Getting the Sanctions Right

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Sanctions - Before It's Too Late
By Richard Z. Chesnoff, The New York Daily News
January 30, 2006

Some believe that only military action will stop the Iranian nuclear march. Rest assured, contingency plans have already been drawn up in more than one world capital - Israel's included.

But there are other options. One, suggested by the Committee on the Present Danger's policy paper includes a series of smart sanctions - economic embargos and restrictions that target the Iranian leaders, not the Iranian people.

For example: some 35% of Iran's lucrative import-export business is directly controlled by corrupt mullahs and their crooked minions who've grown fat on oil and business profits. Put the squeeze on them.

Another would be to create an international tribunal that would gather evidence and begin to try the mullahs for human rights offenses against their own people, not to mention their ongoing open support of terrorism.

The Iranians have begun moving government funds out of Western financial institutions. But they can't hide them everywhere.

There is also a desperate need to increase open support for legitimate Iranian opposition groups. The global fight with Iran is with its government, not its long suffering people. Iran doesn't need war. It needs a regime change.

The din of the alarm is deafening. Putting our fingers in our ears would be a tragic mistake, one we could all live to regret - if we survive.

for full article:
Iran sanctions deal made law without Obama signature...

Iran sanctions deal made law without Obama
Fri, Dec 16, 2016 - In an unexpected reversal, US President Barack Obama declined to sign a renewal of sanctions against Iran, but let it become law anyway, in an apparent bid to alleviate Tehran’s concerns that the US is backsliding on the nuclear deal.
Although the White House had said that Obama was expected to sign the 10-year-renewal, the midnight deadline came and went yesterday with no approval from the US president. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Obama had decided to let it become law without his signature. “The administration has, and continues to use, all of the necessary authorities to waive the relevant sanctions” lifted as part of the nuclear deal, Earnest said in a statement. Under the US constitution, the president has 10 days after Congress passes a bill to sign it, veto it or let it become law with no signature if Congress is still in session. Although lawmakers have returned home for the holidays, Congress technically has not adjourned and is holding “pro-forma” sessions this week.

Though Obama’s move does not prevent the sanctions renewal from entering force, it marked a symbolic attempt by the president to demonstrate disapproval for lawmakers’ actions. The White House has argued that the renewal is unnecessary because the administration retains other authorities to punish Iran, if necessary, and has expressed concern that the renewal may undermine the nuclear deal. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani had vowed to respond if the sanctions were renewed, arguing they violate the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, which eased sanctions in exchange for curbs on Iran’s nuclear program. On Tuesday, Rouhani ordered up plans to build nuclear-powered ships and to formally accuse the US of violating the terms of the deal. The Obama administration said that Iran would be unaffected by the renewal, as long as it continues honoring the nuclear deal.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said he had told his Iranian counterpart that “to ensure maximum clarity,” he would issued new, redundant waivers exempting Iran from sanctions lifted under the deal. “Extension of the Iran Sanctions Act does not affect in any way the scope of the sanctions relief Iran is receiving under the deal or the ability of companies to do business in Iran consistent with the JCPOA,” Kerry said, using an acronym for the nuclear deal. US president-elect Donald Trump has been sharply critical of the nuclear deal and has threatened to try to renegotiate it, but has been vague about whether he would pull the US out of it.

Iran sanctions deal made law without Obama - Taipei Times

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