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A Mini Ice Age to Start about 10-20 years from now:
Global Cooling deniers!
11 August 2007
The eco-cult of the Globaloney-warming true-believers ignores reality. If the earth is warming than why are winters in various parts of the globe becoming colder, more violent and more prone to defy weekly forecasts let alone millennium forecasts? To deny Global Cooling is criminal. Where are the experts to demand [like they did in 1975] that we only have 5 years to solve this Global Cooling crisis! Global Cooling deniers are worse than holocaust deniers. By denying the cooling trends they will cause the next ice age which will kill our children; destroy the earth goddess Gaia; and make the UN and Al Gore look like idiots [easy enough to do however]. Where is the outrage!
This year from Kansas, to British Columbia, to New York State to parts of Europe, the winter of 2007 is the worst in a long while. Backtrack a few years ago and cold records were set in Russia, Eastern Europe, and North Africa. If Global warming is supposed to have us all cooking in a human created microwave why is this happening? Why is the earth’s average mean temperature still around 14C today – the same as it was 120 years ago and why are winters literally all over the map and in many places getting colder and worse, not warmer and brighter?
The reality which deeply disturbs the chattering eco-fascists and mindless Marxist engineers who want to control and regulate, is that the earth has climate cycles and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. In what passes for UN and Al Gorean ‘science’ [ie. look outside and see if it is hot today], Global Cooling has more of a claim for our collective attention than Global Warming. In the vote between cooling and warming, the natural climate cycle seems to be voting for the deep freeze. My guess is that we will all be running for the equator in front of fast moving ice-sheets long before we are dropping dead from heat exhaustion.
Remember London in 1975? It snowed. How about Moscow in June 2003? I was there – it also snowed. Detroit in the first week of October 2006? Earliest recorded snowfall in the car-city. In Jerusalem during December 2006? Largest recorded snow-fall in the city of contemplation. Global warming? You don’t say.
How about in Europe that great bastion of eco fascist Global Warming baloney?
“The winter of 2003 in the Northern Hemisphere broke all records in freezing temperatures, and the ice in Finland came 15 days earlier than usual….Astrophysicists predict a new Double Minimum (Gleissberg) for the year 2030, a solar condition that will have a freezing influence on Earth, taking temperatures down to the same as those of the Little Ice Age of 1610 onwards, when the Double Maunder and Spörer Minima occurred.”
It’s Time to Worry about Global COOLING
Solar scientists predict that, by 2020, the sun will be starting into its weakest solar cycle of the past two centuries. They say this will likely lead to unusually cool conditions on Earth. It is also predicted that this cool period will go much longer than the normal 11 year cycle, as the Little Ice Age did. The climate threat is actually cooling, especially to countries like Canada. On the northern limit to agriculture in the world, very little cooling would likely destroy much of its food crops.
The Little Ice Age—the coldest period in the past 1500 years—corresponded perfectly with the Maunder Minimum. There was virtually no sunspot activity for almost seven decades in the Maunder Minimum(per Willie Soon/ Harvard/Astrophysics). It turns out that for those 60-70 years the northern half of our globe was in a deep freeze. The New York harbor froze, allowing walkers to journey from Manhattan to Staten Island, and the Vikings abandoned Greenland--a once verdant land that became tundra. In that Little Ice Age, Finland lost 1/3 of its population and Iceland 1/2.