Globalists Got Greedy - Over-reached...NOW: "GLOBALISTS SPIRAL"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Banning together for strength and solidarity in regards to economy, money, and trade was a great idea. No one really had much of a problem with that.

Globalists FORCING all these countries to accept millions of foreign 'refugees' - Muslims, many Islamic 'extremists' - who destroyed provided refugee camps, burned their food, protested, rioted, went on a stabbing spree, went on a sexual assault / raping spree, began ignoring national laws, instituting Sharia law, and creating -Muslim-Only' Zones within their own nations while they had no say in what was going on ...that was the last straw, and Britain revolted. More nations now are reportedly considering it.

The latest news being reported here is that Obama stripped the Oath of Allegiance from being a requirement fro 'refugees' and foreigners to become 'naturalized citizens'. Talk about the complete destruction of the 'Melting Pot' idea of immigration, about coming her to be one of us. Obama just declared it to be ok to come to this country, hold no allegiance to it, and to do whatever you want, even if it means undermining the Constitution, our Rule of law, and taking no part in defending this country should we be attacked.


Time to pull a 'Britain' and end this same shite being forced upon us without us having a say about it, as well! Britain rejected this crap from Obama...OUR TURN, inside our OWN country!

EU must stop others following Britain out of the door, Merkel warns
This does seem to be far more cultural than economic. Economic globalization is long-since established and becoming more and more efficient with time.

Turns out there are still people around the world who feel a little pride in their country, for all its warts, and are resistant to those who want to blur lines and dilute the individual cultures unique to that country.

Personally, I celebrate the differences between the countries and enjoy seeing them have their own cultures and feels.

Not coincidentally, I also celebrate the differences between men and women, and those lines are also being purposely blurred.

Maybe this is just one last gasp before we all lose our individualism. Ultimately, these people are going to get their way.

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Britain was paying 8 billion pounds per year over what was spent on Britain for the "privilege" of belonging to the EU and forfeiting her sovereignty. 2015 she put in 13 Billion pounds and got 4.5 Billion pounds back.

What insanity is this? How can anyone even question why it was a great time to exit the EU?
Britain was paying 8 billion pounds per year over what was spent on Britain for the "privilege" of belonging to the EU and forfeiting her sovereignty. 2015 she put in 13 Billion pounds and got 4.5 Billion pounds back.

What insanity is this? How can anyone even question why it was a great time to exit the EU?

We should apply the same logic to our own Israeli Union.

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