Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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yes----I encountered muslims-----more like 1968-----lots from the INDIAN SUBCONTINENT------that's when I learned a NEW WORD "zionist-controlled-cia' which somehow not only controlled the middle east AND THE USA ------but even pakistani politics Guess who created all the trouble in east pakistan BESIDES the "INDIAN ARMY"? guess who assassinated the pakistani uhm "president" uhm I am not sure of his name-----first they klled uhm 'zia'?? some guy who went down in a plane crash SHOT DOWN BY MOSSAD-----then I think they murdered papa bhutto----but I am not sure-----have to check that history. In any case----the WHOLE world is under the thumb of the "zionist-controlled-cia"

the weather in north east USA is calming down lots of people in both New York and New Joisey are without electricity I did not fill up water bottles-------but-------it did not matter A few deaths from falling trees, downed electrical lines and fires. Mayor Blumberg is doing is grandfatherly thing "REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR GALOSHES" the kids are ecstatic ------NO SCHOOL Chris Christie has piped up with his LEADERSHIP thing-----he is planning to CHANGE THE DATE OF HALLOWEEN (which is certain to end the storm ONCE AND FOR ALL)

As a SIGN FROM HEAVEN------atlantic city has washed away-----into the Atlantic -------a kind of reprise of SODOM AND GOMORRAH
oooohhh...!!!! that's it? the czechs-----Kvetch---you forgot your lessons-----the islamo nazi partyline regarding the war of 1948 is that the US MARINES landed in Tel Aviv and did all the fighting to SAVE THE JEWS yes----the poor arabs never so much as had a gun--------the poor STARVING arabs were trounced so UNFAIRLY-----every time
honestly Rosie when I first was in Egypt in 1971, 4 years after 67 war, every single egyptian believed that it was the UK and USA that had destroyed them not israel

my yenta was in lebanon in 67....same story there; the mob attacked the UK embassy where she a zionist spy of course

everything is the fault of US UK and Zionists...never ever their own faults



I worry for you aunty tollah!!

Wrong. Everything is the fault of the Arabs, who had the chance to live in peace with the Jews, but refused. They waged war, lost land in the process of that war, and now are crying about it.
half true

the other half is the fault of the zio thieves that stole it
yes----I encountered muslims-----more like 1968-----lots from the INDIAN SUBCONTINENT------that's when I learned a NEW WORD "zionist-controlled-cia' which somehow not only controlled the middle east AND THE USA ------but even pakistani politics Guess who created all the trouble in east pakistan BESIDES the "INDIAN ARMY"? guess who assassinated the pakistani uhm "president" uhm I am not sure of his name-----first they klled uhm 'zia'?? some guy who went down in a plane crash SHOT DOWN BY MOSSAD-----then I think they murdered papa bhutto----but I am not sure-----have to check that history. In any case----the WHOLE world is under the thumb of the "zionist-controlled-cia"

the weather in north east USA is calming down lots of people in both New York and New Joisey are without electricity I did not fill up water bottles-------but-------it did not matter A few deaths from falling trees, downed electrical lines and fires. Mayor Blumberg is doing is grandfatherly thing "REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR GALOSHES" the kids are ecstatic ------NO SCHOOL Chris Christie has piped up with his LEADERSHIP thing-----he is planning to CHANGE THE DATE OF HALLOWEEN (which is certain to end the storm ONCE AND FOR ALL)

As a SIGN FROM HEAVEN------atlantic city has washed away-----into the Atlantic -------a kind of reprise of SODOM AND GOMORRAH
whoever shot down that paki plane with not just Zia al haq but 20 other top thugs deserves a nobel prize

nobel was an armament tycoon after all

bhutto, daddy (hung by zia) and daughter killed by paki not afghan taliban are not in the same class but the elected govt in no way controls or runs pakistan

not even the army

its the wicked ISI..(paki CIA) and they are split in factions pulling this way and that...all deadly

glad you are OK and the casino sodom is less so tho hope just the casinos perish not the folx in them

sandy indeed...could it get to vegas too???
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Before Chris Christie ALLOWED HEAVEN to destroy ----the casinos-----he cleared them of humans-------and all along I thought he was just a silly dumb teddy bear----he got it RIGHT FOR ONCE
Before Chris Christie ALLOWED HEAVEN to destroy ----the casinos-----he cleared them of humans-------and all along I thought he was just a silly dumb teddy bear----he got it RIGHT FOR ONCE
one bbc expert on USA said he ......Chris Christie .....was the best republican elephant candidate but too sensible to stand for president
oooohhh...!!!! that's it? the czechs-----Kvetch---you forgot your lessons-----the islamo nazi partyline regarding the war of 1948 is that the US MARINES landed in Tel Aviv and did all the fighting to SAVE THE JEWS yes----the poor arabs never so much as had a gun--------the poor STARVING arabs were trounced so UNFAIRLY-----every time
honestly Rosie when I first was in Egypt in 1971, 4 years after 67 war, every single egyptian believed that it was the UK and USA that had destroyed them not israel

my yenta was in lebanon in 67....same story there; the mob attacked the UK embassy where she a zionist spy of course

everything is the fault of US UK and Zionists...never ever their own faults



I worry for you aunty tollah!!

Wrong. Everything is the fault of the Arabs, who had the chance to live in peace with the Jews, but refused. They waged war, lost land in the process of that war, and now are crying about it.

That is one of Israel's biggest lies.

The Palestinians have never lost any land to Israel.
honestly Rosie when I first was in Egypt in 1971, 4 years after 67 war, every single egyptian believed that it was the UK and USA that had destroyed them not israel

my yenta was in lebanon in 67....same story there; the mob attacked the UK embassy where she a zionist spy of course

everything is the fault of US UK and Zionists...never ever their own faults



I worry for you aunty tollah!!

Wrong. Everything is the fault of the Arabs, who had the chance to live in peace with the Jews, but refused. They waged war, lost land in the process of that war, and now are crying about it.

That is one of Israel's biggest lies.

The Palestinians have never lost any land to Israel.
Ha ha ha. That's a trick statement, especially when you consider there were no Arab Palestinians until after 1967. Before that they were just Arab invaders from neighboring countries.
Semantics roudy There was an anti semitic Nation of islam pig -----who has since died
who was very much like tinnie in use of semantics He actually based a WHOLE SPEECH----on his theory that the fact that lots of jews have the last name "gold" or "silver" 'PROVES' that jews own and control all the money in the world. I believe that the pig dropped dead of a CEREBRAL ANEURYSM------but I simply cannot remember his name He was very active before his brain blew up------so frequently offering his BRIALLIANT THEORIES ON REALITY
I have no vested interest in Israel. Stay, go, fuck off. It means less than nothing to me. I just see a lot of "Yay! Israel!!" threads around here. So ask, who cares?

If you don't care, why visit this board, Azzhole? :D
Er wake up call, Israel is less than 70 years old

Israel is often used interchangeably with the Jewish people in conversation.

Only by those who conflate the two so that they can play the anti Semite card.

As always all you have to contribute is your monumental ignorance.
The name Israel has historically been used, in common and religious usage, to refer to the biblical Kingdom of Israel or the entire Jewish nation.
Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :D
I am often amused at the fact that so many people are THAT IGNORANT of the usages of the Term "ISRAEL" and other clear biblical references since they are SO COMMONLY used in English literature and poetry and art for more than 1000 years ----just high school "ENGLISH LIT" should have done it for you--------where you in a coma when you were 15 years old?
'Israel should annex settlements over UN bid'


Likud Minister Gilad Erdan says Israel should "immediately" annex settlements, regardless of US opposition.

Environmental Protection Minister Gilad Erdan on Wednesday morning called for the government to annex all West Bank settlements.

In an interview with Israel Radio, Erdan called for the "immediate annexation of the Jewish population" in the West Bank in response to the Palestinian Authority's attempt to upgrade its status at the United Nations.

When asked if he was concerned that annexing the settlements would anger the United States, Erdan responded that as long as the PA was going against American wishes at the UN, Israel should not sit idly by without acting. "We don't always see eye-to-eye with the US," he said.

'Israel should annex settlements ... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics
"European and Arab foreign ministers failed to jointly endorse the unilateral Palestinian statehood bid at the United Nations during a meeting in Cairo on Tuesday, calling instead for a negotiated two-state solution.

"But when it came to talking about obstacles to the peace process, the European and Arab ministers blamed only the West Bank settlements and Israel’s security barrier."

Have the "chosen" people chosen an eastern border yet?

'Israel should annex settlements ... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics
By the way, did anyone mention Egypt has moved tanks into Sinai?
They're there to fight the terrorist threat to the area.
Of course they are, I'll believe a tank is effective against a rapid moving, small, hidden force.

I don't think the Israeli bastard government does either, that'll be why they've asked Washington to get the Egyptians to move them.
Quite why they could just ask themselves is a bit odd, perhaps a request from the Israeli's bitch carries more weight.
Why Did Hamas Provoke a Conflict?

by Elliott Abrams
November 15, 2012

There is a conflict now between Israel and Hamas because Hamas insisted on starting one. After relatively few rocket and mortar strikes into Israel in 2010 and 2011, Hamas increased the numbers strikingly this year, and finally fired more than 100 into Israel this past weekend. This was a deliberate effort by Hamas to elicit an Israeli response, for it was obvious that as the numbers grew any Israeli government would have to protect its population. One must assume that if Israel had not responded to the hundred rockets last weekend, Hamas would have upped the ante even more until it got what it wanted.
The question is why. Why did Hamas want to provoke an Israeli attack?

I would offer two theories. First, in recent months the Palestinian Authority under Hamas’s enemies in Fatah has been doing better than has Hamas. While the PA has been and remains short of cash, its initiative at the UN to raise itself to “non-member state” status looks like it will succeed. Meanwhile, Hamas has been forced to leave its long-time headquarters in Damascus, and the advent of a Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt has done nothing for Hamas. The border is still largely closed and worse yet for Hamas the Egyptians are destroying the smuggling tunnels that bring Hamas income and bring Gazans goods. So Hamas may have wanted to get back to center stage, reminding people that while the PA talks, it acts. The events of the last few days have, as Hamas must have liked, pushed the PA to the margins and made it seem irrelevant.

Second, Hamas commits acts of terror because it is a terrorist organization. By this I mean that no Hamas leader glories in collecting garbage in Gaza, or even in receiving the Emir of Qatar’s money when he visits. The glory comes in fighting, and killing–but since the last round with the Israelis in January 2009 Hamas has not only been very careful. It has also restrained other terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad from firing into Israel. This situation cannot be attractive to Hamas’s leaders, and they know they risk losing the loyalty of many young men in Gaza to other more active groups if it goes on for too long. So, they have decided to provoke a conflict.
Why Did Hamas Provoke a Conflict?

by Elliott Abrams
November 15, 2012

There is a conflict now between Israel and Hamas because Hamas insisted on starting one. After relatively few rocket and mortar strikes into Israel in 2010 and 2011, Hamas increased the numbers strikingly this year, and finally fired more than 100 into Israel this past weekend. This was a deliberate effort by Hamas to elicit an Israeli response, for it was obvious that as the numbers grew any Israeli government would have to protect its population. One must assume that if Israel had not responded to the hundred rockets last weekend, Hamas would have upped the ante even more until it got what it wanted.
The question is why. Why did Hamas want to provoke an Israeli attack?

I would offer two theories. First, in recent months the Palestinian Authority under Hamas’s enemies in Fatah has been doing better than has Hamas. While the PA has been and remains short of cash, its initiative at the UN to raise itself to “non-member state” status looks like it will succeed. Meanwhile, Hamas has been forced to leave its long-time headquarters in Damascus, and the advent of a Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt has done nothing for Hamas. The border is still largely closed and worse yet for Hamas the Egyptians are destroying the smuggling tunnels that bring Hamas income and bring Gazans goods. So Hamas may have wanted to get back to center stage, reminding people that while the PA talks, it acts. The events of the last few days have, as Hamas must have liked, pushed the PA to the margins and made it seem irrelevant.

Second, Hamas commits acts of terror because it is a terrorist organization. By this I mean that no Hamas leader glories in collecting garbage in Gaza, or even in receiving the Emir of Qatar’s money when he visits. The glory comes in fighting, and killing–but since the last round with the Israelis in January 2009 Hamas has not only been very careful. It has also restrained other terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad from firing into Israel. This situation cannot be attractive to Hamas’s leaders, and they know they risk losing the loyalty of many young men in Gaza to other more active groups if it goes on for too long. So, they have decided to provoke a conflict.

here is a hint

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