Gingrich costing taxpayers $40,000 a day


As if the exploding deficit was the sole fault of the liberals.......

Sure, whatever.

Tell me, just what political advantage to you think Gingrich is eyeing right now? He might be lost in denial about stealing the nomination away from Romney but are you?

The exploding debt and deficit problem is not solely attributable to the Democratics. Calm down. Nothing I posted suggests any such thing.

Thankfully, that deflection effort you just threw out there is meaningless, since I DID limit my comment to the INCREASE in the deficit over the past 3 1/2 years -- which IS the period in which The ONE has been at the helm. Much of that time not only was The ONE at the helm but he was at the helm with an iron-clad majority in BOTH Houses of our illustrious legislative branch.

In case you -- you know -- kind of "forgot" that historical fact.

I did not bring up the deficit as a deflection from Gingrich's wasteful taxpayer spending to begin with. Nor did I bring up shrimp treadmills or Airforce One.
But you deny it just the same.
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Gingrich has been on a book tour from the beginning.

He never really wanted to be president.

Brilliant business strategy, however.

Mind reading aside, he qualified in many primaries, gets Secret Service protection.

Actually, he requested it, and they approved it a few weeks later. Like most things in government, it is easier to start than stop, so he still has it, even if the need is not real.
Gingrich has been on a book tour from the beginning.

He never really wanted to be president.

Brilliant business strategy, however.

Brilliant business strategy? He's 4.5 million in debt and bouncing checks to get on ballots and selling donor lists to raise cash.

You have to remember who you are talking to. Chris still thinks Solyndra was a good investment and that the only reason it failed is that right wingers hate Obama.
man oh man..

Now they are worrying about 40,000 a day
I'd hate to add up the cost of Obama using air force one on all his jaunts for campaigning, fundraisers, tv interview, trips, etc etc

the abuse by this man of us taxpayers is astounding..

Or his vacations which his entourage is astounding!

what nonsense....
Secret service isn't a campaign debt

I am pretty sure he has to pay a portion of their campaign related travel expenses, just like Obama does.

the president pays a porthion of HIS travel and living expenses when travel isn't on national business. i don't believe they pay for secret service.

I am not sure, but I remember reading it somewhere. The campaign is on the hook for some of the travel expenses. I am not trying to prove you wrong here, just repeating a vague memory. If you want to go to the trouble of educating me, feel free. If not, we will just both admit that the other is probably wrong, and rest secure in knowing we triumphed in the non argument.

I am pretty sure he has to pay a portion of their campaign related travel expenses, just like Obama does.

the president pays a porthion of HIS travel and living expenses when travel isn't on national business. i don't believe they pay for secret service.

I am not sure, but I remember reading it somewhere. The campaign is on the hook for some of the travel expenses. I am not trying to prove you wrong here, just repeating a vague memory. If you want to go to the trouble of educating me, feel free. If not, we will just both admit that the other is probably wrong, and rest secure in knowing we triumphed in the non argument.


oh heck no. its saturday, i have a cold and i've been running around since 7 a.m. i'm tired.

i'll call it a draw on that point. :razz:
and newt is?

please, you're killing me


well you are talking to someone who thought Cain was an Honest person nd was going to win.

Actually, I said neither.

So much for your credibility.

What I DID say about Cain was that I supported him. 999 give or take one of those 9's had some merit.

As for his alleged womanizing, what I DID say was that certain leftists were all too quick to presume guilt. It's a pattern with you left-nit-wits.

I'll change my avie for a week to one of your liking (and yes, I'll offer no explanation for it anywhere other than the first post in which I put it up to acknowledge that I have lost the bet) IF you can dredge up even one post where I said that I thought Cain was "going to" win.

I honestly recall saying NO such thing -- ever.

But if I happened to have crossed that line, then YOU get to play PICK my avie.

If you can't do it, however, then I get to pick YOUR avie for a week upon the same conditions.



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