GOP Sen Tim Scott: "This is unbelievable" writes op-ed, goes on FOX News to discuss heated exchange with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen over abortion


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Chilling, as Sen Scott delivers a stunning rebuke to Janet Yellen claiming black women need abortions to succeed: “I’ll just simply say that as a guy raised by a black woman in abject poverty, I am thankful to be here as a United States senator.”

I don't get it....

On one hand you have black "leaders" going on no end about whitey "holding them back" and "white oppression" while at the same time you have the abortion industry that is wholly operated by white dems doing their utmost to see to it that same blacks can abort their children in wholesale lots upon request.

Hell I'm pro-choice but it defies rational description. It would seem to me that it's the pro-lifers that are really the ones protecting black children. Blah, I guess there is no rational thought on the dem plantation.
Yellin makes racist comments.......isn't she from the party of diversity and equity?
What is worse is that she was a federal reserve governor and they are powerful now enough to give or not give loans out if it does not meet their agendas. This is what happens to all privately owned central banks when the governments run the fiat currencies to oblivion.
Chilling, as Sen Scott delivers a stunning rebuke to Janet Yellen claiming black women need abortions to succeed: “I’ll just simply say that as a guy raised by a black woman in abject poverty, I am thankful to be here as a United States senator.”


When has any Republican Offered any solutions for poor women who are pregnant? And that includes Tim Scott.

No universal health care. No maternity leaves, no job guarantees, no sudsidized day care. No decent schools for her children in poor neighbourhoods. Lowest worker wages in the first world. Highest rate of maternal death in childbirth in the first world, and that death rate is highest amongst black women.

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