GoFundMe acct started to help 'Sweet Cakes' fight off Gay Nazi's and state

The anarchists were successful, until they were violently slaughtered after losing a war, and these were just working people.
Working people that didn't live in reality. 2 months wasn't much of a plan.
You keep talking about the Paris commune, I don't think you understand anything.
So you've abandoned their heroic effort? You paint with broad brushes and don't post anything substantive, maybe occasionally a quick sloppy link. Don't blame others.
The anarchists were successful, until they were violently slaughtered after losing a war, and these were just working people.
Working people that didn't live in reality. 2 months wasn't much of a plan.
You keep talking about the Paris commune, I don't think you understand anything.
So you've abandoned their heroic effort? You paint with broad brushes and don't post anything substantive, maybe occasionally a quick sloppy link. Don't blame others.
No, I haven't, but there's more then the Paris commune.
No, I haven't, but there's more then the Paris commune.
Give us your best example and post the content.
Free territory:
The Free Territory (Ukrainian: Вільна територіяvilna terytoriya; Russian: свободная территорияsvobodnaya territoriya) or Makhnovia (МахновщинаMakhnovshchyna) was an attempt to form a statelessanarchist[1] society during the Ukrainian Revolution. It existed from 1918 to 1921, during which time "free soviets" and libertariancommunes[2] operated under the protection of Nestor Makhno's Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army. The population of the area was around seven million.[3] - signature. Or do a quick google search.
Revolutionary Catalonia:
Revolutionary Catalonia (July 21, 1936 – 1939) was the part of Catalonia (a region in northeast Spain) controlled by the anarchist and socialisttrade unions, parties, and militiasduring the Spanish Civil War. These included the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT, National Confederation of Labor) which was the dominant labor union at the time and the closely associated Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI, Iberian Anarchist Federation). The Unión General de Trabajadores (General Worker's Union), the POUM and the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (which included the Communist Party of Catalonia) were also involved. Although the Catalonian Generalitat was nominally in power, the trade unions were de facto in command of most of the economy and military forces.
If this goes anything like the Memories pizza thing did, ordinary Americans will once again rip those extremists a new one.

Naw, being the fourth bunch of haters looking for a handout doesn't work.

The Pizza bigots got %750,000

But tthe flower bigot only got 200K.

And the Auto Shop Bigot only got - well, nothing.

I'm sure the bigots are tapped out now.

I think I know now what the "B" in your username stands for. It's
your favorite word "bigot". You can't say three words without throwing it in there someplace.
maybe they need a gofundme to raise the

cash for them to relocate their business to another state

Right now they are simply trying to stop the ruination of their lives that has been brought down upon them by the extremists. The GoFundme campaign today was meant to be able to pay the fine levied by this crazyass state that I live in.

i feel for you guys

your in a mess

that much is certain

hope you folks can get a handle on it

And just think, in July Oregon will also be a recreational pot state. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
But oh well, in a few more years I'm getting out of this country permanently.
Same here in Alaska...we are now also a recreational pot state. I wonder...how will this affect federal jobs that require mandatory drug testing?
ran across this. look at WHAT was awarded and FOR WHAT. this is SHAMEFUL FOLKS. speak out. You need to get the hell out of Oregon


“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa” GoFundMe Page Violates Terms
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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Byron Beck, GoLocalPDX Features Editor


The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) completed its case against Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a Gresham bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple planning to marry.
The bakery was fined $135,000.

In the Proposed Order, the administrative law judge awards $60,000 in damages to Laurel Bowman-Cryer and $75,000 in damages to Rachel Bowman-Cryer for emotional suffering stemming directly from unlawful discrimination.

all of it here:
GoLocalPDX Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa GoFundMe Page Violates Terms
OK, after I wipe the vomit off my chin, I will be making a contribution to this unfortunate family.
Same here in Alaska...we are now also a recreational pot state. I wonder...how will this affect federal jobs that require mandatory drug testing?

Federal precedence. Even when marijuana was legal before (until 1989 or w/e) military isn't allowed to have any, and with the new fed testing laws, they wouldn't be able to either. (My mom told me that my father would be in trouble if they even found pot in /my/ room, not sure that's entirely true though heh)
OK, after I wipe the vomit off my chin, I will be making a contribution to this unfortunate family.

It was unfortunate they decided to violate the established laws of their state? Yes, it was.

GoFundMe realized they didn't want to be associated with homophobia, so after the first couple of hate businesses got money, they pulled the plug. Awesome.
I think I know now what the "B" in your username stands for. It's
your favorite word "bigot". You can't say three words without throwing it in there someplace.

Actually, GoFundMe has decided it doesn't want to be the fundraiser for homophobic bigots.

Which is kind of awesome.


Mmmmmmm bigot, mmmmmmm, bigot, hmmmmmmm, bigot.
Bigot is as bigot does. Mmmmmmm, bigot, bigot, and then there's the bigot.
I think I know now what the "B" in your username stands for. It's
your favorite word "bigot". You can't say three words without throwing it in there someplace.

Actually, GoFundMe has decided it doesn't want to be the fundraiser for homophobic bigots.

Which is kind of awesome.


Mmmmmmm bigot, mmmmmmm, bigot, hmmmmmmm, bigot.
Bigot is as bigot does. Mmmmmmm, bigot, bigot, and then there's the bigot.

You inability to bring a rational discussion to the table is duly noted.
I think I know now what the "B" in your username stands for. It's
your favorite word "bigot". You can't say three words without throwing it in there someplace.

Actually, GoFundMe has decided it doesn't want to be the fundraiser for homophobic bigots.

Which is kind of awesome.


Mmmmmmm bigot, mmmmmmm, bigot, hmmmmmmm, bigot.
Bigot is as bigot does. Mmmmmmm, bigot, bigot, and then there's the bigot.

You inability to bring a rational discussion to the table is duly noted.

Mmmmmmm bigot, mmmmmmm, bigot, hmmmmmmm, bigot.
Bigot is as bigot does. Mmmmmmm, bigot, bigot, and then there's the bigot.
Yes, it is sad to watch homophobic bigots being driven into the closet, only reduced to hiding behind screen names on a message board because society won't tolerate their bullshit anymore.

Oh, wait. That's not sad at all!

Yes you must agree with JoeBigot, he knows best and knows exactly how you should think.

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