanders) that needed to be said but cultural marxism is still doing it's dirty work of keeping people from saying what they are seeing...fuck 'em...I will never stop speaking my mind and if someone is insulted? They can get over it ....or not.....

You're not even a US citizen? 'Nuf have no say so in this election. You can post all the bs that you has no meaning because you really don't even count.

While I have no use for the neocons, I especially despise the Fabian socialist left that are really communists at heart. They would cheer the fact that non-commies were sent off to "re-education camps" or simply eradicated....because that is what commies are all about. Do you get the message that I am sending?

I have one word for you......"LEAVE". If you don't like our country nobody is forcing you to remain. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Your message/s don't count....get it? You're of no relevance.

I'm not talking about Trump supporters....we know they are too ignorant to figure out how badly Trump would destroy the country....I'm talking about the leaders you used to worship.
Who did I used to worship, O Wise One of the Internets?

Don't act know you voted for Doofus.
As for rigging the elections, there is a good reason they're desperate to strike down all the Voter ID laws; they're going to be bussing criminal illegal aliens and emtpying out the homeless shelters come election day, and the poll watchers are going to be mostly Establishment suckups, on both sides of the aisles.

:badgrin: And you have some proof of this or did you hear it on Faux News?
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
Hopeless optimism, the cover for those wishing to deny the absolute pessimism of realty. How naive you liberals are.

Really? My OP is hopeless optimism? You're the one that is hopelessly optimistic if you are supporting Trump. He's getting a I would say that you're the naive one.
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

You are clearly delusional. Hillary has received more votes than Trump. And the Democratic convention was everything the Republican party hoped their convention could have been. And you are full of crap that the caucuses were rigged. Post some proof of it. That the DNC leaders showed some bias on e-mails does not translate to rigging any caucuses. Where do you come up with such crap?

Your party is so disjointed and the Republican leaders are trying to save it before buffoon Trump (who makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar) completely destroys it. But they aren't smart enough to figure out what to do. Now they are plotting to dump him, even at this late date and it is not going to go in their favor. Trump isn't going to win, but he is going to destroy the Republican party either way.

"You are clearly delusional. Hillary has received more votes than Trump. And the Democratic convention was everything the Republican party hoped their convention could have been"

Actually, no one knows how many votes Hitlery ACTUALLY got because as we have all learned is that the vote totals were compromised. As far as the convention goes? They had to hire people to come sit in the seats after Sanders supporters walked out so they could protest outside the convention but if you want to call that a "blue ribbon day" for leftards? Be my guest and this was right on the heels of Bill ":drop trou" meeting with Lorretta Lynch privately while her staff waited on the tarmac just before Comey declared that "yeah, she did mishandled sensitive security documents with an unsecured server and she was less than forthcoming with ALL her e-mails but no charges will be filed" . Anyone that can look at that and not see how the fix was in is utterly stupid, deaf AND dumb.

No votes were compromised. You're the one that mouths off and never posts any proof.....just like Trump, lying is your best asset. Please post some proof that votes were compromised, otherwise I'll just regard your comment as more BS from the lying "right-wing-for-Trump-brigade".

"And you are full of crap that the caucuses were rigged. Post some proof of it"

Two words..... "Super delegates"....nuff said.
That's not proof...just your own conjecture. Super delegates have been there way before the primaries began and Bernie Sanders is one, no, you can't dismiss your fat lie with that answer. They voted for who they wanted, that's legitimate. Sanders tried to convince them to change, they didn't, so you're grossly mistaken and have no proof to back up your bs.

"That the DNC leaders showed some bias on e-mails does not translate to rigging any caucuses. Where do you come up with such crap?"

Showed some bias????? That's like saying you can buy a few things at Wal-Mart. They were plotting against Sanders and were trying to come up with strategies to hurt him....I thought they were on the same side and it was about "may the best man or woman win"?
They may have been discussing ways to derail Sanders but those ideas never came to fruition....just written words. Again, show some proof how they affected votes if voters didn't even know about the e-mails until after the primaries were over. You can't can you?

"Your party is so disjointed and the Republican leaders are trying to save it before buffoon Trump (who makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar) completely destroys it. But they aren't smart enough to figure out what to do. Now they are plotting to dump him, even at this late date and it is not going to go in their favor. Trump isn't going to win, but he is going to destroy the Republican party either way."

I do not participate in elections because I am not a U.S citizen and thus no longer under the UCC because I reclaimed my birthright so now I am simply an American. I know that elections are nothing but theater and that a "shadow government" has been calling the shots since the Federal Reserve Act was illegally passed in 1913. The last president that tried to do right by us was JFK and he was murdered for doing so. Since that coup de'etat, the "establishment" has made sure that whichever candidate is selected is "on board" with their agenda. I will say that if I had to vote, I would pick Trump over the Hitlkery simply because he has hacked off the establishment puppets on both sides of the aisle and Trump has said things (as did Sanders) that needed to be said but cultural marxism is still doing it's dirty work of keeping people from saying what they are seeing...fuck 'em...I will never stop speaking my mind and if someone is insulted? They can get over it ....or not.....

You're not even a US citizen? 'Nuf have no say so in this election. You can post all the bs that you has no meaning because you really don't even count.

While I have no use for the neocons, I especially despise the Fabian socialist left that are really communists at heart. They would cheer the fact that non-commies were sent off to "re-education camps" or simply eradicated....because that is what commies are all about. Do you get the message that I am sending?

I have one word for you......"LEAVE". If you don't like our country nobody is forcing you to remain. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Your message/s don't count....get it? You're of no relevance.

I know more than you and I write the truth regardless of how it might offend people from either bought and paid for political party. I am an American and I opted out of the UCC that defined me as a U.S citizen (this pledging allegiance to the city/state corporate entity that is Washington D.C headquarters of USA.INC via the Act of 1871) by reclaiming my all caps strawman that was created with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper. Due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933, all future citizens became surety/collateral on the debt. Under the UCC, anything can be monetized and used as a negotiable instrument. A collateral trust/account was created with your all-caps strawman and when you sign up for a Social Security card, you make "da gubermint" the trustee of that situs trust. I will do whatever I want and I don't need your permission or advice to do a damn thing. Are we clear on that? I will keep on sharing the things I know due to thousands upon thousands of hours of research and reading that I do anywhere from 8 to 14 hours a day. I have woken up HUNDREDS of people over the last four years and in turn they have shared their knowledge as well. We don't want communism, we don't want socialism and we don't need a central bank owned by international bankers to "manage" our currency while charging us usury for fiat money created from nothing. We don't believe that the government should be a "for profit" entity that is owned by the same banking oligarchs that own the Federal see, I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere child.

Hope this helps!!!
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
Hopeless optimism, the cover for those wishing to deny the absolute pessimism of realty. How naive you liberals are.

Really? My OP is hopeless optimism? You're the one that is hopelessly optimistic if you are supporting Trump. He's getting a I would say that you're the naive one.
Pretty lame tu quoque argument.
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
Hopeless optimism, the cover for those wishing to deny the absolute pessimism of realty. How naive you liberals are.

Really? My OP is hopeless optimism? You're the one that is hopelessly optimistic if you are supporting Trump. He's getting a I would say that you're the naive one.
Pretty lame tu quoque argument.

That's your best effort to explain your bs? :badgrin:
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
Hopeless optimism, the cover for those wishing to deny the absolute pessimism of realty. How naive you liberals are.

Really? My OP is hopeless optimism? You're the one that is hopelessly optimistic if you are supporting Trump. He's getting a I would say that you're the naive one.
Pretty lame tu quoque argument.

That's your best effort to explain your bs? :badgrin:
You calling it "bs" only makes my point.

Shove off.
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

You are clearly delusional. Hillary has received more votes than Trump. And the Democratic convention was everything the Republican party hoped their convention could have been. And you are full of crap that the caucuses were rigged. Post some proof of it. That the DNC leaders showed some bias on e-mails does not translate to rigging any caucuses. Where do you come up with such crap?

Your party is so disjointed and the Republican leaders are trying to save it before buffoon Trump (who makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar) completely destroys it. But they aren't smart enough to figure out what to do. Now they are plotting to dump him, even at this late date and it is not going to go in their favor. Trump isn't going to win, but he is going to destroy the Republican party either way.

"You are clearly delusional. Hillary has received more votes than Trump. And the Democratic convention was everything the Republican party hoped their convention could have been"

Actually, no one knows how many votes Hitlery ACTUALLY got because as we have all learned is that the vote totals were compromised. As far as the convention goes? They had to hire people to come sit in the seats after Sanders supporters walked out so they could protest outside the convention but if you want to call that a "blue ribbon day" for leftards? Be my guest and this was right on the heels of Bill ":drop trou" meeting with Lorretta Lynch privately while her staff waited on the tarmac just before Comey declared that "yeah, she did mishandled sensitive security documents with an unsecured server and she was less than forthcoming with ALL her e-mails but no charges will be filed" . Anyone that can look at that and not see how the fix was in is utterly stupid, deaf AND dumb.

No votes were compromised. You're the one that mouths off and never posts any proof.....just like Trump, lying is your best asset. Please post some proof that votes were compromised, otherwise I'll just regard your comment as more BS from the lying "right-wing-for-Trump-brigade".

"And you are full of crap that the caucuses were rigged. Post some proof of it"

Two words..... "Super delegates"....nuff said.
That's not proof...just your own conjecture. Super delegates have been there way before the primaries began and Bernie Sanders is one, no, you can't dismiss your fat lie with that answer. They voted for who they wanted, that's legitimate. Sanders tried to convince them to change, they didn't, so you're grossly mistaken and have no proof to back up your bs.

"That the DNC leaders showed some bias on e-mails does not translate to rigging any caucuses. Where do you come up with such crap?"

Showed some bias????? That's like saying you can buy a few things at Wal-Mart. They were plotting against Sanders and were trying to come up with strategies to hurt him....I thought they were on the same side and it was about "may the best man or woman win"?
They may have been discussing ways to derail Sanders but those ideas never came to fruition....just written words. Again, show some proof how they affected votes if voters didn't even know about the e-mails until after the primaries were over. You can't can you?

"Your party is so disjointed and the Republican leaders are trying to save it before buffoon Trump (who makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar) completely destroys it. But they aren't smart enough to figure out what to do. Now they are plotting to dump him, even at this late date and it is not going to go in their favor. Trump isn't going to win, but he is going to destroy the Republican party either way."

I do not participate in elections because I am not a U.S citizen and thus no longer under the UCC because I reclaimed my birthright so now I am simply an American. I know that elections are nothing but theater and that a "shadow government" has been calling the shots since the Federal Reserve Act was illegally passed in 1913. The last president that tried to do right by us was JFK and he was murdered for doing so. Since that coup de'etat, the "establishment" has made sure that whichever candidate is selected is "on board" with their agenda. I will say that if I had to vote, I would pick Trump over the Hitlkery simply because he has hacked off the establishment puppets on both sides of the aisle and Trump has said things (as did Sanders) that needed to be said but cultural marxism is still doing it's dirty work of keeping people from saying what they are seeing...fuck 'em...I will never stop speaking my mind and if someone is insulted? They can get over it ....or not.....

You're not even a US citizen? 'Nuf have no say so in this election. You can post all the bs that you has no meaning because you really don't even count.

While I have no use for the neocons, I especially despise the Fabian socialist left that are really communists at heart. They would cheer the fact that non-commies were sent off to "re-education camps" or simply eradicated....because that is what commies are all about. Do you get the message that I am sending?

I have one word for you......"LEAVE". If you don't like our country nobody is forcing you to remain. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Your message/s don't count....get it? You're of no relevance.

I know more than you and I write the truth regardless of how it might offend people from either bought and paid for political party. I am an American and I opted out of the UCC that defined me as a U.S citizen (this pledging allegiance to the city/state corporate entity that is Washington D.C headquarters of USA.INC via the Act of 1871) by reclaiming my all caps strawman that was created with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper. Due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933, all future citizens became surety/collateral on the debt. Under the UCC, anything can be monetized and used as a negotiable instrument. A collateral trust/account was created with your all-caps strawman and when you sign up for a Social Security card, you make "da gubermint" the trustee of that situs trust. I will do whatever I want and I don't need your permission or advice to do a damn thing. Are we clear on that? I will keep on sharing the things I know due to thousands upon thousands of hours of research and reading that I do anywhere from 8 to 14 hours a day. I have woken up HUNDREDS of people over the last four years and in turn they have shared their knowledge as well. We don't want communism, we don't want socialism and we don't need a central bank owned by international bankers to "manage" our currency while charging us usury for fiat money created from nothing. We don't believe that the government should be a "for profit" entity that is owned by the same banking oligarchs that own the Federal see, I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere child.

Hope this helps!!!

Blah, blah, blah. You can continue to share whatever the hell you want....what I'm telling you is that if you are not a U S Citizen, all you have is words. You can't vote, so your opinion is of no relevance. And, no, you don't know more than I do....because you are obviously a Trump supporter and they are mostly blue-collar uneducated sort. Thanks for playing.
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
Hopeless optimism, the cover for those wishing to deny the absolute pessimism of realty. How naive you liberals are.

Really? My OP is hopeless optimism? You're the one that is hopelessly optimistic if you are supporting Trump. He's getting a I would say that you're the naive one.
Pretty lame tu quoque argument.

That's your best effort to explain your bs? :badgrin:
You calling it "bs" only makes my point.

Shove off.

Still can't come up with an explanation for your gibberish? I'm not surprised. Maybe you need to shove off.
Mertex I do not have or affiliate with any party. :) Honestly they all disgust me.

The way you came to Trump's defense made me think you were a Trump supporter. Thanks for not voting for Trump...:)
Mertex I do not have or affiliate with any party. :) Honestly they all disgust me.

The way you came to Trump's defense made me think you were a Trump supporter. Thanks for not voting for Trump...:)

LOL I am not sure there is going to be anyone left to vote for at all.

Do you have some inside information you're not sharing? Are both Trump and Hillary going to die?:confused-84:
Mertex I do not have or affiliate with any party. :) Honestly they all disgust me.

The way you came to Trump's defense made me think you were a Trump supporter. Thanks for not voting for Trump...:)

LOL I am not sure there is going to be anyone left to vote for at all.

Do you have some inside information you're not sharing? Are both Trump and Hillary going to die?:confused-84:

LOL Who knows. Was in some other threads this evening, and it appears that Hillary may have some physical issues. I am sure you will see what I mean. And then Trump may be ousted.
Mertex I do not have or affiliate with any party. :) Honestly they all disgust me.

The way you came to Trump's defense made me think you were a Trump supporter. Thanks for not voting for Trump...:)

LOL I am not sure there is going to be anyone left to vote for at all.

Do you have some inside information you're not sharing? Are both Trump and Hillary going to die?:confused-84:

LOL Who knows. Was in some other threads this evening, and it appears that Hillary may have some physical issues. I am sure you will see what I mean. And then Trump may be ousted.

I'm sure if Hillary had some physical issues that would potentially take her out of the running it would be "breaking news" - at least at Faux News....maybe it is, I just don't watch Faux, so I don't see what you mean. And Trump may very well drop out....he can't be ousted, because Republican establishment knows that it would be a "Yuge" mistake to take him out, but they may be trying to get him to drop out, with so many Republican leaders coming out and vowing they will not support him, he may get fed up and being that the polls show him losing badly, he may very well drop out.
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

You are clearly delusional. Hillary has received more votes than Trump. And the Democratic convention was everything the Republican party hoped their convention could have been. And you are full of crap that the caucuses were rigged. Post some proof of it. That the DNC leaders showed some bias on e-mails does not translate to rigging any caucuses. Where do you come up with such crap?

Your party is so disjointed and the Republican leaders are trying to save it before buffoon Trump (who makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar) completely destroys it. But they aren't smart enough to figure out what to do. Now they are plotting to dump him, even at this late date and it is not going to go in their favor. Trump isn't going to win, but he is going to destroy the Republican party either way.

"You are clearly delusional. Hillary has received more votes than Trump. And the Democratic convention was everything the Republican party hoped their convention could have been"

Actually, no one knows how many votes Hitlery ACTUALLY got because as we have all learned is that the vote totals were compromised. As far as the convention goes? They had to hire people to come sit in the seats after Sanders supporters walked out so they could protest outside the convention but if you want to call that a "blue ribbon day" for leftards? Be my guest and this was right on the heels of Bill ":drop trou" meeting with Lorretta Lynch privately while her staff waited on the tarmac just before Comey declared that "yeah, she did mishandled sensitive security documents with an unsecured server and she was less than forthcoming with ALL her e-mails but no charges will be filed" . Anyone that can look at that and not see how the fix was in is utterly stupid, deaf AND dumb.

No votes were compromised. You're the one that mouths off and never posts any proof.....just like Trump, lying is your best asset. Please post some proof that votes were compromised, otherwise I'll just regard your comment as more BS from the lying "right-wing-for-Trump-brigade".

"And you are full of crap that the caucuses were rigged. Post some proof of it"

Two words..... "Super delegates"....nuff said.
That's not proof...just your own conjecture. Super delegates have been there way before the primaries began and Bernie Sanders is one, no, you can't dismiss your fat lie with that answer. They voted for who they wanted, that's legitimate. Sanders tried to convince them to change, they didn't, so you're grossly mistaken and have no proof to back up your bs.

"That the DNC leaders showed some bias on e-mails does not translate to rigging any caucuses. Where do you come up with such crap?"

Showed some bias????? That's like saying you can buy a few things at Wal-Mart. They were plotting against Sanders and were trying to come up with strategies to hurt him....I thought they were on the same side and it was about "may the best man or woman win"?
They may have been discussing ways to derail Sanders but those ideas never came to fruition....just written words. Again, show some proof how they affected votes if voters didn't even know about the e-mails until after the primaries were over. You can't can you?

"Your party is so disjointed and the Republican leaders are trying to save it before buffoon Trump (who makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar) completely destroys it. But they aren't smart enough to figure out what to do. Now they are plotting to dump him, even at this late date and it is not going to go in their favor. Trump isn't going to win, but he is going to destroy the Republican party either way."

I do not participate in elections because I am not a U.S citizen and thus no longer under the UCC because I reclaimed my birthright so now I am simply an American. I know that elections are nothing but theater and that a "shadow government" has been calling the shots since the Federal Reserve Act was illegally passed in 1913. The last president that tried to do right by us was JFK and he was murdered for doing so. Since that coup de'etat, the "establishment" has made sure that whichever candidate is selected is "on board" with their agenda. I will say that if I had to vote, I would pick Trump over the Hitlkery simply because he has hacked off the establishment puppets on both sides of the aisle and Trump has said things (as did Sanders) that needed to be said but cultural marxism is still doing it's dirty work of keeping people from saying what they are seeing...fuck 'em...I will never stop speaking my mind and if someone is insulted? They can get over it ....or not.....

You're not even a US citizen? 'Nuf have no say so in this election. You can post all the bs that you has no meaning because you really don't even count.

While I have no use for the neocons, I especially despise the Fabian socialist left that are really communists at heart. They would cheer the fact that non-commies were sent off to "re-education camps" or simply eradicated....because that is what commies are all about. Do you get the message that I am sending?

I have one word for you......"LEAVE". If you don't like our country nobody is forcing you to remain. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Your message/s don't count....get it? You're of no relevance.

I know more than you and I write the truth regardless of how it might offend people from either bought and paid for political party. I am an American and I opted out of the UCC that defined me as a U.S citizen (this pledging allegiance to the city/state corporate entity that is Washington D.C headquarters of USA.INC via the Act of 1871) by reclaiming my all caps strawman that was created with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper. Due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933, all future citizens became surety/collateral on the debt. Under the UCC, anything can be monetized and used as a negotiable instrument. A collateral trust/account was created with your all-caps strawman and when you sign up for a Social Security card, you make "da gubermint" the trustee of that situs trust. I will do whatever I want and I don't need your permission or advice to do a damn thing. Are we clear on that? I will keep on sharing the things I know due to thousands upon thousands of hours of research and reading that I do anywhere from 8 to 14 hours a day. I have woken up HUNDREDS of people over the last four years and in turn they have shared their knowledge as well. We don't want communism, we don't want socialism and we don't need a central bank owned by international bankers to "manage" our currency while charging us usury for fiat money created from nothing. We don't believe that the government should be a "for profit" entity that is owned by the same banking oligarchs that own the Federal see, I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere child.

Hope this helps!!!

Blah, blah, blah. You can continue to share whatever the hell you want....what I'm telling you is that if you are not a U S Citizen, all you have is words. You can't vote, so your opinion is of no relevance. And, no, you don't know more than I do....because you are obviously a Trump supporter and they are mostly blue-collar uneducated sort. Thanks for playing.

I don't need your permission to share, dip shit. Being a U.S citizen is second class citizenship but you will have to find that out on your own. All you are doing is voting for the next CEO of USA.INC whose two candidates were picked for you by your owners. When JFK was murdered, the coup-de'etat was completed and to avoid any complications that a candidate would stay from the reservation, they make sure that their people are put in place. You are merely given the illusion that your puny little vote matters. Diebold machines have back-doored software that can change the results of an election simply by hooking up voting machines via the internet. and no one is the wiser because there is no paper trail and there is no way to see the results of the ballot you electronically cast. I am more educated than you are and I'm indefinitely more informed than you are.
You look down on blue collar workers? Do tell? BTW, I watched the leftard clown posse at both conventions...the ones protesting the RNC and the ones protesting AND attending the DNC. I was less than impressed with their alleged intellect.....even less impressed than I am with your fool-fueled, purse swinging rants. (snicker)

Hope this helps!
Hopeless optimism, the cover for those wishing to deny the absolute pessimism of realty. How naive you liberals are.

Really? My OP is hopeless optimism? You're the one that is hopelessly optimistic if you are supporting Trump. He's getting a I would say that you're the naive one.
Pretty lame tu quoque argument.

That's your best effort to explain your bs? :badgrin:
You calling it "bs" only makes my point.

Shove off.

Still can't come up with an explanation for your gibberish? I'm not surprised. Maybe you need to shove off.
Lol. Jibberish.

You are using a false narrative of hope and optimism to blind millions of people into ignoring the harsh, cold pessimistic reality of our world as it is now, and into believing that none of the issues of the reality facing them are actual issues. You tell them there's nothing to be afraid of. Such an attitude is dangerous.

That's what you liberals do. Shield people from reality. Hoping to assuage fear by masking it with threads like this. The state of our world isn't all hope and cheer.
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I'm not talking about Trump supporters....we know they are too ignorant to figure out how badly Trump would destroy the country....I'm talking about the leaders you used to worship.
Who did I used to worship, O Wise One of the Internets?

Don't act know you voted for Doofus.
Voting is worshiping? How did you get to be a such an ugly cvnt?
Mertex I do not have or affiliate with any party. :) Honestly they all disgust me.

The way you came to Trump's defense made me think you were a Trump supporter. Thanks for not voting for Trump...:)

LOL I am not sure there is going to be anyone left to vote for at all.

Do you have some inside information you're not sharing? Are both Trump and Hillary going to die?:confused-84:

LOL Who knows. Was in some other threads this evening, and it appears that Hillary may have some physical issues. I am sure you will see what I mean. And then Trump may be ousted.

I'm sure if Hillary had some physical issues that would potentially take her out of the running it would be "breaking news" - at least at Faux News....maybe it is, I just don't watch Faux, so I don't see what you mean. And Trump may very well drop out....he can't be ousted, because Republican establishment knows that it would be a "Yuge" mistake to take him out, but they may be trying to get him to drop out, with so many Republican leaders coming out and vowing they will not support him, he may get fed up and being that the polls show him losing badly, he may very well drop out.
For your morning watching pleasure. (I predicted the old bull dycke would have top drop out for health reasons a few months ago.)

It's OVER for her!
There really is a GOD!
You better dust off one off Biden's old campaign buttons asshole!

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