GOP Train Crash Was ‘Deep State’ Assassination Attempt


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The story claims this comes from a White House "source." From QAnon?

According to QAnon, the White House staffer who has predicted the future with remarkable accuracy in the last two months, the Deep State is running scared and attempting to cover its tracks. Senior FBI and high-level Obama-era officials are set to be directly implicated in prosecutable offenses.

Was this really a Deep State event to delay or deter the release of the FISA memo? Story @ White House: GOP Train Crash Was ‘Deep State’ Assassination Attempt

Republican Train Crash in Virginia Leaves Questions
This "accident" occurred a day after Trump's State of the Union Speech, three months after a left-leaning gunman opened fire on a right-leaning country concert in Law Vegas, and seven months after a gunman opened fire on members of the GOP at a congressional baseball practice. The news media is blaming the infrastructure and rash of railroad crossing accidents that have emerged over the last few decades.

I don't believe it was an accident.

Neither do I.

More @ Political Pistachio: Republican Train Crash in Virginia Leaves Questions

Conspiracy theorists are already making wild claims about the Amtrak train full of Republican lawmakers that collided with a truck in Virginia @ Conspiracy theorists are already making wild claims about the Amtrak train full of Republican lawmakers that collided with a truck in Virginia
The closer Mueller gets to Trump, the more hysteric the attacks on the FBI, Mueller and our intelligence services will become.

They're in panic mode.
Then the accident last year when Dems were headed to a retreat on a bus must have been, too. Lol

The story claims this comes from a White House "source." From QAnon?

According to QAnon, the White House staffer who has predicted the future with remarkable accuracy in the last two months, the Deep State is running scared and attempting to cover its tracks. Senior FBI and high-level Obama-era officials are set to be directly implicated in prosecutable offenses.

Was this really a Deep State event to delay or deter the release of the FISA memo? Story @ White House: GOP Train Crash Was ‘Deep State’ Assassination Attempt

Republican Train Crash in Virginia Leaves Questions
This "accident" occurred a day after Trump's State of the Union Speech, three months after a left-leaning gunman opened fire on a right-leaning country concert in Law Vegas, and seven months after a gunman opened fire on members of the GOP at a congressional baseball practice. The news media is blaming the infrastructure and rash of railroad crossing accidents that have emerged over the last few decades.

I don't believe it was an accident.

Neither do I.

More @ Political Pistachio: Republican Train Crash in Virginia Leaves Questions

Conspiracy theorists are already making wild claims about the Amtrak train full of Republican lawmakers that collided with a truck in Virginia @ Conspiracy theorists are already making wild claims about the Amtrak train full of Republican lawmakers that collided with a truck in Virginia
According to QAnon, the White House staffer who has predicted the future with remarkable accuracy in the last two months
Do you have links to predictions he has made "with remarkable accuracy"?

How many predictions has he made that did not come true?
What I want to know is, with less than six days until the CR expires, why the fuck are these assholes not in DC writing a fucking budget? Why are they off on vacation?

Are they hoping for another shutdown?
If this was an assassination attempt, it was poorly thought out and executed. The only people who died were those who were on the garbage truck that stalled. Nobody else had any serious injuries. Sure, there were a few minor ones, but no major ones or deaths of any politicians.
the fact YOU a paid shill for the military obviously who ignores facts after being taken to school on 9/11 says it was not,is all the proof in the world right there the OP is correct.:iyfyus.jpg:

the people who run the military are crooks and criminals and you WORK for them obviously and are obviously on their payroll shill.
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excellent picture of youself,thanks for showing that pic of yourself and to everybody revealing what you look like in real life.:happy-1::up::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

yeah thats YOU paid shill ,a tin foil conspiracy THEORIST nutcase who STILL believes in conspiracy theories like the magic bullet theory of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone assassin AND that 19 high jackers with very limited pilot skills somehow penetrated the best sophisticated airspace in the would and crashed an airliner at the pentagon.

comedy gold.


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