I believe we see a brokered convention and the establish bucks both Trump and Cruz and elects Kasich or Rubio. Trump being Trump runs third party. There is record low conservative turn out. Clinton wins in a landslide and the Democrat pick up 10 seats in senate and take the House. Clinton elects a young ACLU activist l, basically a young Ginsburg to the SCOTUS to make a 5 member ultra liberal bloc. Clinton goes on the warpath.
(1) She get the SCOTUS to end the 60 vote requirement in the senate and makes it majority rule.
(2) Congress pass amnesty for all and not border security. 20 mil New Democratic voters. She moves them mostly to Red states to artificially turn them blue.
(3) Congress brings in 5 mil Muslim "refugees."
(4) The SCOTUS upholds gun confiscations and gun ban laws.
(5) Income skyrocket on everyone. Clinton adopts the Sanders model.
(6) They call it Medicare for all is passed, but we get a 22% tax on top of our income tax similar to the UK. Which generally costs us 3 to 4x as much.
(7) We get free college to which the focus becomes liberal arts and we further need to goto to Asia (China, India, Japan etc) to get our engineer, coders, or geeks in general.
(8) The recent onshori to trend is reversed.
(9) By the end of Clinton's second term. The country has defaulted on it's debt and is on the brink of civil war.
Yes I am chicken little and I see the sky falling!
(1) She get the SCOTUS to end the 60 vote requirement in the senate and makes it majority rule.
(2) Congress pass amnesty for all and not border security. 20 mil New Democratic voters. She moves them mostly to Red states to artificially turn them blue.
(3) Congress brings in 5 mil Muslim "refugees."
(4) The SCOTUS upholds gun confiscations and gun ban laws.
(5) Income skyrocket on everyone. Clinton adopts the Sanders model.
(6) They call it Medicare for all is passed, but we get a 22% tax on top of our income tax similar to the UK. Which generally costs us 3 to 4x as much.
(7) We get free college to which the focus becomes liberal arts and we further need to goto to Asia (China, India, Japan etc) to get our engineer, coders, or geeks in general.
(8) The recent onshori to trend is reversed.
(9) By the end of Clinton's second term. The country has defaulted on it's debt and is on the brink of civil war.
Yes I am chicken little and I see the sky falling!