Globalist Soros Exposed Funding Over 50 Organizations in Women’s March on DC


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Washington, D.C. – An investigation by a New York Times affiliate has revealed that billionaire globalist financier George Soros, who recently called Donald Trump a “would-be dictator” during an interview at Davos, and whose Open Society Foundation works to finance and forward progressive causes across the world, and is intimately connected to numerous color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and various other political uprisings across the globe, has been revealed to be connected to more than 50 of the groups that organized the nationwide “Women’s Marches” that saw millions of Americans take to the streets across the country.

The march’s official website says, “We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.” Many people turned out to be a manifestation of that ideal, but it’s important to understand the reality of what is happening on a strategic political level as an inorganic politically contrived and funded event. This, in no way, takes away from the validity of standing up for women’s issues but is important to note that women are being used as pawns in a larger ideological political game that has international overtones of power politics.

These marches were largely billed as “spontaneous” and “grassroots” actions, by publications like The Guardian and Vox. However, the reality exposed by an investigation by self-described liberal feminist Asra Q. Nomani, writing for New York Times affiliate Women in the World, revealed that after studying the “funding, politics and talking points of the some 403 groups that are ‘partners’ of the march,” contrary to the non-partisan rhetoric used in these marches, they were not really “women’s march” but were rather “for women who are anti-Trump.”

Nomani reveals that the “Women’s Marches” were actually organized as political tools to be used to strategically forward a progressive political agenda against President Donald Trump — exposing the protests to largely be an organized, top-down driven political operation — and not an organic movement of concerned Americans taking to the streets as reported by the mainstream media.

According to Nomani’s Women in the World/New York Times report:

Following the money, I poured through documents of billionaire George Soros and his Open Society philanthropy, because I wondered: What is the link between one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors and the “Women’s March”?

I found out: plenty.

Globalist Soros Exposed Funding Over 50 Organizations in Women's March on DC
Soros was so sure his money could keep Pence out of the Whitehouse. He funded Trump but forgot to think about who his VP pick would be.. A common mistake.
The purple revolution is something the large feminist march is all about.

Bolshevism is part of the communist/marxism agenda the zionist have for the downfall of America.

if the department of homeland security was illegit George Soros would be seen as instigating terrorism and dealt with accordingly.
Whee, the fruitloops are crawling out of the walls. 'Alternative facts' and tin foil hat dingbats.

The women have every right to express their resentment of the far rights misogynistic attitudes. As one of the signs stated at one of the marches, 'We are going to grab Trump by his Policy'. LOL
Soros gave 90 million dollars to fifty groups who organized that ridiculous march.

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