Good News / Bad News - Iran Sanctions Are Working, but.....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The New US Sanctions against Iran is working, destabilizing the government and driving the country closer to the point where the Iranian people could overthrow their government, affecting a regime change.


The 'EU" (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden) has pledged to give Iran $20.7 Million to help stabilize its failing economy / govt...


It strikes me a little 'funny' seeing as how many of these countries are all too familiar with being oppressed people under the thumb / boot of evil dictators / leaders in their own past but are not helping to prop up one such government who has been and continues to oppress its own people.....

EU Pledges $20.7 Million To Iran To Offset Effects Of US Sanctions

$20.7 million? Hardly set up a decent terrorist training camp for that...……

Just wait until we stop their oil exports.
The New US Sanctions against Iran is working, destabilizing the government and driving the country closer to the point where the Iranian people could overthrow their government, affecting a regime change.


The 'EU" (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden) has pledged to give Iran $20.7 Million to help stabilize its failing economy / govt...


It strikes me a little 'funny' seeing as how many of these countries are all too familiar with being oppressed people under the thumb / boot of evil dictators / leaders in their own past but are not helping to prop up one such government who has been and continues to oppress its own people.....

EU Pledges $20.7 Million To Iran To Offset Effects Of US Sanctions


The bad news is the Iran deal with an actual agreement that was working just fine with 9 other countries is still working with the 8 other countries and after Trump goes to prison will be with 9 countries again.

The even worse news is North Korea has even more nukes with Trumps face saluting their general all over state television.
The bad news is the Iran deal with an actual agreement that was working just fine with 9 other countries is still working with the 8 other countries and after Trump goes to prison will be with 9 countries again.

The even worse news is North Korea has even more nukes with Trumps face saluting their general all over state television.

You left out quite a bit. Here, let me help......

1. The Obama 'Deal' with Iran was an Un-Constitutional Treaty Obama engaged in on behalf of the US govt and the American people, a clear violation of the Separation of Powers Act. Obama by-passed Congress to broker this treaty then by-passed Congress again by racing to the U.N. with it without letting Congress read it to get it ratified by the U.N. when the U.S. had not even officially agreed to it.

2. It was not working. The news reported the Iranians were violating it before they even signed it...and it kicked off a nuclear arms race in the M.E. with Saudi and others reporting they will begin looking into getting their own nukes.

3. It was Obama's failed Foreign Policy on his watch that allowed NK to develop / acquire missile technology that allows them to strike the US with nukes they have developed based on the technology Bill Clinton sold to the Chinese years ago.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... an' now dey got dey's own fighter jets...

... to blast the Jews with...

... purt soon it gonna be Armageddon".
The bad news is the Iran deal with an actual agreement that was working just fine with 9 other countries is still working with the 8 other countries and after Trump goes to prison will be with 9 countries again.

The even worse news is North Korea has even more nukes with Trumps face saluting their general all over state television.

You left out quite a bit. Here, let me help......

1. The Obama 'Deal' with Iran was an Un-Constitutional Treaty Obama engaged in on behalf of the US govt and the American people, a clear violation of the Separation of Powers Act. Obama by-passed Congress to broker this treaty then by-passed Congress again by racing to the U.N. with it without letting Congress read it to get it ratified by the U.N. when the U.S. had not even officially agreed to it.

2. It was not working. The news reported the Iranians were violating it before they even signed it...and it kicked off a nuclear arms race in the M.E. with Saudi and others reporting they will begin looking into getting their own nukes.

3. It was Obama's failed Foreign Policy on his watch that allowed NK to develop / acquire missile technology that allows them to strike the US with nukes they have developed based on the technology Bill Clinton sold to the Chinese years ago.

Wrong on all counts. But then we're talking about you here.

When there is a picture of your face saluting a north korean general on the world stage, while they continue making bombs right in your face.

The Iranians continue complying with an agreement that was being monitored with international inspectors verifying that fact, and they still have the agreement in tact with all of the other nations.

And your own foreign allies don't trust you and think you are a traitor and a clown.

You are the worst President in the history of the United States, which Donald Trump is. This guy is nothing but a common criminal, and should be dealt with as such.
The bad news is the Iran deal with an actual agreement that was working just fine with 9 other countries is still working with the 8 other countries and after Trump goes to prison will be with 9 countries again.

The even worse news is North Korea has even more nukes with Trumps face saluting their general all over state television.

You left out quite a bit. Here, let me help......

1. The Obama 'Deal' with Iran was an Un-Constitutional Treaty Obama engaged in on behalf of the US govt and the American people, a clear violation of the Separation of Powers Act. Obama by-passed Congress to broker this treaty then by-passed Congress again by racing to the U.N. with it without letting Congress read it to get it ratified by the U.N. when the U.S. had not even officially agreed to it.

2. It was not working. The news reported the Iranians were violating it before they even signed it...and it kicked off a nuclear arms race in the M.E. with Saudi and others reporting they will begin looking into getting their own nukes.

3. It was Obama's failed Foreign Policy on his watch that allowed NK to develop / acquire missile technology that allows them to strike the US with nukes they have developed based on the technology Bill Clinton sold to the Chinese years ago.

Wrong on all counts. But then we're talking about you here.

When there is a picture of your face saluting a north korean general on the world stage, while they continue making bombs right in your face.

The Iranians continue complying with an agreement that was being monitored with international inspectors verifying that fact, and they still have the agreement in tact with all of the other nations.

And your own foreign allies don't trust you and think you are a traitor and a clown.

You are the worst President in the history of the United States, which Donald Trump is. This guy is nothing but a common criminal, and should be dealt with as such.

The Iranians continue complying with an agreement that was being monitored with international inspectors verifying that fact, and they still have the agreement in tact with all of the other nations.

That sounds super groovy!!

How many Iranian military installations have they inspected in the last few years?
The New US Sanctions against Iran is working, destabilizing the government and driving the country closer to the point where the Iranian people could overthrow their government, affecting a regime change.


The 'EU" (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden) has pledged to give Iran $20.7 Million to help stabilize its failing economy / govt...


It strikes me a little 'funny' seeing as how many of these countries are all too familiar with being oppressed people under the thumb / boot of evil dictators / leaders in their own past but are not helping to prop up one such government who has been and continues to oppress its own people.....

EU Pledges $20.7 Million To Iran To Offset Effects Of US Sanctions

It strikes me a little 'funny' seeing as how many of these countries are all too familiar with being oppressed people under the thumb / boot of evil dictators / leaders in their own past but are not helping to prop up one such government who has been and continues to oppress its own people.....
What seems a bit funny to me is that you are trying to change the stated purpose of the sanctions from preventing Iran getting nuclear weapons, to regime change. How does that look to you? The people rise in protest to Iranian leadership because the US reneged on a deal and put them back into an economical swamp? Not for nothing, who do you think the people will blame, the mullah's or Trump? All the countries named are trying to do is to give incentives for Iran to not get their hands on the bomb.
The New US Sanctions against Iran is working, destabilizing the government and driving the country closer to the point where the Iranian people could overthrow their government, affecting a regime change.


The 'EU" (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden) has pledged to give Iran $20.7 Million to help stabilize its failing economy / govt...


It strikes me a little 'funny' seeing as how many of these countries are all too familiar with being oppressed people under the thumb / boot of evil dictators / leaders in their own past but are not helping to prop up one such government who has been and continues to oppress its own people.....

EU Pledges $20.7 Million To Iran To Offset Effects Of US Sanctions

It strikes me a little 'funny' seeing as how many of these countries are all too familiar with being oppressed people under the thumb / boot of evil dictators / leaders in their own past but are not helping to prop up one such government who has been and continues to oppress its own people.....
What seems a bit funny to me is that you are trying to change the stated purpose of the sanctions from preventing Iran getting nuclear weapons, to regime change. How does that look to you? The people rise in protest to Iranian leadership because the US reneged on a deal and put them back into an economical swamp? Not for nothing, who do you think the people will blame, the mullah's or Trump? All the countries named are trying to do is to give incentives for Iran to not get their hands on the bomb.

What seems a bit funny to me is that you are trying to change the stated purpose of the sanctions from preventing Iran getting nuclear weapons, to regime change. How does that look to you?

Looks like an excellent idea.

The people rise in protest to Iranian leadership because the US reneged on a deal and put them back into an economical swamp?


Not for nothing, who do you think the people will blame, the mullah's or Trump?

Let's ask them, after they string up the mullahs.
The New US Sanctions against Iran is working, destabilizing the government and driving the country closer to the point where the Iranian people could overthrow their government, affecting a regime change.


The 'EU" (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden) has pledged to give Iran $20.7 Million to help stabilize its failing economy / govt...


It strikes me a little 'funny' seeing as how many of these countries are all too familiar with being oppressed people under the thumb / boot of evil dictators / leaders in their own past but are not helping to prop up one such government who has been and continues to oppress its own people.....

EU Pledges $20.7 Million To Iran To Offset Effects Of US Sanctions

Gosh, I wonder why we aren't punishing Iran's sponsor, Russia, for supporting this terrorist state!


Iran's just a puppet. Our Naked Emperor should go after the puppet master.

And yet he doesn't.

$20.7 Million to help stabilize its failing economy

With the $150 Billion Obama gave them, they can take the $20 Million and blow it all on funny hats.

It was not working. The news reported the Iranians were violating it before they even signed it
How convenient you don't include links. Even more convenient you believe some mysterious news reports rather than the IAEA inspectors. Where has that happened before?
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How many Iranian military installations have they inspected in the last few years?
Why should they be inspected? They're not part of any nuke deal.

Why should they be inspected? They're not part of any nuke deal.

Why are you asking me? Ask the guy who made the claim.

The Iranians continue complying with an agreement that was being monitored with international inspectors verifying that fact, and they still have the agreement in tact with all of the other nations.

Good News / Bad News - Iran Sanctions Are Working, but.....
The bad news is the Iran deal with an actual agreement that was working just fine with 9 other countries is still working with the 8 other countries and after Trump goes to prison will be with 9 countries again.

The even worse news is North Korea has even more nukes with Trumps face saluting their general all over state television.

You left out quite a bit. Here, let me help......

1. The Obama 'Deal' with Iran was an Un-Constitutional Treaty Obama engaged in on behalf of the US govt and the American people, a clear violation of the Separation of Powers Act. Obama by-passed Congress to broker this treaty then by-passed Congress again by racing to the U.N. with it without letting Congress read it to get it ratified by the U.N. when the U.S. had not even officially agreed to it.

2. It was not working. The news reported the Iranians were violating it before they even signed it...and it kicked off a nuclear arms race in the M.E. with Saudi and others reporting they will begin looking into getting their own nukes.

3. It was Obama's failed Foreign Policy on his watch that allowed NK to develop / acquire missile technology that allows them to strike the US with nukes they have developed based on the technology Bill Clinton sold to the Chinese years ago.

Wrong on all counts. But then we're talking about you here.

When there is a picture of your face saluting a north korean general on the world stage, while they continue making bombs right in your face.

The Iranians continue complying with an agreement that was being monitored with international inspectors verifying that fact, and they still have the agreement in tact with all of the other nations.

And your own foreign allies don't trust you and think you are a traitor and a clown.

You are the worst President in the history of the United States, which Donald Trump is. This guy is nothing but a common criminal, and should be dealt with as such.

That treaty has what 6 more years of no nukes for Iran, time flies, only 6 more years till Iran can have all the nukes they want, that was such a great deal, explain how it was so great?

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The bad news is the Iran deal with an actual agreement that was working just fine with 9 other countries is still working with the 8 other countries and after Trump goes to prison will be with 9 countries again.

The even worse news is North Korea has even more nukes with Trumps face saluting their general all over state television.

You left out quite a bit. Here, let me help......

1. The Obama 'Deal' with Iran was an Un-Constitutional Treaty Obama engaged in on behalf of the US govt and the American people, a clear violation of the Separation of Powers Act. Obama by-passed Congress to broker this treaty then by-passed Congress again by racing to the U.N. with it without letting Congress read it to get it ratified by the U.N. when the U.S. had not even officially agreed to it.

2. It was not working. The news reported the Iranians were violating it before they even signed it...and it kicked off a nuclear arms race in the M.E. with Saudi and others reporting they will begin looking into getting their own nukes.

3. It was Obama's failed Foreign Policy on his watch that allowed NK to develop / acquire missile technology that allows them to strike the US with nukes they have developed based on the technology Bill Clinton sold to the Chinese years ago.

1. There was no treaty, there was an executive agreement which legally needs no approval from Congress

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There was no treaty, there was an executive agreement which legally needs no approval from Congress

What do you call a beneficial negotiated agreement between the leader of a nation on behalf of his entire government and the citizens of the United States and the Iranian government?


Claiming the Iranian 'Deal' was NOT a 'Treaty' is as F*ING STUPID as Bill Clinton trying to claim 'I did NOT have sex with that woman', that getting an adulterous blowjob from an intern and sticking Cuban cigars up inside of her was not 'having sex'.


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