GOP suicide or GOP rebirth?


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Jan 29, 2015
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Georgia Mountains
GOP Suicide or GOP Rebirth? - American Freedom Party
That depends on the establishment. If they try and screw Trump in ANY WAY including not allowing him to be the nominee once he earns it,running a 3rd party candidate etc will be committing suicide if they allow Trump do as needs to be done its going to be a rebirth and one I am interested in being a part of.
A 3rd party can't win. It would be suicide both for the GOP and Trump. Promoting a 3rd party is probably part of the DNC's dirty tricks department.
That was a very good article, thanks.

The more hysterical that the New York Times and Washington Post get over Trump....the happier the Heartland is.
In order to EARN the nomination, it would be nice if he could win at least 50% of Republican votes in a primary or two. He has fared best when dems and indies have been able to pollute the results. Trump will get what he is entitled to. Period. And if does not get the nod and throws a tantrum, it will confirm what a lot of people think about him already.
In order to EARN the nomination, it would be nice if he could win at least 50% of Republican votes in a primary or two. He has fared best when dems and indies have been able to pollute the results. Trump will get what he is entitled to. Period. And if does not get the nod and throws a tantrum, it will confirm what a lot of people think about him already.
He ends up with most delegates he deserves and earned the nomination period. Funny that at this time in 2012 EVERYONE was behind Romney....this time got only TWO legit with a chance of actually winning the delegates needed and one just being a piss ant. Does Cruz drop out eventually? I don't see what he wins after Utah personally.MAYBE Nebraska...MAYBE South Dakota which is the last state to vote.
A 3rd party can't win. It would be suicide both for the GOP and Trump. Promoting a 3rd party is probably part of the DNC's dirty tricks department.

Actually, the one promoting a third party idea was Trump at the very beginning of his campaign, which is why the GOP had all the candidates sign a pledge to support the nominee no matter who they were, as well as promise to not go third party.

That's the reason that Cruz, Rubio and Kasich, when asked, said that if Trump was the nominee, they would support him because they pledged to support the GOP nominee, no matter who it is.

Trump threatened, the GOP responded with a pledge, and now the GOP has tied itself in knots.

Quit trying to blame the Democrats for what is clearly the GOP's fault.
In order to EARN the nomination, it would be nice if he could win at least 50% of Republican votes in a primary or two. He has fared best when dems and indies have been able to pollute the results. Trump will get what he is entitled to. Period. And if does not get the nod and throws a tantrum, it will confirm what a lot of people think about him already.
He ends up with most delegates he deserves and earned the nomination period. Funny that at this time in 2012 EVERYONE was behind Romney....this time got only TWO legit with a chance of actually winning the delegates needed and one just being a piss ant. Does Cruz drop out eventually? I don't see what he wins after Utah personally.MAYBE Nebraska...MAYBE South Dakota which is the last state to vote.

the most doesn't cut it. He needs 1247 to WIN the nomination. Trump and his supporters need to accept that too.

It ain't freaking horseshoes ladies, close don't count. Rules are rules... play by them or don't play.
In order to EARN the nomination, it would be nice if he could win at least 50% of Republican votes in a primary or two. He has fared best when dems and indies have been able to pollute the results. Trump will get what he is entitled to. Period. And if does not get the nod and throws a tantrum, it will confirm what a lot of people think about him already.
He ends up with most delegates he deserves and earned the nomination period. Funny that at this time in 2012 EVERYONE was behind Romney....this time got only TWO legit with a chance of actually winning the delegates needed and one just being a piss ant. Does Cruz drop out eventually? I don't see what he wins after Utah personally.MAYBE Nebraska...MAYBE South Dakota which is the last state to vote.

the most doesn't cut it. He needs 1247 to WIN the nomination. Trump and his supporters need to accept that too.

It ain't freaking horseshoes ladies, close don't count. Rules are rules... play by them or don't play.
Then don't whine when he is screwed in favor of someone who has LESS delegates and he runs independent.
In order to EARN the nomination, it would be nice if he could win at least 50% of Republican votes in a primary or two. He has fared best when dems and indies have been able to pollute the results. Trump will get what he is entitled to. Period. And if does not get the nod and throws a tantrum, it will confirm what a lot of people think about him already.
He ends up with most delegates he deserves and earned the nomination period. Funny that at this time in 2012 EVERYONE was behind Romney....this time got only TWO legit with a chance of actually winning the delegates needed and one just being a piss ant. Does Cruz drop out eventually? I don't see what he wins after Utah personally.MAYBE Nebraska...MAYBE South Dakota which is the last state to vote.

the most doesn't cut it. He needs 1247 to WIN the nomination. Trump and his supporters need to accept that too.

It ain't freaking horseshoes ladies, close don't count. Rules are rules... play by them or don't play.
Then don't whine when he is screwed in favor of someone who has LESS delegates and he runs independent.

I never whine.
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