GOP slogans not working anymore


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare,
For once we agree. It was very honest of you to admit it.
Tut, tut. ~~ Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote.~~
Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare,
For once we agree. It was very honest of you to admit it.
Tut, tut. ~~ Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote.~~
He was right for once. Let's not belabor the point.
Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare,
For once we agree. It was very honest of you to admit it.
Tut, tut. ~~ Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote.~~

That's what they do! Republicans & conservatives play stupid, but we know better! :confused:
GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Trump exposed the fact that these people aren't conservatives.

They're radicalized talk radio listeners and internet conspiracy freaks, and Trump captured them by talking to them, and them alone.

Now we know.
1. The GOP didn't lose one House seat in 2020, so its what the socialists are selling that voters aren't buying. We'll see in 2022 when the GOP takes the House back in the mid-term.
2. Trump won a major upset in 2016 by using his "America First Populist" message. Voters are still buying it, its Trump that turned too many voters off. His bad "no mask" messaging on covid, his bad 1st debate performance, his drink disinfectant "idea", as well as General Kelly's assessment that Trump is a very flawed man". The MSM's constant negative coverage didn't help his image either.
3. The US GDP is about 26% from Trump districts and 74% from Xiden districts while the populations are roughly equal. That said, the "urban plantations" are hardly a worker's paradise. The income distribution is that the top 1% own everything, and the other 99% are surviving.
4. Xiden has an "open border" policy of no deportations. So you are wrong on the open border issue.
5. The GOP talking points are just fine thank you. The "America First Populist" agenda of fair trade deals, especially with China, is working. Trump lost because of Trump's fucked-up personality, not because of his policies.
Republican cowardice, hypocrisy, and lies are no longer working for them. Trump could not achieve a 48 or 49 percent approval rating. Biden is over 60% in his first few weeks. "Sleepy Joe" is outperforming "Lazy Don" tenfold.
Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare,
For once we agree. It was very honest of you to admit it.
Tut, tut. ~~ Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote.~~


Tut, tut... indeed

If you have an issue, report it.

GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Why does the Democrat Party need open borders to import new voters?
Why do the Democrat Politicians prefer uneducated voters?
Why does the Democrat Party always promise people more free stuff?
Why is the Democrat Party so afraid of Voter ID laws and have to count ballots in secrecy if they always win the popular vote?
Why does the Democrat Party gerrymander if they are against gerrymandering?
Why is the middle class fleeing the Blue cities and States like IL, NY and CA if the Democrat Party is doing so great?
Why does the Yellow Press have to always cover-up Democrat crimes and corruption?
Why is Trump more popular than Joe Biden?
Why does the Democrat Party have to censor Freedom of Speech?
Why do the Democrat Politicians have to lie so much?
Why are the Democrat school systems always so rotten?
Last edited:
GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Why does the Democrat Party need open borders to import new voters?
Why do the Democrat Politicians prefer uneducated voters?
Why does the Democrat Party always promise people and more free stuff?
Why is the Democrat Party so afraid of Voter ID laws and have to count ballots in secrecy if they always win the popular vote?
Why does the Democrat Party gerrymander if they are against gerrymandering?
Why is the middle class fleeing the Blue cities and States like IL, NY and CA if the Democrat Party is doing so great?
Why does the Yellow Press have to always cover-up Democrat crimes and corruption?
Why is Trump more popular than Joe Biden?
Why does the Democrat Party have to censor Freedom of Speech?
Why do the Democrat Politicians have to lie so much?
Why are the Democrat school systems always so rotten?
Why do you lie so much?
GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Trump exposed the fact that these people aren't conservatives.

They're radicalized talk radio listeners and internet conspiracy freaks, and Trump captured them by talking to them, and them alone.

Now we know.
GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Trump exposed the fact that these people aren't conservatives.

They're radicalized talk radio listeners and internet conspiracy freaks, and Trump captured them by talking to them, and them alone.

Now we know.
View attachment 454159
There's one now.
GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!


Oh, that explains why you had to cheat out in the tens of millions of votes column!



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GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Trump exposed the fact that these people aren't conservatives.

They're radicalized talk radio listeners and internet conspiracy freaks, and Trump captured them by talking to them, and them alone.

Now we know.
View attachment 454159
There's one now.
Your complete lack of introspection is becoming almost as legendary as your snobbery.

The very flower of the common leftist asshole.
GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Trump exposed the fact that these people aren't conservatives.

They're radicalized talk radio listeners and internet conspiracy freaks, and Trump captured them by talking to them, and them alone.

Now we know.
View attachment 454159
There's one now.
Your complete lack of introspection is becoming almost as legendary as your snobbery.

The very flower of the common leftist asshole.
I'm legendary! I just KNEW it!

GOP slogans-

Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill! :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:

Sound familiar?

Sorry Conservatives - these "feel good" slogans might stir up your base of supporters, but the general public just isn't buying it. Ask any Independent / Swing Voter and they'll tell you Liberals work, run business's, serve in the military, love their country, are against open borders (illegal border crossings were at an all time low under Obama) support the use of force against terrorists (it was the Obama administration that killed Bin Laden - not Bush) there are just as many Conservatives on public assistance as Liberals.

The GOP has lost the popular vote 6 out of the last 7 elections, and the gap is getting bigger. District gerrymandering will only slow the downhill slide. You folks on the Conservative side need some new talking points....before the GOP becomes only a regional party dominated by southern white men....

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Trump exposed the fact that these people aren't conservatives.

They're radicalized talk radio listeners and internet conspiracy freaks, and Trump captured them by talking to them, and them alone.

Now we know.
View attachment 454159
There's one now.
Your complete lack of introspection is becoming almost as legendary as your snobbery.

The very flower of the common leftist asshole.
I'm legendary! I just KNEW it!

Behavior isn't identity, vainglorious dumbfuck.
1. The GOP didn't lose one House seat in 2020, so its what the socialists are selling that voters aren't buying. We'll see in 2022 when the GOP takes the House back in the mid-term.
2. Trump won a major upset in 2016 by using his "America First Populist" message. Voters are still buying it, its Trump that turned too many voters off. His bad "no mask" messaging on covid, his bad 1st debate performance, his drink disinfectant "idea", as well as General Kelly's assessment that Trump is a very flawed man". The MSM's constant negative coverage didn't help his image either.
3. The US GDP is about 26% from Trump districts and 74% from Xiden districts while the populations are roughly equal. That said, the "urban plantations" are hardly a worker's paradise. The income distribution is that the top 1% own everything, and the other 99% are surviving.
4. Xiden has an "open border" policy of no deportations. So you are wrong on the open border issue.
5. The GOP talking points are just fine thank you. The "America First Populist" agenda of fair trade deals, especially with China, is working. Trump lost because of Trump's fucked-up personality, not because of his policies.
Republicans have had a lot of time to think between 11/3 and 1/6. Do you think a majority like what they saw?
Liberals don't work, want free stuff, hate America, hate the military, hate white people, are soft on crime, soft on terror, want open borders, are Socialist, Marxist freeloaders who lay around all day taking drugs, collecting welfare, - - while, hard working, white GOD fearing, Christian Conservatives not only carry the load for these freeloading Socialist Liberals, but want to return America to it's rightful place as that great shining city on the hill!

I believe there are enough able bodied welfare bums to do the jobs that illegal aliens are doing now.

but the government layabouts are not working

lets end welfare and force Americans to take those jobs instead of giving them to illegal aliens

what do you say?

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