GOP senators beg Trump to import MORE foreign workers to take jobs while 36 million Americans are jobless


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Wow. This is why I don't feel bad for NOT voting GOP or Dem. They both HATE the American worker, they work against our interests and even Trump has continued to allow guest workers in...needs to listen to Miller and NOT Ivanka and Jared and NOT these damn traitors.
Yep, its unanimous, the pols are all "globalists" in "populist" disguise.
I'd vote those coxuckers out so fast it would make your head spin.

Wow. This is why I don't feel bad for NOT voting GOP or Dem. They both HATE the American worker, they work against our interests and even Trump has continued to allow guest workers in...needs to listen to Miller and NOT Ivanka and Jared and NOT these damn traitors.
You keep not voting with the labor party and you get what you deserve. Or your kids will get what you deserved.

Republicans don’t mind you not voting. Good enough for them.

...and THIS is why I can't support the dick in the front...the other in the back...our two party system...
I don't like the two party system... What I like even less than that, is that they have it set up to where the government itself promotes a two party system, and chooses which parties.
Aided by the bought and paid for media they work very hard to discourage ANY and ALL alternatives. This system is disgusting.
...and THIS is why I can't support the dick in the front...the other in the back...our two party system...
I don't like the two party system... What I like even less than that, is that they have it set up to where the government itself promotes a two party system, and chooses which parties.
It's a one party oligarchy posing as 2 parties.

Wow. This is why I don't feel bad for NOT voting GOP or Dem. They both HATE the American worker, they work against our interests and even Trump has continued to allow guest workers in...needs to listen to Miller and NOT Ivanka and Jared and NOT these damn traitors.
If I were in the work force today, and if getting $1200 a month for resting on my laurels were given, why go back to a job that pays $1500 with $400 being taken out for state, county, city, and federal taxes, plus I had to spend $100 a month for gas to get to work, $30 a month for the birthday and baseball pools, $75 a month to park my vehicle in a covered parking space, Why in the world would I want to take home $800 when I could get $1200 a month for nothing?

All that does is prep people for communist takeover where everyone gets the same amount whether or not they care to do gainful employment, which results in nobody having groceries except by virtue of whatever one can convince the government they want something they always used to get when they worked and so did other people to get these luxuries? (like seedless oranges that don't burn the mouth crevices), lean hamburger that has a reduced amount of lipids over cheaper cuts to which 30% fat is added? And something they don't tell you about government takeover of private industries--product types are reduced from thousands of choices to a couple of hundred, tops.

The novel thing about this novel virus is that it is nice to get free money. It is not nice to live under what shortly becomes a dictatorship of the person who kills the most adversaries (sound familiar?) to rule.

Wow. This is why I don't feel bad for NOT voting GOP or Dem. They both HATE the American worker, they work against our interests and even Trump has continued to allow guest workers in...needs to listen to Miller and NOT Ivanka and Jared and NOT these damn traitors.
You keep not voting with the labor party and you get what you deserve. Or your kids will get what you deserved.

Republicans don’t mind you not voting. Good enough for them.

The 'labor party' this MFer...I assume you are talking about the Democrats....the SAME Democrats who voted unanimously for the last round of big banker bailouts...AND the 2008 bailouts as well...the same party who supported President Obobo...the Kenyan evicting 4 MILLION Americans from their homes during the last 'Crisis'.
GTFO with your 'Labor Party' horseshit.
Dimocrats fuck the people just as hard as the Repuglicans.
Both parties are partners in the crime of killing American jobs and giving away jobs that are left to foreigners...
I forget the exact number but Clinton did about 500 work raids every year busting illegal employers. Bush in 2000 did 3.

Republicans said they were here doing jobs Americans won’t do remember?

The Democratic Party didn’t abandon you all. You all abandoned them. In 2000 you gave retard bush control and evil dick chaney. In 2016 you gave us trump and pence.

why? Clinton and Obama both did a good job. Why did you all vote republican in 2000 and 2016?

And why don’t democratic minded people vote every 2 years?

reality tv has made Americans even dumber
Both parties are partners in the crime of killing American jobs and giving away jobs that are left to foreigners...
I forget the exact number but Clinton did about 500 work raids every year busting illegal employers. Bush in 2000 did 3.

Republicans said they were here doing jobs Americans won’t do remember?

The Democratic Party didn’t abandon you all. You all abandoned them. In 2000 you gave retard bush control and evil dick chaney. In 2016 you gave us trump and pence.

why? Clinton and Obama both did a good job. Why did you all vote republican in 2000 and 2016?

And why don’t democratic minded people vote every 2 years?

reality tv has made Americans even dumber
I would like to ask who in the hell you are talking about?

Wow. This is why I don't feel bad for NOT voting GOP or Dem. They both HATE the American worker, they work against our interests and even Trump has continued to allow guest workers in...needs to listen to Miller and NOT Ivanka and Jared and NOT these damn traitors.
You keep not voting with the labor party and you get what you deserve. Or your kids will get what you deserved.

Republicans don’t mind you not voting. Good enough for them.

The 'labor party' this MFer...I assume you are talking about the Democrats....the SAME Democrats who voted unanimously for the last round of big banker bailouts...AND the 2008 bailouts as well...the same party who supported President Obobo...the Kenyan evicting 4 MILLION Americans from their homes during the last 'Crisis'.
GTFO with your 'Labor Party' horseshit.
Dimocrats fuck the people just as hard as the Repuglicans.
No. You stop voting for the party that represents the rich financially and you socially.
I see your wedge issues are racism and gays. Bet you love guns and religion too right?
Both parties are partners in the crime of killing American jobs and giving away jobs that are left to foreigners...
I forget the exact number but Clinton did about 500 work raids every year busting illegal employers. Bush in 2000 did 3.

Republicans said they were here doing jobs Americans won’t do remember?

The Democratic Party didn’t abandon you all. You all abandoned them. In 2000 you gave retard bush control and evil dick chaney. In 2016 you gave us trump and pence.

why? Clinton and Obama both did a good job. Why did you all vote republican in 2000 and 2016?

And why don’t democratic minded people vote every 2 years?

reality tv has made Americans even dumber
I would like to ask who in the hell you are talking about?
All of us!
Both parties are partners in the crime of killing American jobs and giving away jobs that are left to foreigners...
I forget the exact number but Clinton did about 500 work raids every year busting illegal employers. Bush in 2000 did 3.

Republicans said they were here doing jobs Americans won’t do remember?

The Democratic Party didn’t abandon you all. You all abandoned them. In 2000 you gave retard bush control and evil dick chaney. In 2016 you gave us trump and pence.

why? Clinton and Obama both did a good job. Why did you all vote republican in 2000 and 2016?

And why don’t democratic minded people vote every 2 years?

reality tv has made Americans even dumber
I would like to ask who in the hell you are talking about?
All of us!
Don't assume that which you do not know.

Wow. This is why I don't feel bad for NOT voting GOP or Dem. They both HATE the American worker, they work against our interests and even Trump has continued to allow guest workers in...needs to listen to Miller and NOT Ivanka and Jared and NOT these damn traitors.
You keep not voting with the labor party and you get what you deserve. Or your kids will get what you deserved.

Republicans don’t mind you not voting. Good enough for them.

The 'labor party' this MFer...I assume you are talking about the Democrats....the SAME Democrats who voted unanimously for the last round of big banker bailouts...AND the 2008 bailouts as well...the same party who supported President Obobo...the Kenyan evicting 4 MILLION Americans from their homes during the last 'Crisis'.
GTFO with your 'Labor Party' horseshit.
Dimocrats fuck the people just as hard as the Repuglicans.
No. You stop voting for the party that represents the rich financially and you socially.
I see your wedge issues are racism and gays. Bet you love guns and religion too right?
I don't vote for shit in either are the sucker who keeps believing the game...why don't you stop being a mark?
Fuckers like you are keeping everyone down by propagating and supporting this duopolistic fairy tale.
American workers work so much harder than any others yet there is always an effort to undercut them.

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