- Feb 13, 2010
- 234
- 7
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- Banned
- #1
guys this thread is dedicated to you....
for giving up so much time out of your personal lives to counter any and everyone who questions the government in any way...
but i did have just one question... do any of you have any mixed feelings on any one of these subjects?
is global warming a hoax?
is the war on terror a hoax?
aspertame is harmless?
did the cia kill jfk?
are ufos real?
was there more then one shooter at comumbine?
was the incubator baby story a lie to get us into the first gulf war?
was the WMD reason for war a lie?
did the bombing of wtc in 93 done with FBI explosives?
did tim mcvay work alone?
is flouride in the water good for us?
is the federal reserve working for the good of america?
is the jewish lobby AIPAC...powerless?
is the CFR a powerless gorup of old people?
is bilderburg just a group of old rich people?
is kissinger a honest american?
is skull& bones a group of great americans with no power?
does the CIA fly in the cocain?
the UN has no power over americans?
can any of you debunkers please let us know if have any mixed beliefs on any of these points? thank you very much.
for giving up so much time out of your personal lives to counter any and everyone who questions the government in any way...

but i did have just one question... do any of you have any mixed feelings on any one of these subjects?
is global warming a hoax?
is the war on terror a hoax?
aspertame is harmless?
did the cia kill jfk?
are ufos real?
was there more then one shooter at comumbine?
was the incubator baby story a lie to get us into the first gulf war?
was the WMD reason for war a lie?
did the bombing of wtc in 93 done with FBI explosives?
did tim mcvay work alone?
is flouride in the water good for us?
is the federal reserve working for the good of america?
is the jewish lobby AIPAC...powerless?
is the CFR a powerless gorup of old people?
is bilderburg just a group of old rich people?
is kissinger a honest american?
is skull& bones a group of great americans with no power?
does the CIA fly in the cocain?
the UN has no power over americans?
can any of you debunkers please let us know if have any mixed beliefs on any of these points? thank you very much.