Global ranking of GDP per capita

Well, I can reiterate that I don't see a direct equation between GDP and trade deficit. ...
ESay,a nation's balance of international trade affects its GDP; it's not the reverse of that.
Referring to Encyclopedia Britannica's explanation of nation's balances of international trade effects upon their nation's GDP: gross domestic product | Definition & Formula .

Nation's balances of international trade certainly directly affects their GDP. For any given nation's expenditures of wealth, their positive annual trade balances increased trade surplus nations', and their negative balances reduced trade deficit nation's GDPs.
Only negative net international trade balances, (i.e. trade deficits) are detrimental to their nation's GDP.

These are facts rather than opinions. Respectfully, Supposn
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Well, I can reiterate ...
Both definitions from Oxford Languages.
iterate: perform or utter repeatedly.
"the bird's call is a monotonously iterated single note"
reiterate: say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
"she reiterated that the administration would remain steadfast in its support"
Esay, do you, as I do wonder how many time I must iterate, before I'm reiterating?
Respectfully, Supposn

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