Given Machin's Resolve, Is It Really Worth Wasting Time Investigating trump’s January 6th Coup Attempt?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Given Machin's Resolve, Is It Really Worth Wasting Time Investigating trump’s January 6th Coup Attempt?

As the corporate controlled moderate Senate Democrats do all they can to aid the GOP’s destruction of our constitutional system, is it worth wasting the time investigating the January 6th coup attempt by trump’s insurrectionists?

Joe Manchin has taken the lead for the moderate Senate Democrats. His ongoing protection of the filibuster and his steadfast opposition to the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 represents the agenda of the moderate, corporate controlled Democrats in both chambers. While Manchin has become the singular voice for the moderates, and takes all the heat, it’s impossible to understand the moderates’ motivation to join with the trumpublicans to use next year’s Mid-term Elections to end our two party system.

Regardless of the moderates’ motivation, Manchin’s efforts are single-handedly making the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th coup attempt... irrelevant, and any resulting convictions of congressional trumpublicans involved in the failed coup... worthless. Following the Republicans’ retaking of the congressional majority on November 8, 2022, those convictions will be vacated.

So, is there any real value in continuing the Committee’s investigation? National polls have Biden’s approval rating cratering, and Manchin has any positive legislation for average Americans stymied, so all the red states’ voter suppression laws will stand.

With Manchin’s invaluable help to the trumpublicans, after November 8, 2022, this nation’s government will, inevitably, fall to the fascists. And, again, due to Joe Manchin, there isn’t one damn thing this country’s majority of voters can do to stop it.

Joe Manchin has taken the lead for the moderate Senate Democrats. His ongoing protection of the filibuster and his steadfast opposition to the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 represents the agenda of the moderate, corporate controlled Democrats in both chambers. While Manchin has become the singular voice for the moderates, and takes all the heat, it’s impossible to understand the moderates’ motivation to join with the trumpublicans to use next year’s Mid-term Elections to end our two party system.
I assume from this statement that you'd support dumping the filibuster and pushing massive voting changes as well as court-packing and adding new states even though the Dems only have a razor-thin majority? I'm really curious about that mindset. I don't understand how a party with such a small advantage would be willing to nationalize presidential elections against the will of most states. Can you explain why you think your party could do this and not cause a massive amount of turmoil?

As for the mid-terms putting an end to our "two-party system", can you elaborate on how that happens? Power has regularly shifted between parties for as long as we've had elections. Those on the Left who mock and deny that any voter fraud occurred, are panicking because this pandemic is losing steam, and your Senators don't have enough votes to codify the means you used to cheat in 2020. Add to that the coming inflation, possibly even hyper-inflation, as well as the train wreck the nation is watching in DC with this senile old perv demonstrating that he not only isn't qualified, his disability is such that America is actually in real jeopardy from our enemies abroad.

IOW, the next 14 months aren't looking very hopeful for you guys to keep control in DC. The House is going to change hands based on nothing more than the new Gerrymandered maps that the Republicans will create. I expect a lot of whining about that process, and FWIW, I wouldn't mind if Gerrymandering was dumped for a more stable system that doesn't swing districts so wildly every few years. BUT, as it is, both sides use it and this time around it will benefit the Republicans MASSIVELY. Your POTUS candidate seems to have secured HIS election but damned near all of the down-ticket slots went to Republicans. Those district maps are drawn by the party that controls the state legislatures.
I've never heard of a case of "negative coattails". Often, the party that wins the Oval Office also pulls marginal down-ticket candidates across the finish line.

We are told that Biden won a massive landslide. He outperformed all other candidates in our history. 81 million votes. A funny thing happened on the way to the steal, though. Republicans won far more state legislatures than did your party. SO MANY MORE, in fact, that redistricting alone is going to cost the Dems the House. The Senate is split and Kammy has to be in that spot to cast a tie-breaking vote to move your agenda. While anything is possible, the odds are heavily against the Dems picking up another Senate seat in 2022. The Rs only need ONE to control the Senate for at least two years. Even if the Senate composition doesn't change at all, the Dems are still in jeopardy because there is NO WAY that old man manages to keep his stuff together for another 14 months. Afghanistan blew his cover in a big way and he isn't going to be allowed to "call a lid" on the last 14 months until midterms. He is deteriorating daily and even your media whores are smart enough to see what his continued presence in the office is going to cost them in the short term.

SO... the promises of the Turtle notwithstanding, any Republican House member from a predominately red state who refuses to vote to impeach that pervy dotard once they control the House again, WILL be primaried and if at all possible, removed from Congress. I think most of these Republican House members are fully aware of that and they will act accordingly. Unlike the situation with the Bad Orange Man, Dems may actually be willing to vote to remove the pathetic old codger and try to get Kammy in place to give them at least SOME chance in 2024. Either way... that radical agenda you are hoping for is about to collapse under its own corrupt weight.

I don't really care about the Sturm und Drang of another Impeachment. It would be just as pointless as Nancy's song and dance but this Turnip NEEDS to be thoroughly humiliated along with everyone who cheated to put him there. IF that occurs and the Articles of Impeachment are presented to the Senate it will be VERY interesting to see if either Schumer OR McConnell are willing to refuse to go to a trial. Schumer would lose nothing because that greasy POS sold his soul a LONG time ago but Mitch... if he takes it on himself to refuse to allow a trial, even his homies in the Bluegrass State might light him up for it.
There was no Jan 6 coup attempt
There Was a murder
Fake threat title as always
Too right! The coup happened beginning on November 3rd of 2020 and it is still ongoing. The audits are advancing and before the midterms, between the evidence being presented AND the chaos the Dems are creating in the country, it's entirely possible that Rs will take both houses of the Congress and neither slow Joe NOR his Ho will be a factor any longer.
Of course, if Schumer and Soros and the assorted Democrat Mafiosi manage to force Manchin and Sinema to yield on the filibuster, all bets are off. The HR1 changes would be the equivalent of ending the 2-party system and enthroning Dems for the foreseeable future. After what we saw them do in 2020, all they'll accomplish by Federalizing state elections is to spark either Secession or Civil War 2.0.
1. The 1/6 "House investigation" is a waste of time. The FBI already did that.
2. Manchin is from WV, the reddest state in the country, he knows what not to vote for.
3. Nothing can save the dems in 2022 and 2024, so they are already making excuses.
Given Machin's Resolve, Is It Really Worth Wasting Time Investigating trump’s January 6th Coup Attempt?

As the corporate controlled moderate Senate Democrats do all they can to aid the GOP’s destruction of our constitutional system, is it worth wasting the time investigating the January 6th coup attempt by trump’s insurrectionists?

Joe Manchin has taken the lead for the moderate Senate Democrats. His ongoing protection of the filibuster and his steadfast opposition to the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 represents the agenda of the moderate, corporate controlled Democrats in both chambers. While Manchin has become the singular voice for the moderates, and takes all the heat, it’s impossible to understand the moderates’ motivation to join with the trumpublicans to use next year’s Mid-term Elections to end our two party system.

Regardless of the moderates’ motivation, Manchin’s efforts are single-handedly making the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th coup attempt... irrelevant, and any resulting convictions of congressional trumpublicans involved in the failed coup... worthless. Following the Republicans’ retaking of the congressional majority on November 8, 2022, those convictions will be vacated.

So, is there any real value in continuing the Committee’s investigation? National polls have Biden’s approval rating cratering, and Manchin has any positive legislation for average Americans stymied, so all the red states’ voter suppression laws will stand.

With Manchin’s invaluable help to the trumpublicans, after November 8, 2022, this nation’s government will, inevitably, fall to the fascists. And, again, due to Joe Manchin, there isn’t one damn thing this country’s majority of voters can do to stop it.

With the single-minded trump Nazis’ belief in their superior knowledge, they have reinterpreted the U.S. Constitution to convince themselves reinstating their cult leader, and elevating him to dictator is supported by constitutional statute.

However, those millions of trump Nazis who currently rely on Social Security and Medicare, haven’t yet realized their dreams coming true with the changes the 2022 Mid-terms will bring, will also give the GOP their opportunity to finally put an end to Social Security, Medicare, and all other government programs that were beneficial to the average citizens of the former United States.

These and other radical changes will be taking place as the fascist government settles in during the final weeks of 2022. As more and more elderly and disabled are displaced due to loss of income, homelessness in the new fascist state will skyrocket. Cities will be forced to take similar actions to that recently passed in Los Angeles, where homelessness has been, essentially, made a crime.

More laws will be quickly established to deal with other undesirable citizens and foreign invaders littering the new fascist state’s perfect, white landscape.

For many joyous trump Nazis, the celebration will be over soon after it begins. For these shocked trump Nazis, reality will finally invade that universe of denial where the trump Nazis have remained cloistered for so very long.

Given Machin's Resolve, Is It Really Worth Wasting Time Investigating trump’s January 6th Coup Attempt?

As the corporate controlled moderate Senate Democrats do all they can to aid the GOP’s destruction of our constitutional system, is it worth wasting the time investigating the January 6th coup attempt by trump’s insurrectionists?

Joe Manchin has taken the lead for the moderate Senate Democrats. His ongoing protection of the filibuster and his steadfast opposition to the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 represents the agenda of the moderate, corporate controlled Democrats in both chambers. While Manchin has become the singular voice for the moderates, and takes all the heat, it’s impossible to understand the moderates’ motivation to join with the trumpublicans to use next year’s Mid-term Elections to end our two party system.

Regardless of the moderates’ motivation, Manchin’s efforts are single-handedly making the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th coup attempt... irrelevant, and any resulting convictions of congressional trumpublicans involved in the failed coup... worthless. Following the Republicans’ retaking of the congressional majority on November 8, 2022, those convictions will be vacated.

So, is there any real value in continuing the Committee’s investigation? National polls have Biden’s approval rating cratering, and Manchin has any positive legislation for average Americans stymied, so all the red states’ voter suppression laws will stand.

With Manchin’s invaluable help to the trumpublicans, after November 8, 2022, this nation’s government will, inevitably, fall to the fascists. And, again, due to Joe Manchin, there isn’t one damn thing this country’s majority of voters can do to stop it.

You not getting your way is destruction of our Constitutional system? You sure think highly of yourself. Manchin knows those he represents will dump his ass if he votes for the far left bullshit. That’s how the system works here sparky.
With the single-minded trump Nazis’ belief in their superior knowledge, they have reinterpreted the U.S. Constitution to convince themselves reinstating their cult leader, and elevating him to dictator is supported by constitutional statute.

However, those millions of trump Nazis who currently rely on Social Security and Medicare, haven’t yet realized their dreams coming true with the changes the 2022 Mid-terms will bring, will also give the GOP their opportunity to finally put an end to Social Security, Medicare, and all other government programs that were beneficial to the average citizens of the former United States.

These and other radical changes will be taking place as the fascist government settles in during the final weeks of 2022. As more and more elderly and disabled are displaced due to loss of income, homelessness in the new fascist state will skyrocket. Cities will be forced to take similar actions to that recently passed in Los Angeles, where homelessness has been, essentially, made a crime.

More laws will be quickly established to deal with other undesirable citizens and foreign invaders littering the new fascist state’s perfect, white landscape.

For many joyous trump Nazis, the celebration will be over soon after it begins. For these shocked trump Nazis, reality will finally invade that universe of denial where the trump Nazis have remained cloistered for so very long.

Even if you are right, this is America, we can always vote for change in 2026 and 2028.
We'll see what happens after 2022 and 2024, as to which party does a better job running the US.
The dems are a disaster.
With the single-minded trump Nazis’ belief in their superior knowledge, they have reinterpreted the U.S. Constitution to convince themselves reinstating their cult leader, and elevating him to dictator is supported by constitutional statute.

However, those millions of trump Nazis who currently rely on Social Security and Medicare, haven’t yet realized their dreams coming true with the changes the 2022 Mid-terms will bring, will also give the GOP their opportunity to finally put an end to Social Security, Medicare, and all other government programs that were beneficial to the average citizens of the former United States.

These and other radical changes will be taking place as the fascist government settles in during the final weeks of 2022. As more and more elderly and disabled are displaced due to loss of income, homelessness in the new fascist state will skyrocket. Cities will be forced to take similar actions to that recently passed in Los Angeles, where homelessness has been, essentially, made a crime.

More laws will be quickly established to deal with other undesirable citizens and foreign invaders littering the new fascist state’s perfect, white landscape.

For many joyous trump Nazis, the celebration will be over soon after it begins. For these shocked trump Nazis, reality will finally invade that universe of denial where the trump Nazis have remained cloistered for so very long.

Geezus, you went to a martini lunch and forgot to fucking leave. Now you’re sauced.
"3. Nothing can save the dems in 2022 and 2024,..."

I'm too old to look all the way to 2024.
But, 2022 might be a bit closer to my horizon.
And, right now I'm speculating about that Texas abortion thingy.
Seems a tad over the top to me. Incentivizing citizens to be for-profit vigilantes? Jeeeeezus H.!

But my bride and my closest females ain't in the 'abortion' eligibility line.
Still, I tend to believe that if this overreach by Republican Texas stands.....well, that oughta fire up America's women.

As all those post-elections polls have informed us......Don Trump lost, in large part because America's women didn't like him.
So now, this Texas Republican development sorta puts the "Kick Me" sign on the GOP. It could very well motivate MORE women to go to the polls and make any nearby Republican pay a price.

If I was in the 'get-Republicans-elected' business I most surely wouldn't welcome Texas going all 'cowboy'........and pissin' off the gals.

An investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on Congress can never, ever be considered a waste of time. The American People are entitled to know exactly what went on and just who was involved. The Capitol had not been attacked since 1814. What would anyone have to hide? Someone has to explain the reason for all of the resistance to a full investigation.
I'm too old to look all the way to 2024.
But, 2022 might be a bit closer to my horizon.
And, right now I'm speculating about that Texas abortion thingy.
Seems a tad over the top to me. Incentivizing citizens to be for-profit vigilantes? Jeeeeezus H.!

But my bride and my closest females ain't in the 'abortion' eligibility line.
Still, I tend to believe that if this overreach by Republican Texas stands.....well, that oughta fire up America's women.

As all those post-elections polls have informed us......Don Trump lost, in large part because America's women didn't like him.
So now, this Texas Republican development sorta puts the "Kick Me" sign on the GOP. It could very well motivate MORE women to go to the polls and make any nearby Republican pay a price.

If I was in the 'get-Republicans-elected' business I most surely wouldn't welcome Texas going all 'cowboy'........and pissin' off the gals.

Like you and yours, abortion isn't a very important issue to me. Even the Gallop Polls have it very even between Pro-Choice and Pro-Life. I agree that Trump lost by about 43,000 votes due in part to women not liking his management style, my wife calls him a "bully". However, in 2022 and 2024 Trump may not be on the ballot, so the GOP should do well, especially if Nikki Haley is the nominee.
An investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on Congress can never, ever be considered a waste of time. The American People are entitled to know exactly what went on and just who was involved. The Capitol had not been attacked since 1814. What would anyone have to hide? Someone has to explain the reason for all of the resistance to a full investigation.
No one objects to an objective investigation, like the one by the FBI.
But the one by Nancy, where the GOP can't put its own members on, is total partisan bullshit.
We want to know why Nancy didn't reinforce the capitol as recommended by the FBI, etc.
So its not the investigation per se, its the dog and pony show, and kangaroo court.
Like you and yours, abortion isn't a very important policy to me. Even the Gallop Polls has it very even between Pro-Choice and Pro-Life. I agree that Trump lost by about 43,000 votes due in part to women not liking his management style, my wife calls him a "bully". However, in 2022 and 2024 Trump may not be on the ballot, so the GOP should do well.
The republicans seem determined to alienate as many women as possible and have been doing so for some years now. I don't know why. We never did anything to them. Yet they seem very angry at those of us who don't support them. It seems like they are incapable of owning their mistakes. These are the same people who are angry at African-Americans for not supporting them. It's time for republicans to sit down and have a good think. What is going on in their heads?
The republicans seem determined to alienate as many women as possible and have been doing so for some years now. I don't know why. We never did anything to them. Yet they seem very angry at those of us who don't support them. It seems like they are incapable of owning their mistakes. These are the same people who are angry at African-Americans for not supporting them. It's time for republicans to sit down and have a good think. What is going on in their heads?
You Pro-Choice women can vote democrat, this is America, Pro-Life women can vote Republican.
Parties pick their policies to garner votes. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who more voters support.
No one is angry at anyone, its a matter of conscience, are the unborn human beings or not?
No one is racist, we are color-blind. Minorities can vote for whomever they prefer.
Our heads are on straight, win or lose in 2022 and 2024.
No one objects to an objective investigation, like the one by the FBI.
But the one by Nancy, where the GOP can't put its own members on, is total partisan bullshit.
We want to know why Nancy didn't reinforce the capitol as recommended by the FBI, etc.
So its not the investigation per se, its the dog and pony show, and kangaroo court.

the republicans refused to have a joint commission comprised of equal numbers of both parties, remember? Then, when the House committee was formed, they only republicans they nominated were those who were known for disruptive behavior, bullying, and tantrum throwing. I don't think any committee wants any members who have to be given a time-out in a corner. Moreover, it looks like this Jordan may be a witness.

There were a lot of slip-ups in the days leading up to the attack and on that day. It's not nearly a matter of Pelosi not doing something. I, for one, want to know about people like the brothers Flynn, the delays in sending help, etc. A lot of this has to do with the Pentagon brass and the White House. trump also should testify. He seems to have taken no official action that afternoon, and he was POTUS! And just what was this "martial law" thing about?
the republicans refused to have a joint commission comprised of equal numbers of both parties, remember? Then, when the House committee was formed, they only republicans they nominated were those who were known for disruptive behavior, bullying, and tantrum throwing. I don't think any committee wants any members who have to be given a time-out in a corner. Moreover, it looks like this Jordan may be a witness.

There were a lot of slip-ups in the days leading up to the attack and on that day. It's not nearly a matter of Pelosi not doing something. I, for one, want to know about people like the brothers Flynn, the delays in sending help, etc. A lot of this has to do with the Pentagon brass and the White House. trump also should testify. He seems to have taken no official action that afternoon, and he was POTUS! And just what was this "martial law" thing about?
1. The FBI investigated and found no evidence of an organized "insurrection", so why was the Capitol so lightly defended???
FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

2. The GOP should be able to appoint whomever they want. Jim Jordan won't be bullied, but he will ask valid questions, like why was the capitol so lightly defended after the FBI's warning? Will Nancy be a witness to explain why she ignored the FBI's warnings????

3. The Capitol is not Trump's responsibility its Nancy's.

4. Nancy couldn't defend the capitol from goobers like these guys???????
Does anyone see the problem here? They already impeached a guy from office blaming him for a crime that now 8 months later you say you still need to investigate to find out what happened?

The poster above is a tad too Trump-centric on this development.
I mean by that, he seemingly thinks that ONLY Don Trump needs be the focus of this investigation.

I demur.
There are many...MANY....other issues/people that need to have the tires kicked.

Let's have an exposition of who coordinated with who.
What signals were sent to who, by who?
Was there any Administration knowledge that they had a duty to reveal? and ensure appropriate response?
What role Proud boys?
Bugaloo Bois?
Various right wing extremist groups?
Did MTGreene coordinate with rioters? Communicate with them before or during?
Same for the Reps Gosar, Brooks, Boebert. Any others?

What about the failures of law enforcement? The military?

How can America prevent such violence and such a threat to our Democracy re-occurring?

What deficiencies can we shore up? How can we better?

So, you see. There's a lot of elephant to be eaten yet.

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