Goodwin: Why are Democrats acting like they have something to hide?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
With no end in sight to the madness gripping Washington, it is wise to seize on any possible sign of humor to brighten the day. In that spirit, a statement by Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler qualifies as the mood booster of the week.

Responding to reports that Attorney General William Barr’s investigation into the 2016 spying on Donald Trump’s campaign is now a criminal probe, Schiff and Nadler laid down their thumbscrews and emerged from their impeachment dungeon to express outrage. In unison, the twin Trump tormentors declared that partisanship has infected the Justice Department and “the rule of law will suffer new and irreparable damage.”

Despite stiff competition from two centuries of congressional hypocrisy, that is a first-rate howler. If you can’t laugh at Schiff and Nadler accusing anyone else of damaging the rule of law for partisan purposes, you don’t have a sense of humor.

They have violated every historic precedent, not to mention simple decency, by conducting their impeachment probe in a secret star chamber. They leak juicy fragments to the media echo chamber, which would be a federal crime for real prosecutors.

Then they squeal and gnash their teeth when the worm starts to turn. Come on, people, this is hilarious!

It is true, of course, that some in Washington will see nothing amusing about Barr’s monumental decision. Among these are James Comey, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, James Clapper and the assorted CIA officials who reportedly hired criminal-defense lawyers because they may now find themselves in the legal crosshairs.

(Excerpt) Read MUCH more at ...

Schiff and Nadler laid down their thumbscrews and emerged from their impeachment dungeon to express outrage...

Any decent society would have run these two out of town on a rail - after being tarred and feathered - months ago.
Then they squeal and gnash their teeth when the worm starts to turn. Come on, people, this is hilarious!

It's like watching a roadrunner cartoon


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