Glen GreenWald's Article On Bidens - The One That Was Censored

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
I looked and did not find this anywhere....sorry if it is a duplicate

I am surprised Twitter hasn't had him arrested:

I am posting here the most recent draft of my article about Joe and Hunter Biden — the last one seen by Intercept editors before telling me that they refuse to publish it absent major structural changes involving the removal of all sections critical of Joe Biden, leaving only a narrow article critiquing media outlets.

He then promises more:

I will also, in a separate post, publish all communications I had with Intercept editors surrounding this article so you can see the censorship in action and, given the Intercept’s denials, decide for yourselves (this is the kind of transparency responsible journalists provide, and which the Intercept refuses to this day to provide regarding their conduct in the Reality Winner story).


I am reading through this and this article is not about Joe Biden although it raises some questions that should be addressed.....

In the middle of the article there is this summary:

But the real scandal that has been proven is not the former Vice President’s misconduct but that of his supporters and allies in the U.S. media. As Taibbi’s headline put it: “With the Hunter Biden Exposé, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than the Actual Story.”


Lots more to follow:
I looked and did not find this anywhere....sorry if it is a duplicate

I am surprised Twitter hasn't had him arrested:

I am posting here the most recent draft of my article about Joe and Hunter Biden — the last one seen by Intercept editors before telling me that they refuse to publish it absent major structural changes involving the removal of all sections critical of Joe Biden, leaving only a narrow article critiquing media outlets.

He then promises more:

I will also, in a separate post, publish all communications I had with Intercept editors surrounding this article so you can see the censorship in action and, given the Intercept’s denials, decide for yourselves (this is the kind of transparency responsible journalists provide, and which the Intercept refuses to this day to provide regarding their conduct in the Reality Winner story).


I am reading through this and this article is not about Joe Biden although it raises some questions that should be addressed.....

In the middle of the article there is this summary:

But the real scandal that has been proven is not the former Vice President’s misconduct but that of his supporters and allies in the U.S. media. As Taibbi’s headline put it: “With the Hunter Biden Exposé, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than the Actual Story.”


Lots more to follow:
Without an objective media our Republic is doomed.... We are on life support at the moment...
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Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".

That is a liberal mainstay. Libs are smarter than you.
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Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".

That is a liberal mainstay. Libs are smarter than you.

That is the trademark of a true left winger. They just know better. They are elitist (that post is elitist in every way).
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Here is the summary paragraph at the end:

As my colleague Lee Fang put it on Sunday: "The partisan double standards in the media are mind boggling this year, and much of the supposedly left independent media is just as cowardly and conformist as the mainstream corporate media. Everyone is reading the room and acting out of fear." Discussing his story from Sunday, Taibbi summed up the most important point this way: "The whole point is that the press loses its way when it cares more about who benefits from information than whether it's true."

And here is the second comment in the comments I sigh up for wholeheartedly:

Glenn - new subscriber today (saw you with Tucker Carlson). As a conservative voter, I support your new venture, not because your story is critical or suspicious of Biden, but because we need more talented journalists willing to just investigate possible corruption and inform the public. I also support Matt Taibbi for the same reason. The last line of your article sums it up best for me.

"The whole point is that the press loses its way when it cares more about who benefits from information than whether it's true."

Good luck, I hope you find this new path rewarding professionally and financially.
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".
The thinking has been done... STFU... is this clowns attitude...
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Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".
The thinking has been done... STFU... is this clowns attitude...

This is really pure emotion.

They can't dominate you in public arena because they don't have the good (or in this case a serious candidate) so they do whatever they can to cheat simply because "they know". Al Gore is the best example.
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".

That is a liberal mainstay. Libs are smarter than you.

We are. Given present company it's not that difficult.

So, tell us why you believe that?

This is serious shit. Greenwald is a hard left winger. He's calling out the press for it's dishonesty.

He helped start The Intercept. And he sees it being hijacked.

He's extremely credible given the sacrifice he's made to bring this forward.
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".
The thinking has been done... STFU... is this clowns attitude...

Not to mention that he says that he knows that the Biden's are 'influence peddling' but so what...So what? If this were reversed, and Trump was the family that was doing this, the progs in here would loose their minds....
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".

That is a liberal mainstay. Libs are smarter than you.

We are. Given present company it's not that difficult.

So, tell us why you believe that?
Because momma told her so.
Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".
UC Hastings is the law school at figures.
This moron is so afraid of Trump that, yeah, that great economy, improved racial atmosphere and lack of wars, sure is a danger to America and turning the nation over to Biden and the Chi-Coms is worth whatever it takes.

You can thank our duplicitous and treacherous media for fanning the flames of hate and brainwashing so
many vulnerable minds, completely lacking in any critical thinking skills at all, see a paranoid dangerous future where there is none.
From the article:

The U.S. media often laments that people have lost faith in its pronouncements, that they are increasingly viewed as untrustworthy and that many people view Fake News sites are more reliable than established news outlets. They are good at complaining about this, but very bad at asking whether any of their own conduct is responsible for it.

A media outlet that renounces its core function -- pursuing answers to relevant questions about powerful people -- is one that deserves to lose the public's faith and confidence. And that is exactly what the U.S. media, with some exceptions, attempted to do with this story: they took the lead not in investigating these documents but in concocting excuses for why they should be ignored.


If Trump wins, it will be easier. If he loses not so much so.

But twitter and Google need be made to account for essentially electioneering.

I don't give a fuck about their "private business standing". They need to lose the protections they hide behind because they've shown themselves to be in violation of the conditions of those protections.

The American people should be astounded at what little respect Jack Dorsey has for them......" was an accident."

I'm gonna accidently ram his car at 80 MPH with a semi.
Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".
UC Hastings is the law school at figures.
This moron is so afraid of Trump that, yeah, that great economy, improved racial atmosphere and lack of wars, sure is a danger to America and turning the nation over to Biden and the Chi-Coms is worth whatever it takes.

You can thank our duplicitous and treacherous media for fanning the flames of hate and brainwashing so
many vulnerable minds, completely lacking in any critical thinking skills at all, see a paranoid dangerous future where there is none.

We've been pretty stupid shits to not be better at attacking this.
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".

That is a liberal mainstay. Libs are smarter than you.

We are. Given present company it's not that difficult.

So, tell us why you believe that?
Because momma told her so.

That is humorus, but, I really do find it interesting how people like her reach their conclusions....I mean, normal people were generally taught as kids that when people disagree with them, that doesn't make them wrong, and that it is rude to say what she said, so, in my thinking she either has a rational reason for making that statement, (what that would be on an anonymous message board I don't know), or she's just a rude, POS troll....Probably the latter....
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".

That is a liberal mainstay. Libs are smarter than you.

We are. Given present company it's not that difficult.

We all know it is what liberals really think.

We cling to our guns and our bibles.
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".

That is a liberal mainstay. Libs are smarter than you.

We are. Given present company it's not that difficult.

Fuck off troll.

Nobody asked you participate in a serious conversation.

You might consider having your head removed from your ass and then getting that right through your nose removed so that Camel-A Harris can't lead you around like the lemming you are.

Your post was reported.
My point proven.

The only point you've proven is that you can't post an original thought.

You either are paid or get some kind of sexual thrill (the closest you'll ever get to the real thing) by dropping into threads shitting out your little turds and then disappearling.

Fuck off.
Here is the first comment following the article. it is astounding. And the right is accused of allowing Trump a pass on stupid shit:

I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.


Did you notice the left wing characteristic in his post "I don't trust people to get it right". What a fucking arrogant shithead. Who the fuck is he to think he knows what is "right".

That is a liberal mainstay. Libs are smarter than you.

We are. Given present company it's not that difficult.

So, tell us why you believe that?

Your blob said that foreign countries are printing ballots....

He said it while primaries were still going on.
He said it before Harris was nominated for VP.

It is physically impossible for such ballots to be printed.

You firmly believe it as do other blobbers.

Hence, you people are stupid.

Glen Greenwoods (LOL) would agree.

Ok, this is really easy....Show me with any post I've made that I believe that 'foreign countries are printing ballots'.....Or, when you can't find one, apologize.

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