Glenn Greenwald: Washington Post Richly Rewarded For Fake News About Russia


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Glenn Greenwald
January 4 2017, 9:28 a.m.

In the past
six weeks, the Washington Post published two blockbuster stories about the Russian threat that went viral: one on how Russia is behind a massive explosion of “fake news,” the other on how it invaded the U.S. electric grid. Both articles were fundamentally false. Each now bears a humiliating editor’s note grudgingly acknowledging that the core claims of the story were fiction: The first note was posted a full two weeks later to the top of the original article; the other was buried the following day at the bottom.

The second story on the electric grid turned out to be far worse than I realized when I wrote about it on Saturday, when it became clear that there was no “penetration of the U.S. electricity grid” as the Post had claimed. In addition to the editor’s note, the Russia-hacked-our-electric-grid story now has a full-scale retraction in the form of [URL='']a separate article admitting that “the incident is not linked to any Russian government effort to target or hack the utility” and there may not even have been malware at all on this laptop.

WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived
Greenwald is turning into a hardcore GOP shill. He seems incapable of uttering a bad word about the GOP. Everything he does now seems to be in service of the GOP. Here, he runs cover for the GOP fake news avalanche with a mewling "both sides do it" defense. Given how conservative the Post is, it's especially dishonest and stupid.

That's what demented Obama-hatred does to a supposed "liberal".
Greenwald is turning into a hardcore GOP shill. He seems incapable of uttering a bad word about the GOP. Everything he does now seems to be in service of the GOP. Here, he runs cover for the GOP fake news avalanche with a mewling "both sides do it" defense. Given how conservative the Post is, it's especially dishonest and stupid.

That's what demented Obama-hatred does to a supposed "liberal".

I don't know. He despised George Bush. He was much tougher on him than he was Obama. Although he's no Obama fan either.
One of the biggest fake stories out there is on Syria. Now the WP aren't the only ones that quote the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights". But for your thread l'll link to a Post article.

The SOHR sounds awesome right? Everyone quotes them for the action on the ground in Syria including casualties.

Problem with this source is it's one guy in Britain. Coventry. Who is a tailor for a day job. He's anti Assad and he gets phone calls to fill in our media on what is going on in Syria. No bias there right?

One man band. And everyone quotes him. Even though they know he's just one guy who lives in Britain and hasn't step foot in Syria for over a decade.

Here's a quote of the one guy by the Post.

"The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said evacuations were postponed for an “unknown” period, deepening abject suffering inside eastern Aleppo as the United Nations thrashed out ways to resolve the crisis."

Aleppo evacuation efforts falter as Islamist fighters burn convoy of rescue buses

Greenwald is turning into a hardcore GOP shill. He seems incapable of uttering a bad word about the GOP. Everything he does now seems to be in service of the GOP. Here, he runs cover for the GOP fake news avalanche with a mewling "both sides do it" defense. Given how conservative the Post is, it's especially dishonest and stupid.

That's what demented Obama-hatred does to a supposed "liberal".
The Post is not and never has been conservative.
One of the biggest fake stories out there is on Syria. Now the WP aren't the only ones that quote the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights". But for your thread l'll link to a Post article.

The SOHR sounds awesome right? Everyone quotes them for the action on the ground in Syria including casualties.

Problem with this source is it's one guy in Britain. Coventry. Who is a tailor for a day job. He's anti Assad and he gets phone calls to fill in our media on what is going on in Syria. No bias there right?

One man band. And everyone quotes him. Even though they know he's just one guy who lives in Britain and hasn't step foot in Syria for over a decade.

Here's a quote of the one guy by the Post.

"The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said evacuations were postponed for an “unknown” period, deepening abject suffering inside eastern Aleppo as the United Nations thrashed out ways to resolve the crisis."

Aleppo evacuation efforts falter as Islamist fighters burn convoy of rescue buses


That organization is a British intelligence creation. It has no credibility. But of course the corrupt Western MSM is gonna continue pushing it as a 'neutral credible' source.

The reality is, its only purpose is to support the Great Britain/US Regime Change policy in Syria. But the good news is that Great Britain and the US have been left out of the Syria peace plan. They're irrelevant over there now.
One of the biggest fake stories out there is on Syria. Now the WP aren't the only ones that quote the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights". But for your thread l'll link to a Post article.

The SOHR sounds awesome right? Everyone quotes them for the action on the ground in Syria including casualties.

Problem with this source is it's one guy in Britain. Coventry. Who is a tailor for a day job. He's anti Assad and he gets phone calls to fill in our media on what is going on in Syria. No bias there right?

One man band. And everyone quotes him. Even though they know he's just one guy who lives in Britain and hasn't step foot in Syria for over a decade.

Here's a quote of the one guy by the Post.

"The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said evacuations were postponed for an “unknown” period, deepening abject suffering inside eastern Aleppo as the United Nations thrashed out ways to resolve the crisis."

Aleppo evacuation efforts falter as Islamist fighters burn convoy of rescue buses


That organization is a British intelligence creation. It has no credibility. But of course the corrupt Western MSM is gonna continue pushing it as a 'neutral credible' source.

The reality is, its only purpose is to support the Great Britain/US Regime Change policy in Syria. But the good news is that Great Britain and the US have been left out of the Syria peace plan. They're irrelevant over there now.

It's a bad joke. And the western media aka propaganda machines keep quoting him. Some days the shit that goes on is surreal.

And agreed on the peace process going forward without the western players that kicked up all this mess.
There is nothing new about fake news. We have been getting it from the MSM for a long time.

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