Gillum the Great White Hope of the Progressives?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The coverage he gets from the MSM is going to get even moderate Ds voting for de Santis. Gillum, except for his skin color, is the exact opposite of what Floridians like to vote for. FL is chock full of Hispanics from Cuba, Venezuela and Sandinista era Nicaraguans, in other words violently anti-socialistic.

Then there are the retirees from the Blue Wall states who moved to get away from the garbage Gillum is peddling. The idea of restoring the civil rights of convicted criminals is also a non-starter. This is going to be fun to watch and vote on.
The long time Democrat strategy of divide and conquer is falling apart. Hence the need for the illegal immigrant vote. That's failing as well.

In their desperation, Socialism is their last great hope. remember, the elitist left (who control the DNC) will do ANYTHING (and I do mean ANYTHING) to hold onto power. If Socialism is seen as the key to retaining power, they'll go that route. If eating feces off the ground would guarantee their got it....

Even fooling blacks into thinking they love them (LMAO)
Idk about that restoring felon's rights. If they did their time, and have been good...I think they should have rights restored.

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