Global warming over the last 16 years

Frank -

What we established is that you will ignore all science presented which establishes that human acitivity is a factor in climate change, and that you only pretend to want a lab test.

We also established that you do not require lab tests of other concepts.

Westwall is the same - he'll take the word of a politician, but ignore the word of anyone trained in the topic. It's fundamentalism, right out of the American Taliban playbook.

Still not Science

Frank -

What we established is that you will ignore all science presented which establishes that human acitivity is a factor in climate change, and that you only pretend to want a lab test.

What actual science establishes that human activity is a signifigant factor in global clmate change? Upon what is it based?

Perhaps you have a limp wristed definition of science and that is where the dispute arises.
Frank -

What we established is that you will ignore all science presented which establishes that human acitivity is a factor in climate change, and that you only pretend to want a lab test.

We also established that you do not require lab tests of other concepts.

Westwall is the same - he'll take the word of a politician, but ignore the word of anyone trained in the topic. It's fundamentalism, right out of the American Taliban playbook.

You're equating adding 100ppm of CO2 to a controlled system with replicating a quasar.


AGW is not Science
Frank -

What we established is that you will ignore all science presented which establishes that human acitivity is a factor in climate change, and that you only pretend to want a lab test.

We also established that you do not require lab tests of other concepts.

Westwall is the same - he'll take the word of a politician, but ignore the word of anyone trained in the topic. It's fundamentalism, right out of the American Taliban playbook.

I wish I could ignore you fuckers, but you're determined to drag down Western Civilization with your Fake Science Cult
Clearly, Saigon had no idea that black holes had been replicated in a lab seting

I don't think they understand what a piddling little degree a degree in climate science is, even for an advanced degree. I think most of the warmer population believes a degree in climate science is an actual scientific degree.
Meanwhile, back in reality...

2012 hottest year on record in contiguous U.S., NOAA says

Temperatures in the contiguous United States last year were the hottest in more than a century of record-keeping, shattering the mark set in 1998 by a wide margin, the federal government announced Tuesday.

2012 hottest year on record in contiguous U.S., NOAA says - Washington Post
Not according to Hansen (who PROVIDES the data to NOAA I might add). According to him 2012 was the 9th warmest....really, you should at least make an attempt to stay abreast of things.

"Summary. Global surface temperature in 2012 was +0.56°C (1°F) warmer than the 1951-1980 base period average, despite much of the year being affected by a strong La Nina. Global temperature thus continues at a high level that is sufficient to cause a substantial increase in the frequency of extreme warm anomalies. The 5-year mean global temperature has been flat for a decade, which we interpret as a combination of natural variability and a slowdown in the growth rate of the net climate forcing.
An update through 2012 of our global analysis1 (Fig. 1) reveals 2012 as having practically the same temperature as 2011, significantly lower than the maximum reached in 2010. These short-term global fluctuations are associated principally with natural oscillations of tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures summarized in the Nino index in the lower part of the figure. 2012 is nominally the 9th warmest year, but it is indistinguishable in rank with several other years, as shown by the error estimate."

LOLOLOLOLOLOL....ROTFLMAO........Oh walleyed, you poor, poor imbecile......even though the difference between "global" and 'just in the contiguous US' has been pointed out to you several times before, you continue to try to beat your imaginary horse.

S McIntyre is a Cambridge wrangler in mathematics. he came to the climate wars because the canadian govt sent a copy of the hockeystick graph to every household. Mc thought it looked fishy so he started inquiring, and the rest is history (that you should read). he is no wild eyed sceptic, he is a mathematical prodigy who is extremely good in deriving methodologies from incomplete information, and uncovering background data from other sources. he is also another lukewarmer that is more concerned about the poor science involved than whether CO2 and AGW theory is correct.

LOLOL.....another fossil fuel industry stooge....whose criticisms of climate science have been shown to be either trivial or bogus....

McIntyre was also exposed for having unreported ties to CGX Energy, Inc., an oil and gas exploration company, which listed McIntyre as a "strategic advisor." [4] He is the former President of Dumont Nickel Inc., and was President of Northwest Exploration Company Limited, the predecessor company to CGX Energy Inc. As of 2003, he was the strategic advisor of CGX Energy Inc.

The Hockey Stick Study Controversy

Stephen McIntyre is especially known for his critique of Michael E. Mann's hockey stick study, a "reconstruction of temperatures over the past 1,000 years based on records captured in tree rings, corals and other markers," which shows temperatures swinging sharply upward in the 20th century.[7] Articles written by McIntyre, along with colleague Ross McKitrick, critical of Mann's hockey stick study led to congressional inquiry into the scientific methods of the studies. Independent research has found that McIntyre's critique may have "limited significance." Researchers at the GKSS Research Center in Geesthacht, Germany, confirmed "a glitch" in Dr. Mann's work but "found this glitch to be of very minor significance."[8] The (USA) National Research Council responded to a request from Congress and concluded after a thorough study that the scientific evidence then available generally supported Mann's analysis, noting in particular that the global warming of the last few decades exceeded that of any comparable period in the past 400 years, although less confidence could be placed on earlier periods [9]. The issue was addressed in the Fourth IPPC Report which also concluded that Mann's analysis was essentially valid and substantiated by more recent work.

(source: SourceWatch)
Clearly, Saigon had no idea that black holes had been replicated in a lab seting

No, it was news to me.

But as I said earlier - there are a dozen other concepts which have not been replicated in a lab setting, such as quasars, which you apparently accept.

Honestly, Frank, it is just so blazingly obvious that this lad replication thing is a red that seriously the best excuse you can come up with for rejecting science?

The fact that you actually admit that you will reject all scientific research out of takes the breath away.
Clearly, Saigon had no idea that black holes had been replicated in a lab seting

I don't think they understand what a piddling little degree a degree in climate science is, even for an advanced degree. I think most of the warmer population believes a degree in climate science is an actual scientific degree.

A PhD is Physics is very much a science degree, genius.

And physics is exactly the field a great many experts in science began in.

Again, the desperation you guys sink to sometimes is beyond measure - Viva the Taliban!
Deniers often whine about temperature station being sited in improper locations, like at airports or near air conditioning vents, and they demand that their data be removed from any temperature calculation and the sites shut down.

Will you state that when the data is removed and the site shut down deniers bitch that the data record was changed and the number of reporting sites reduced by some nefarious socialist conspiracy?

when has this happened? care to give me a few examples so that I can understand your context.

the great thermometer die off in the 90's affected high altitude and rural thermometers much more than urban and airport ones. please explain your last comment a little more thoroughly.
And there is your basic denier's conspiracy theory in 5 words.
Thank you!

If these shut down temp stations are so accurate they will disprove global warming, why don't you deniers man them and collect your own data? Instead you attack everyone else's data with none of your own!!!!
Very revealing!


Here we see that three northern bands have been gutted entirely. There are now NO thermometers (as of 2009) in the 65-70, 70-75, and 80-85 bands. 1992 saw the 80-85 band die. 2009, the others. Due to the general slaughter of thermometers, that 75-80 band is ONE thermometer.

That’s right. ONE thermometer for everything north of LAT 65. Who needs Northwest Territories, The Yukon Territories, or Baffin Island anyway… GIStemp can just estimate it from the satellite ice map projection synthesis interpolation estimates. (Yes, it does that…). Oh, wait, you say there have been sensor issues with the polar ice satellites?

and yet you think I am a conspiracy theorist for being concerned that there are very few temp stations in northern canada. there is obviously no opportunity for bias and shading with so many northern thermometers, right?
Ian -

I am a conspiracy theorist for being concerned that there are very few temp stations in northern canada.


There are 209 countries in the world. While you obsess about Iceland and Northern Canada, I think most of us are fairly content with the data gathered in the other 150 countries which conduct research, and which have reliable monitors etc.

This really is not difficult - find a research unit and country you trust. Read their local research. Consider that in a global context.
Ian -

I just don't see that at all - and, of course, this is where it becomes entirely subjective.

I do agree that some reports have been foolishly alarmist - but as mentioned, other reports have also been found not to be alarmist enough (e.g. Andean glacial melt).

I have only met one real climate scientist, and he struck me as as honest, hard-working and open minded as anyone could hope for. The idea that he is part of some global conspiracy to commit fraud, or is guilty of junk science I find baffling.

- Bishop Hill blog - Uniform priors and the IPCC

here is a link to a recent article on climate sensitivities. you could compare it to the discussion at RealClimate as well.

there is a lot of information to be found on sceptic blogs and very little of it is wild eyed frothing mouth diatribes. we leave that to the comment section just like the warmist blogs.
Ian -

Find a research unit you trust, in a country whose government you trust. Read their local reseach. Consider it from a global perspective.

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