Film "Gone With the Wind" banned in Tennessee due to "racial tensions"

Is 2017 the realistic start of Orwell's 1984?

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I keep wondering when they're gonna get around to throwing Jet Li in some camp or something somewhere.

I joke... but wonder how close to the truth that could be. They're escalating with no end in sight.

They are domestic terrorists.
Yes, you can. Your link just did. Fake news. Gone With the Wind has not been banned in Tennessee. That is a straight out lie. The Orpheum Theater is a non-political historical theater that has spent 15 million dollars on renovating the theater. They host a schedule of theater events year round and the showing of Gone With the Wind was just one of them. They simply took that event off future showings to avoid the controversy and politics. Any theater in Tennessee is free to show the film, hence, it is not banned. Once the controversy is over the Orpheum may decide to put the film back on its schedule.
I voted....I had in mind some thoughts to share with regard to the poll question, but after observing the nature of most remarks preceding this one, there's no point in my doing so. I'll say on that the banning of one book in one place does not the dystopian nightmare of Orwell's 1984 make. Carry on...

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