Google To Delete User Location History On Phones On US Abortion Clinic Visits

It's "Francine", right? :laughing0301:

Oh Look, another attempt at lame ass ConJob humor!!!!

See this is what these so-called "Freedom Loving Americans", they have to poke fun and engage in attacks against people who do not "Seig Heil" their fucking Traitor.

Not so subtle jab at my living the SF Bay Area.....which is not exactly original and no doubt something this MAGA MEAT HEAD thought was so fucking funny. He a few of his very limited brain cells to come with that. He has so few left and wastes them on this.
Oh Look, another attempt at lame ass ConJob humor!!!!

See this is what these so-called "Freedom Loving Americans", they have to poke fun and engage in attacks against people who do not "Seig Heil" their fucking Traitor.

Not so subtle jab at my living the SF Bay Area.....which is not exactly original and no doubt something this MAGA MEAT HEAD thought was so fucking funny. He a few of his very limited brain cells to come with that. He has so few left and wastes them on this.

Am I supposed to make some sense out of that convoluted string of words?

Lay off the crack pipe, bro.
It’s only been a week, and the forces that have lined up against the forced birthers already is astonishing. Just wait until the resistance has a few months of experience and resources gathered together.

By the end of the year, this will be the most irrelevant court decision in a generation. The state laws will be ignored and circumvented to the point, the governors and legislatures in those states will look like a loony tunes cartoon of Wile E Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner.

Then why are all you leftists kooks running around with red paint running down your legs and misspelled protest signs?
Looks like you Fascists just love killing innocent Men, Women and Children.
Roe versus Wade helped all people, the anti-abortion people help no one. You just don't see the big picture. Even your tribal gods practiced far worse, genocide and infanticide; yet you still have the audacity to worship them.
Pay for your own mistakes.
I believe in the natural GOD, the real GOD. That entity is not judgmental. That entity already knew the outcome of all of it's creations and created a cohesive, functional model for physical life on this planet. The worship of tribal gods counters the logical outcome of the human race but that was anticipated also and is being addressed at this very moment. The number of people turning away from religions is at an all-time high and she's no let up. Enjoy your last hurrah.
Roe versus Wade helped all people, the anti-abortion people help no one. You just don't see the big picture. Even your tribal gods practiced far worse, genocide and infanticide; yet you still have the audacity to worship them.

You leftist fool. Year after year conservatives donations to various charities far outweigh you selfish Leftards.
Pay for your own mistakes.
You just want people to keep paying and paying for the mistakes. I'm sorry it doesn't work like that. First of all we're going home have the same mistakes, and each of us must bear consequences for our choices in life. It is an up to people like you to add more pain and suffering to others. All this is totally unnecessary if people would just mind their own business and concentrate on their own mistakes.
You just want people to keep paying and paying for the mistakes. I'm sorry it doesn't work like that. First of all we're going home have the same mistakes, and each of us must bear consequences for our choices in life. It is an up to people like you to add more pain and suffering to others. All this is totally unnecessary if people would just mind their own business and concentrate on their own mistakes.
No I want them to pay for their OWN mistakes. The abortion industry is a massive government gravy train. The billions of dollars that will be saved now are unfathomable.
No I want them to pay for their OWN mistakes. The abortion industry is a massive government gravy train. The billions of dollars that will be saved now are unfathomable.
You honestly believe that you're going to save money now because you're forcing women to Bear children that they don't want. An abortion is very cheap, especially a chemical one. A one-time expense. Children cost a fortune to have and to raise and to educate. The state is going to Bear most of that responsibility now. Most of these women that you say are whores and unintelligent etc. Shouldn't be raising children and they won't. They will give them up to the state and it'll be all the states responsibilities. Many of these children that should have been aborted will have serious medical problems that will cost millions. It does nothing to improve our plight in this world it just makes things worse. We are beginning we are just beginning to see food shortages and other massive problems because of overpopulation. I will not contribute to the destruction of this world and that's what you are doing. The fact that abortion has existed since ancient times means it has helped keep the human race from destroying itself. I know all your religious freaks want Armageddon to occur but this is a step too far. You people have an agenda the rest of us just want to be left alone in peace.
Roe versus Wade helped all people, the anti-abortion people help no one. You just don't see the big picture. Even your tribal gods practiced far worse, genocide and infanticide; yet you still have the audacity to worship them.

For a party who suppposedly believes in, "Individulal Freedom" and despises "Big Goverment" the ReThuglican Party is currently in an orgy of end such freedoms, with the aid and comfort of their brand of "Big Government".

Red States could wait to ban abortion, Women do NOT have the Individual Freedom has control over their bodily autonomy.

Bannninng Books they do not want other people to read.

Active Voter Suppression.

Telling Educators what books and/or theories they can/cannot teach.

Attacks on African-Americans. Attacks On Asian Pacific Islander-Americans,. Attacks on Hispanic Americans.

Attacks on LGBTQ Americans (fun fact to know and tell, the shooter in Highland Park Mass Shooting WAS NOT LG,BTQ, he was in fact another MAGA MEAT HEAD!!!)

Attacks on Muslim-Americans. Attacks on Jewish-Americans.

ReThuglicans do not believe in American Democracy or American Values. They want to impose Theocractic Fascist State.
For a party who suppposedly believes in, "Individulal Freedom" and despises "Big Goverment" the ReThuglican Party is currently in an orgy of end such freedoms, with the aid and comfort of their brand of "Big Government".

Red States could wait to ban abortion, Women do NOT have the Individual Freedom has control over their bodily autonomy.

Bannninng Books they do not want other people to read.

Active Voter Suppression.

Telling Educators what books and/or theories they can/cannot teach.

Attacks on African-Americans. Attacks On Asian Pacific Islander-Americans,. Attacks on Hispanic Americans.

Attacks on LGBTQ Americans (fun fact to know and tell, the shooter in Highland Park Mass Shooting WAS NOT LG,BTQ, he was in fact another MAGA MEAT HEAD!!!)

Attacks on Muslim-Americans. Attacks on Jewish-Americans.

ReThuglicans do not believe in American Democracy or American Values. They want to impose Theocractic Fascist State.
I believe all this is a last harrah for old white men. They fear that they are going to be replaced by people of color. They think if they could get the white population to produce more babies they can Ward that off. They cannot the demographics already illustrate is too late for that. White people have fewer babies than blacks or Hispanics. The immigration does help in a minor way but primarily it's the blacks and Hispanics that are already here that are out producing the whites Plus the senses now tracks people of mixed races which are no longer considered white so it makes the numbers look even worse for people who are concerned about things like that. I am not people are people and if no no not if but when that change occurs it might be a change for the better. Too much hatred in the white community is self-destructive and they don't even seem to realize it. They are destroying themselves.
Your Burn Loot Murder hero’s are the facist murderers.

Here's a hint for you, when writing be sure to write a coherent sentence.

The Highland Park Shooter is a Tratior Supporter.

It was the Idiot Proud Pukes and 0-Percenters that staged an Attempted Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

It was the Idiot Proud Pukes and 0-Percenters who wanted hand a sitting Vice President AND a sitting Speaker of House on January 6, 2021.

It was James Alex Fields, Reich Wing Murderer to drove his vehicle into a crowd of protestors in Charlottesvill Virginia and killed 32-Year Old Heather Heyer.

It was the fucking Putin Assing Traitor that the KKK/Neo-Nazi's, "Good People".

Fucking Gun Hugging Assholes refuse to accept common sense Gun Control Proposals that are supported over 75% of the American Peo/ple, including Republicans.


Your deflection is as much a failure as the fucking Putin Ass Kissing, Five Deferment Draft Dodging Fucking Orange Faced Fucking Coward.
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I believe all this is a last harrah for old white men. They fear that they are going to be replaced by people of color. They think if they could get the white population to produce more babies they can Ward that off. They cannot the demographics already illustrate is too late for that. White people have fewer babies than blacks or Hispanics. The immigration does help in a minor way but primarily it's the blacks and Hispanics that are already here that are out producing the whites Plus the senses now tracks people of mixed races which are no longer considered white so it makes the numbers look even worse for people who are concerned about things like that. I am not people are people and if no no not if but when that change occurs it might be a change for the better. Too much hatred in the white community is self-destructive and they don't even seem to realize it. They are destroying themselves.

I totally agree. This is the last hurrah (my apologies to the Late Great Spencer Tracy, his movie "The Last Hurrah" remains one the great classic political movies).

The ReThugican's are faced with the law of diminishing returns. The Old White Male/Female Conservative are dying out quckly. The younger more progessive voters support Gun Control/Abortion Rights/Voter Rights. All of which are staunchly opposed by the Conservative Old Guard Racists of the party.

A clear majority of Americans, Democrat and Republican support Univeral Background Checks and closing Gun Show Loophole, which the Old Guard is to afraid to deal with because of the N.R.A.

A clear majority of Americans support a Woman's Right to Choose. ReThuglicans do not believe in or respect the right of Women to decide for themselves what medication they can/should take and/or what Medical Procedures the may/may not want to undergo. There is no rooom the personal bodily autonomy for Women under the ReThuglican Party.

The Right To Vote is a Constitutionally Protect Right, which the ReThuglican Party wants to do away with. Only Conservative White Males need vote.

ReThuglicans are afraid Critical Race Theory, a post graduate level course at Law Schools and at the Masters Degree level of education. IT IS NOT TAUGHT IN GRADE SCHOOL.

To date no Drag Queen has engage in a mass shooting at any school in the U.S. But ReThuglicans are shit scared of them.

ReThuglicans hate Freedom of Speech, how dare anyone, anywhere at any time dare speak out loud of being LGBTQ.

The Banning of and the Burning of Books are supported by the ReThuglicans and their Neo-Nazi loving supporting. The Nazi's Burned Books, in the United States we believe in the Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech. Clearly ReThuglicans do not.

Our country was founded on the prinicipals of One Man/One Vote/Freedom of Speech/Freedom of the Press/Freedom to Petition for Redress of Grievences and Freedom of Religion. ReThuglicans are working to take those freedoms from us.
Google admits they track people going in and coming out of abortion clinics ... interesting ...

Deleting that information in order to "obstruct" a criminal investigation is a crime itself ... and a very serious crime, especially if they're obstructing a murder prosecution ...

File this under FAKE NEWS ... Google's not that stupid to announce this to God and man ...
Well, it is a you are right in your assumption. IMO.
Skewed gets rocked again.
Your Burn Loot Murder hero’s are the facist murderers.
Fascism: a form of far right authoritarian, ultra nationalism characterized by dictoral power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society. Who's retarded now, this sounds more like Republicans than Democrats. Shows how foolish your people are.

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