God & the slaughtered babies

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
At the same time that the mothers of the children whom Pharaoh was slaughtering were crying, the divine judgment had been passed in heaven, contrary to what the scene suggested.


The judgment was:

“And We wish to favor those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors. And We will enable them to prevail in the land and show Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers of them what they used to fear.”
But it did not proceed according to the feeling of the oppressed who wanted the scene to end in an instant, but rather according to the measure of God, and His wisdom.

So God prepared the causes,
created Moses,
saved him from slaughter,
raised him in Pharaoh's palace,
prepared him and made him on His eyes,
tested him to correct him,
and cared for him in his exile,
then sent him in the face of the unjust tyrant:

“Go to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed.”
The content of the message was two things:

  1. Guidance to the worship of God:“And I will guide you to your Lord, so you will fear Him.”
  2. The liberation of the oppressed:“Send with us the Children of Israel and do not torment them.”
Pharaoh denied and refused,and he ran away, and he gathered and called,"I am your Lord, the Most High."

Then the day of adornment came, and the truth appeared,but he did not return, and he continued in his tyranny, killing and crucifying, threatening and promising, then he returned to killing children again, and the oppressed returned to pain, and they said to Moses: “We were harmed before you came to us and after you came to us.”

God was patient with the tyrant, his people, before He took them away in a way that there is no escape from it forever.

So He took them with a light punishment as a reminder and a warning: “And We took the family of Pharaoh with years and reduced the fruits, so perhaps they will remember.”

But they refused.

Then came the punishment of God and His wrath that is not repelled from the criminal people: “Then when We had exhausted them, We took revenge on them, and We drowned them all.”


The previous judgment for the oppressed was fulfilled:

“And We inherited to the people who were oppressed the easts and the wests of the land which We blessed in it.”

... after long and painful decades in the measure of the oppressed, but it was close in the measure of God.
A thread defending the targeting of Hebrew babies?


Are you a Professor at Stanford or Harvard?
A thread defending the targeting of Hebrew babies?


Are you a Professor at Stanford or Harvard?
Most of the Old Testament stories begin with killing infants or first born children.
"Israel's economy to shrink 11% due to escalating war with Hamas: JPMorgan"

I remember that Western propagandists were wildly happy to prophesize such a thing for the russian economy. And it turned out like this...
5 lessons from the story:

1. God is always just, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time. He has a plan for everything, and He will eventually bring about justice for those who are oppressed.

2. God is patient. He gives people time to repent, but if they refuse, He will eventually punish them.

3. God is powerful. He can easily defeat any enemy, no matter how strong they may seem.

4. God is faithful. He keeps His promises.

5. God is loving. He wants what is best for us, even if it means discipline.
"Israel's economy to shrink 11% due to escalating war with Hamas: JPMorgan"

I remember that Western propagandists were wildly happy to prophesize such a thing for the russian economy. And it turned out like this...

How is that Russian economy lately?
Still a 3rd world shithole with oil?
5 lessons from the story:

1. God is always just, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time. He has a plan for everything, and He will eventually bring about justice for those who are oppressed.

2. God is patient. He gives people time to repent, but if they refuse, He will eventually punish them.

3. God is powerful. He can easily defeat any enemy, no matter how strong they may seem.

4. God is faithful. He keeps His promises.

5. God is loving. He wants what is best for us, even if it means discipline.

Yeah, but muslims still suck.

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