GODS punishment??

Trump can't force GOP RINO's who lied for 6 years about getting rid of Obamacare who now refuse to deliver on their promise to voters. Trump also can't force GOP RINO's who side with illegals who kill and rape American citizens to fund a border wall. Trump can and has exposed these RINO's for who they really are.
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.

Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.
Trump can't force GOP RINO's who lied for 6 years about getting rid of Obamacare who now refuse to deliver on their promise to voters. Trump also can't force GOP RINO's who side with illegals who kill and rape American citizens to fund a border wall. Trump can and has exposed these RINO's for who they really are.
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.
Like his big beautiful fat tax plan?
Trump can't force GOP RINO's who lied for 6 years about getting rid of Obamacare who now refuse to deliver on their promise to voters. Trump also can't force GOP RINO's who side with illegals who kill and rape American citizens to fund a border wall. Trump can and has exposed these RINO's for who they really are.
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.

Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.
Maybe a little less time tweeting and less time on the links along with learning how to speak to people might help him?
Trump can't force GOP RINO's who lied for 6 years about getting rid of Obamacare who now refuse to deliver on their promise to voters. Trump also can't force GOP RINO's who side with illegals who kill and rape American citizens to fund a border wall. Trump can and has exposed these RINO's for who they really are.
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.

Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.

He's already been in the job for over 10 months now, not just "weeks". And, Trump has been telling everyone that he has gotten more done in the past 10 months than any other president ever. Is he lying?
Trump can't force GOP RINO's who lied for 6 years about getting rid of Obamacare who now refuse to deliver on their promise to voters. Trump also can't force GOP RINO's who side with illegals who kill and rape American citizens to fund a border wall. Trump can and has exposed these RINO's for who they really are.
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.

Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.

That's because liberals are dishonest butthurt sore lowers.
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.

Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.

He's already been in the job for over 10 months now, not just "weeks". And, Trump has been telling everyone that he has gotten more done in the past 10 months than any other president ever. Is he lying?
The chances are good that he lies every time he opens his mouth Good thing his arms aren't long enough to pat himself on the back daily
Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.

He's already been in the job for over 10 months now, not just "weeks". And, Trump has been telling everyone that he has gotten more done in the past 10 months than any other president ever. Is he lying?
The chances are good that he lies every time he opens his mouth Good thing his arms aren't long enough to pat himself on the back daily

Doesn't stop him from trying though. Have you noticed that in his tweets, Trump is starting to refer to himself as "your favorite president"?
Trump can't force GOP RINO's who lied for 6 years about getting rid of Obamacare who now refuse to deliver on their promise to voters. Trump also can't force GOP RINO's who side with illegals who kill and rape American citizens to fund a border wall. Trump can and has exposed these RINO's for who they really are.
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.

Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.
I didn't vote for Hill.

Trump set his timeline himself.

Trump made 28 promises for his first 100 days. We made him a scorecard
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.

Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.

He's already been in the job for over 10 months now, not just "weeks". And, Trump has been telling everyone that he has gotten more done in the past 10 months than any other president ever. Is he lying?
All the orange anus has done is tearing down with EO's everything Obama put in place as PROTECTIONS for the people It beats me how he gets any support at all
The problem for HC reform was there was never a HC reform bill. McConnell and Ryan wanted a straight repeal, but with a two year provision that there'd be a replace or repeal would not be implemented. Trump said no. Fail.

I think they'll pass something of a pig on taxes. Its' not reform, it's a supply side cut. Contrast that with Kemp-Roth. Congress and economists had debated the idea of cutting top rates for a year, and Reagan made it a central part of his campaign. The paramteters of the bill were known. Cut rates, eliminate loopholes. Congress passed the thing in about 8 months. A double dip recession ensued (probably no cause effect there) and much of it was rolled back. Taxes were again cut in 86. But there's not been any debate, nor is there any economic philosophy unifiying cuts, beyond "cut rates, now lets find new revenue that people won't bitch too loudly about, and pass the bitch."
Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.

He's already been in the job for over 10 months now, not just "weeks". And, Trump has been telling everyone that he has gotten more done in the past 10 months than any other president ever. Is he lying?
All the orange anus has done is tearing down with EO's everything Obama put in place as PROTECTIONS for the people It beats me how he gets any support at all

At least that was one promise he kept. He said he was going to de-Bama the country as much as he could. I'm sure its' a great relief for parents who have daughters in public school. They can continue to change wardrobe and take showers with people exclusively of their own gender.
Trump can't force GOP RINO's who lied for 6 years about getting rid of Obamacare who now refuse to deliver on their promise to voters. Trump also can't force GOP RINO's who side with illegals who kill and rape American citizens to fund a border wall. Trump can and has exposed these RINO's for who they really are.
Trump promised a big beautiful plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.

Trump didn't promise you would improve your reading comprehension.
Shove this up you colon, asshole
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

:itsok: Trump has 4 years to get the job done just relax snowflake.

These partisan hacks expect Trump to accomplish everything within weeks.

Gotta give him credit for trying. How much have the Democrats helped him out with his accomplishments? Every thing I hear of is strictly down party lines with every Democrat voting against whatever it is. Then we have the Democrat Republicans in the Senate that are being a typical pain in the ass.
When you get your record high medical insurance bills, try to tell yourselves America is great again. :lol:

And then commence with the excuses, bitches.

It happened here a few years ago. Our premiums are up about 40% and our OOP jumped from $2,000 to $12,500. As I have explained, say you by a new Corvette for cash, take out only liability, then wrap it around a pole, then go to Allstate and say you need a collision policy to replace your car, what do you think your premiums will be?

Thank you pre-existing conditions!

What the Republicans should have done there is met the Democrats halfway. People with preexisting conditions should be out of the insurance pool and offered a very affordable Medicare plan like they do if you are on disability for two years or more. Double the Medicare employee contributions and sell the plans to those with preexisting conditions.

I thought I might be put out of work because of my medical conditions, so I checked into disability. I still may have to go on it but that's hanging right now. Anyway, it was explained to me that after two years, I would be able to buy into Medicare for a very reasonable price. Depending on what you wanted, the plans were about $200.00 a month give or take fifty bucks. Even if on disability that's still pretty reasonable.

That would greatly lower premiums for everybody else, and I can't see how the Democrats would vote against it.

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