God I hope the GOP Supreme Court overturns Roe

And in doing so revealed more than enough about your insecurity over the weakness of your position.
That's nice. So, are you going to state your point? I can't figure out what your odd question has to do with any point I have made.
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Are you going to answer my question?
Go ahead and assume any answer you like, for the sake of discussion. Pick whatever answer will allow you to make your point before we all fall into a deep sleep.
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It would be refreshing to me for people to begin voting again on truly vested interests. We used to see this when there were true economic differences in parties, but now the party that wins both congress and the WH is the party that turns out it's own in states it cannot lose, and captures suburban swing votes in the 6 or 7 states that actually decide elections.

Even vietnam didn't really make a difference. But once the dems under Carter embraced using the Fed to engineer recessions over inflation ... wages are relatively flat, while the rich earn more per capita, and taxes apply more and more the the rich, but rise slower than their incomes by percentage.

But nobody really cares because .... we have the soma

Firstly, got won't help be abuse he doesn't read this firum.
Second, you have acknowledged the sc is stacked with conservatives. That's ok if it's them but it totally wrong if the libs do it.

Thirdly, most of the godbotherers want it over turned purely on religious grounds and nothing else. None of you care about women. Just do what you think God wants regardless you don't know anyway.
Them you bellow about people's freedom but won't let women exercise their freedoms. You hypocrites.
Firstly, got won't help be abuse he doesn't read this firum.
Second, you have acknowledged the sc is stacked with conservatives. That's ok if it's them but it totally wrong if the libs do it.

Thirdly, most of the godbotherers want it over turned purely on religious grounds and nothing else. None of you care about women. Just do what you think God wants regardless you don't know anyway.
Them you bellow about people's freedom but won't let women exercise their freedoms. You hypocrites.
The dems should add 4 liberal judges to the bench, then pass a law limiting the bench to 14.
Depending on how SCOTUS rules...
Abortion can become murder... usually in the first degree.

Apparently abortion defenders were poorly prepared for court and had the worst rebuttals...pro life advocates were extremely well prepared...

Planned Parenthood won't have fetus parts to sell anymore to the highest bidder.
And any state that does that will pay a cost.
It it's law...then nope...

Go out in the streets and yell and loot and burn down cities if you think that it proves that you are on the side of right and peace and goodness.

Merry Christmas.

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