GOPers Lack Critical Thinking Skills - here's why

The art of making one liners sound really intelligent, Like I do constantly, takes time

keep working on it, you are a long ways away, but who knows, maybe someday

Do you honestly think your trolling sounds intelligent?

(Hint: 4 red stars...)

Oh shit, you're up to 5, don't think I've ever seen that before.... Dude, I think you may be the most disrespected and reviled poster in the history of USMB.

You must be so proud, down their under your bridge.....
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ahh, buford too stupid to understand the little pictures?

Pictures are often valuable propganda tools. Did you wish to discuss your propaganda?

YOu dont understand what propaganda is, son.

You really dont, and the reason you dont is you have been fed it for so long by fox and limpdick, that you are completely brainwashed.

seriously, I am not trying to be hyperbolic now or insulting, i am being dead serious

"You're stupid."

"No, YOU'RE stupid."

We have a long way to go, gang.


And unfortunately, when you allow pure hateful individuals like ConzHatz onto your board, you are never going to get anywhere, or anything accomplished but back and forth spew.
And unfortunately, when you allow pure hateful individuals like ConzHatz onto your board, you are never going to get anywhere, or anything accomplished but back and forth spew.

Conz hurts the left more than anything we say.

He's like Lakhota and Truthmatters all wrapped in a soiled pampers....

We all get into it, but this guy does indeed just make us all more divided than ever, and he does give his side a big stain.
This thread is typical of liberals. Always making claims of the inferiority of anyone who thinks differently than they do.


We Liberals are Critical thinkers often arriving at the exact same conclusion at the exact same time

We Liberals are Critical thinkers often arriving at the exact same conclusion at the exact same time

We Liberals are Critical thinkers often arriving at the exact same conclusion at the exact same time

Guys? If we all arrive at the same thought at the same time doesn't that sound more like collectivist, hivemind type thinking?



We Liberals are Critical thinkers often arriving at the exact same conclusion at the exact same time

We Liberals are Critical thinkers often arriving at the exact same conclusion at the exact same time

We Liberals are Critical thinkers often arriving at the exact same conclusion at the exact same time

We Liberals are Critical thinkers often arriving at the exact same conclusion at the exact same time

LOL! Read my sig! Repubs always vote in lockstep but dems arrive at the same conclusion? Sure they do...except there is only lockstep voting done and it's by your party. But dont let facts get in the way.

That made no sense. You're just flailing and using buzzwords. And you didn't answer my question. Critical thinking is the most important kind of cognitive thought we can do as humans. To prevent it from being taught in schools is completely damaging to education as a whole.

I don't generalize anything. Higher education has been turned into "elitism" by your side of the aisle, buddy. So much so that you call it suppressing thought to be taught how to fucking EVALUATE something. If you don't want to be considered dumb, stupid, or ignorant, quit treating academia like it's some kind of horrible monster trying to rip your child's spirituality out from underneath them, or that it's trying to subvert the Conservative ideals you've tried so hard to indoctrinate your children with.

I don't prevent critical thinking at all, I encourage it. On your side of the Aisle, however it is measured by the numbers thrown under the bus, why is that? Why are Conservative Students so timid about questioning Wacko Left Wing Nut Job Professors?

You really think that happens a lot, don't you? When did you attend college? When I went, there was no massive Liberal wing of the professors. Professors teach; they don't preach. You're drinking way too much of the Kool-Aid Rush and Glenn serve, methinks.

WOW......I dont believe you went to college then. No fucking way you did. Look at the 88 professors that attacked the Duke Lacross players, that was pure hate and ideology, that had nothing to do with the facts of the do I know this, they have NEVER appologized to them, so dont be a dumass
What exactly is brainwashing about learning how to critically analyze things? Jesus, this thread is depressing and enlightening. No wonder the Tea Bag Party seems so are.
We dint trust liberals, they dont brainwash, they just teach globalwarming is true and gYs arw normal and they dint like peiple who think differently, ie have critical thinking skills

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

So you don't like your kids learning the truth then. Okay. Should've said that at the beginning; would've saved us a whole lot of time.

Conservatives: A bunch of people who believe a virgin gave birth to the son of God but who don't believe man can have enough impact on Earth to force climate change.

Yeah, humans had a such a huge part of the Earth's cycle, the Earth never gets warmer or colder on it's own....oh by the way, what IS the tempature supposed to be? I'm just curious.

And if you think being gay is normal, then I bet you've tried it, havent you? I mean why not?
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

Yeah, that sounds like the lefts SOP.

They make fun of Christianity, yet they think the Universe just blew up outta nowhere. It just happened. Everything just kinda happened, except Earth's tempature changes, that's all controlled by humans
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?

As a state that should be their right (to teach their kids what they want).

What is the issue ?

You don't like what they want to teach ?

Don't move to Texas.

I guess kids need schools to teach them this too. After all, under liberal policy rule, the kids really don't have much in the way of active parents anymore.[/QUOTE]

I do not like this answer in part since I live in California which has authorized homosexual education. I would hate for someone to tell me that if i don't like this teaching I should leave the state. I think parents have a right to complain and try to change things.
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?

but but but...thats different. He obviously means it's wrong when liberals do it...only
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?
Clintoon signed DOMA...USAPATRIOT act passed the Senate 98-1 on its original vote and the DEMOCRAT controlled congress reauthorized it.

You lose.
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?
Whats wrong with the defense of marriage act? and please tell me what is YOUR definition of marriage?

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