Getting Tired of "I'll Pray for You"


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
Some of you are aware that I have a full facial birthmark. For those who aren't, or who don't exactly know what that means... The skin on my face (ear to ear and from the corner of my lips over the crown of my skull) is purple.

In the recent past, I've endured an increasing number of obviously well-meaning Christians coming up to me in public places and, without even an introduction, uttering the phrase "I'll pray for you." This has always (43 years) happened to some degree, but it has now reached the point of being more than just a little annoying. The ones who approach my Puerto Rican wife and do it in Spanish are even more annoying.

Christians, have you ever thought that maybe some of us don't want your prayers and well-wishes? That maybe we don't need them to begin with? I understand you're trying to be nice, but in fact you are being incredibly insulting so far as I'm concerned. Especially since you don't know me at all. If you did, you'd know I want nothing from your God, and don't need it anyway.

They are annoying and the prayers do nothing...I have a few pits on my face from acne as a teen, some black folks in OKC would walk up and stare real close at that spot and ask "what the hell happened"? Which I would reply, "at least it's not black and blue"...
They are annoying and the prayers do nothing...I have a few pits on my face from acne as a teen, some black folks in OKC would walk up and stare real close at that spot and ask "what the hell happened"? Which I would reply, "at least it's not black and blue"...

The ones who come up and ask don't bother me so much. At least they admit they don't know and are being polite (mostly) about it. I've had people think it's a tattoo. Others who thought it was a burn scar. Some form of skin disease. Any number of things. It's the ones who assume that it's something bad, painful, or which needs to be fixed that tend to tick me off. The other phrase that gets me is... "How can you live with yourself, looking like that?" Those people tend to get a less than polite response.
They are annoying and the prayers do nothing...I have a few pits on my face from acne as a teen, some black folks in OKC would walk up and stare real close at that spot and ask "what the hell happened"? Which I would reply, "at least it's not black and blue"...

The ones who come up and ask don't bother me so much. At least they admit they don't know and are being polite (mostly) about it. I've had people think it's a tattoo. Others who thought it was a burn scar. Some form of skin disease. Any number of things. It's the ones who assume that it's something bad, painful, or which needs to be fixed that tend to tick me off. The other phrase that gets me is... "How can you live with yourself, looking like that?" Those people tend to get a less than polite response.
Just tell them you never think about since you don't see it that much..
They are annoying and the prayers do nothing...I have a few pits on my face from acne as a teen, some black folks in OKC would walk up and stare real close at that spot and ask "what the hell happened"? Which I would reply, "at least it's not black and blue"...

The ones who come up and ask don't bother me so much. At least they admit they don't know and are being polite (mostly) about it. I've had people think it's a tattoo. Others who thought it was a burn scar. Some form of skin disease. Any number of things. It's the ones who assume that it's something bad, painful, or which needs to be fixed that tend to tick me off. The other phrase that gets me is... "How can you live with yourself, looking like that?" Those people tend to get a less than polite response.

I just thought your face naturally looked like a baboon's ass because of the crap that comes out of your mouth.
Just tell them you never think about since you don't see it that much..

The rude ones are really just looking to get a rise out of me, I've found. So I give them what they want, though generally a little more than they expected, and let them move on with their foolishness.
Just tell them you never think about since you don't see it that much..

The rude ones are really just looking to get a rise out of me, I've found. So I give them what they want, though generally a little more than they expected, and let them move on with their foolishness.
I eventually got to where I ignore them completely.....My 'tude won't stand for the foolishness anymore and I will deck the halls with balls of holly...
I eventually got to where I ignore them completely.....My 'tude won't stand for the foolishness anymore and I will deck the halls with balls of holly...

I've been down that road. I was on it for many years, and eventually I found that the forgiveness of the foolishness in my mouth didn't generally match with the emotions in my Soul. It brought a lot of darkness to my Soul and to my life. To be speaking the words but never truly believing them.
It is rude to comment at all about any abnormality on a stranger. They're the losers, Anathema.
It is rude to comment at all about any abnormality on a stranger. They're the losers, Anathema.

You know it's very easy to say that, and I do agree with it, but I have to say that even knowing that, it hurts inside. It always has, from the time it was unknowing children my own age to intentional teasing, discrimination in dating, etc... throughout the years. At least in the past people tended to whisper it among themselves. Now it's as open as saying hello to someone in the grocery store. As much as I try to just let it all wash away like soap in the shower, I find that more and more it doesn't wash off as easily anymore, and many of the things from my younger years that I thought were gone, are still there in my Soul as well.
TIC I'd have fun - but that's me - 'On my planet my face is a sign of extreme beauty and intelligence, creatures there pray that our god Bucket provide their kindred such an honor. Serious now, they'd either laugh or run. lol
No real Christian I know would do such a thing. I am sorry fake portrayors have tainted your opinion of real Christians. I am equally sorry they have hurt you so.
Some of you are aware that I have a full facial birthmark. For those who aren't, or who don't exactly know what that means... The skin on my face (ear to ear and from the corner of my lips over the crown of my skull) is purple.

In the recent past, I've endured an increasing number of obviously well-meaning Christians coming up to me in public places and, without even an introduction, uttering the phrase "I'll pray for you." This has always (43 years) happened to some degree, but it has now reached the point of being more than just a little annoying. The ones who approach my Puerto Rican wife and do it in Spanish are even more annoying.

Christians, have you ever thought that maybe some of us don't want your prayers and well-wishes? That maybe we don't need them to begin with? I understand you're trying to be nice, but in fact you are being incredibly insulting so far as I'm concerned. Especially since you don't know me at all. If you did, you'd know I want nothing from your God, and don't need it anyway.

Some of you are aware that I have a full facial birthmark. For those who aren't, or who don't exactly know what that means... The skin on my face (ear to ear and from the corner of my lips over the crown of my skull) is purple.

In the recent past, I've endured an increasing number of obviously well-meaning Christians coming up to me in public places and, without even an introduction, uttering the phrase "I'll pray for you." This has always (43 years) happened to some degree, but it has now reached the point of being more than just a little annoying. The ones who approach my Puerto Rican wife and do it in Spanish are even more annoying.

Christians, have you ever thought that maybe some of us don't want your prayers and well-wishes? That maybe we don't need them to begin with? I understand you're trying to be nice, but in fact you are being incredibly insulting so far as I'm concerned. Especially since you don't know me at all. If you did, you'd know I want nothing from your God, and don't need it anyway.


Sorry, you will receive something from our God.

The Truth About Hell

TIC I'd have fun - but that's me - 'On my planet my face is a sign of extreme beauty and intelligence, creatures there pray that our god Bucket provide their kindred such an honor. Serious now, they'd either laugh or run. lol

That's a wonderful concept to think about, but in truth it really doesn't work. Most of the time you have a couple seconds to interact with the, if that, and then life moves on. Still fun to think about.
Some of you are aware that I have a full facial birthmark. For those who aren't, or who don't exactly know what that means... The skin on my face (ear to ear and from the corner of my lips over the crown of my skull) is purple.

In the recent past, I've endured an increasing number of obviously well-meaning Christians coming up to me in public places and, without even an introduction, uttering the phrase "I'll pray for you." This has always (43 years) happened to some degree, but it has now reached the point of being more than just a little annoying. The ones who approach my Puerto Rican wife and do it in Spanish are even more annoying.

Christians, have you ever thought that maybe some of us don't want your prayers and well-wishes? That maybe we don't need them to begin with? I understand you're trying to be nice, but in fact you are being incredibly insulting so far as I'm concerned. Especially since you don't know me at all. If you did, you'd know I want nothing from your God, and don't need it anyway.

You are justified being annoyed and upset by this behavior in 2 ways.
1) it's demeaning. Even the cult founders used to even demean disabled people as well as disfigured people by claiming them demon possessed.
2) it's most times people of lesser
morality placing themselves as judgment upon your salvation.
It's both assuming & condescending and that triggers your "pet peave".

W.R. Alger 1867 Preface to the book "Genius of Solitude"

"The majority of men in every age are superficial in character and brittle in purpose, and lead undedicated lives; swarming together in buzzing crowds in all haunts of amusement or places of low competition, caring little for anything but gossip and pastime, the titillation of the senses, and the gratification of conceit."
(their EGO)
It is rude to comment at all about any abnormality on a stranger. They're the losers, Anathema.

You know it's very easy to say that, and I do agree with it, but I have to say that even knowing that, it hurts inside. It always has, from the time it was unknowing children my own age to intentional teasing, discrimination in dating, etc... throughout the years. At least in the past people tended to whisper it among themselves. Now it's as open as saying hello to someone in the grocery store. As much as I try to just let it all wash away like soap in the shower, I find that more and more it doesn't wash off as easily anymore, and many of the things from my younger years that I thought were gone, are still there in my Soul as well.
Whoever said "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" was full of shit.

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