Get over yourselves already.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
When I was a boy, growing up in the ā€˜70ā€™s and 80ā€™s, we had a lot of old sayings that were meant to teach you a lesson about life. One was, if you canā€™t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. That was a lesson to teach you to know your limitations, and realistically appraise yourself against others. Another was, Life is tough, if you canā€™t handle it, get a helmet.

That was told you that you had to learn to ignore things. Words or insults that people said that might hurt your feelings. We just didnā€™t care. And honestly, I still donā€™t. I donā€™t care if you get your feelings hurt. I donā€™t care if you are horrified by something someone says. Itā€™s your business. Not mine. Your hurt feelings donā€™t mean a damned thing to me.

That brings us to the Perpetual hurt of today. And there are armies of them that are running around in perpetual outrage over whatever they hear this hour. I honestly am impressed sometimes. Iā€™m not joking. It takes a lot of energy to be outraged, and I donā€™t know where they get the stamina to be outraged all day, every day, week in, week out. Years of outrage, and theyā€™re still going strong. If we could harness that source of unlimited power, the Energizer Bunny would finally be put in his place.

First example, Dave Chappell. For those who donā€™t know, Dave is a comedian, and the job of a Comedian is to turn a mirror on society, and show them how stupid, and funny they are being. There have been some really great ones in history. The greats have their own style, and it is often imitated, but rarely truly duplicated. Dave has pointed out racism and many other things in the past, and the left loved him. In his latest stand up he roasts the Left, and predictably, they are outraged. Where the hell do they get that kind of energy to maintain perpetual outrage?

The left is unhappy with Dave Chappelle for criticizing 'cancel culture' (Update)

I watched the special on Netflix. I thought it was funny, but I thought a lot of his stuff was funny in the past. Perhaps not up there with some of the greats in history, but funny. Now of course, the Left is outraged that their outrage is being made fun of. Dave turns the mirror on them, and they donā€™t like what they see. Now heā€™s old, stale, and just not funny. Another lesson from my youth that has served me well. Learn to laugh at yourself. It comes with donā€™t take yourself too seriously.

Speaking of taking yourself too seriously, we can now turn our attention from Dave, to The NY Times. A reporter or columnist literally melted down on Twitter over an intolerable insult. He was called a bedbug. Seriously.

NYT columnist quits Twitter, reports critic to his boss for calling him a "bedbug"

A bedbug. That is right up there with second graders calling each other Poopieheads. But he melted down anyway. This is another reason I titled this thread get over yourselves already. Because folks, you need to get over yourself. You are a pathetically small cog in an enormous machine. If you fall out, chances are the machine wonā€™t miss a movement. We donā€™t matter to the grand scheme of things. Get over yourself, and get a helmet.

But wait, there is more. Students at Evergreen University, if you donā€™t remember that was the one where a Professor said something controversial and the Students went on strike and the Administration basically straddled the fence. I honestly donā€™t remember what it was, but I was surprised to hear that Evergreen was still open. I assumed that either the students would have transferred to a more ā€œWokeā€ university or that enough would have quit that they would shut the school down.

Nope. They are still arguing over the Professorā€™s right to teach. The students insist he has to go. They are really angry when he uses logic and truth to defend himself. Their feelings are all that matter. Note to anyone in Human Resources. Avoid candidates with a degree from Evergreen. You donā€™t need the headache.

Theyā€™re still outraged what, two or three years later? How the hell do they manage to dress in the morning? I would be exhausted maintaining that level of outrage for a day, much less years.

Get over yourself. Lesbians are torn and upset. They would love to see Pete Buttigieg as President since he would be the first Openly Gay President, but they donā€™t want him to be President because he would take the slot from a Woman who deserves it more?

Why some lesbians donā€™t want Pete Buttigieg to be president

When I was a boy, I was taught in Civics Class how to vote. You see we were supposed to listen to the candidates, and find the one who represented the values and ideals that most closely associated with ourselves and our beliefs. Color, Sexual Orientation, Religion, and the rest wasnā€™t really supposed to matter. It was their values and beliefs that mattered. Not to todayā€™s perpetually outraged. Getting the first openly Gay President? Awesome and awful. Because it will be another Man and not a woman.

What policies does he support that you support? Being gay? Is that all? Get over yourself. Get over yourself and just chill out. Stop trying to figure out which social justice statement is the most pressing. Find a candidate that supports the ideals you do, and run with it. I donā€™t care what color the candidate is, and I donā€™t care what religion, sexual orientation, whatever. I care about the issues, and my biggest is the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. If you canā€™t find an issue you support more than the candidates Gender or Sexual Orientation, then you are so shallow as to be nothing but surface.

Get over yourselves. That is what Dave Chappell is saying. And a lot of us have been saying it for years. Life is rough, get a helmet.
Not sure what your point is, a lot of random rants. Buttigieg is a nut and mirrors many other insane Democrats running for office, none will get my vote. Dave Chappell is just an entertainer and why should we take him seriously? As far as Twitter, I donā€™t use it.

Not sure if they really spark outrage since I didnā€™t hear about any of them until reading a message board.
Not sure what your point is, a lot of random rants. Buttigieg is a nut and mirrors many other insane Democrats running for office, none will get my vote. Dave Chappell is just an entertainer and why should we take him seriously? As far as Twitter, I donā€™t use it.

Not sure if they really spark outrage since I didnā€™t hear about any of them until reading a message board.

Why is Buttigieg a "nut" who "mirrors other insane Democrats running for office?" It seems that he has some good ideas.Could your opposition to him stem from his being gay and your membership in a cult?
Not sure what your point is, a lot of random rants. Buttigieg is a nut and mirrors many other insane Democrats running for office, none will get my vote. Dave Chappell is just an entertainer and why should we take him seriously? As far as Twitter, I donā€™t use it.

Not sure if they really spark outrage since I didnā€™t hear about any of them until reading a message board.

Why is Buttigieg a "nut" who "mirrors other insane Democrats running for office?" It seems that he has some good ideas.Could your opposition to him stem from his being gay and your membership in a cult?

I donā€™t care that he is gay, not sure why you think it matters. He supports the Green Deal, he supports single pay healthcare. Two issues I donā€™t agree with him on. The other Democrats that are nuts also support the Green Deal. I wonā€™t support a candidate that supports the Green Deal. Now, you show me how me not voting for other Democrats that support the Green Deal is anti-gay. Go ahead.
Not sure what your point is, a lot of random rants. Buttigieg is a nut and mirrors many other insane Democrats running for office, none will get my vote. Dave Chappell is just an entertainer and why should we take him seriously? As far as Twitter, I donā€™t use it.

Not sure if they really spark outrage since I didnā€™t hear about any of them until reading a message board.

Why is Buttigieg a "nut" who "mirrors other insane Democrats running for office?" It seems that he has some good ideas.Could your opposition to him stem from his being gay and your membership in a cult?

I donā€™t care that he is gay, not sure why you think it matters. He supports the Green Deal, he supports single pay healthcare. Two issues I donā€™t agree with him on. The other Democrats that are nuts also support the Green Deal. I wonā€™t support a candidate that supports the Green Deal. Now, you show me how me not voting for other Democrats that support the Green Deal is anti-gay. Go ahead.

Mayor Pete is a joke. Since when does a mayor of a small time become potus? I suspect he is a creation of the military industrial complex...hence the billionaires. This would seem to indicate my opinion has validity.

The Most Reliable Simple Way to Identify the Best Democratic Presidential Candidates
Posted on August 7, 2019 by Eric Zuesse.
However, thatā€™s not the full list of the billionairesā€™ favorites. Some candidates are so subservient to billionaires as to get donations from them even despite their already having shown that the Partyā€™s voters hold the given candidate in low regard. (Any billionaire can afford to spend on luxuries, such as super-cravenous servants.) Here is the ranking of those, and the candidateā€™s respective number of billionaire donors:

1: Pete Buttigieg, 23.

2: Cory Booker, 18.

3: Kamala Harris, 17.

4. Michael Bennett, 15.

5. Joe Biden, 13.

6. John Hickenlooper, 11.

7. Beto Oā€™Rourke, 9.

8. Amy Klobuchar, 8.

9. Jay Inslee, 5.

10. Kirsten Gillibrand, 4.

11. John Delaney, 3.

12. Elizabeth Warren & Steve Bullock, tied with 2 each.

13. Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, Marianne Williamson, tied with 1 each.

14. Bernie Sanders, 0.

The Most Reliable Simple Way to Identify the Best Democratic Presidential Candidates | Washington's Blog
When I was a boy, growing up in the ā€˜70ā€™s and 80ā€™s, we had a lot of old sayings that were meant to teach you a lesson about life. One was, if you canā€™t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. That was a lesson to teach you to know your limitations, and realistically appraise yourself against others. Another was, Life is tough, if you canā€™t handle it, get a helmet.

That was told you that you had to learn to ignore things. Words or insults that people said that might hurt your feelings. We just didnā€™t care. And honestly, I still donā€™t. I donā€™t care if you get your feelings hurt. I donā€™t care if you are horrified by something someone says. Itā€™s your business. Not mine. Your hurt feelings donā€™t mean a damned thing to me.

That brings us to the Perpetual hurt of today. And there are armies of them that are running around in perpetual outrage over whatever they hear this hour. I honestly am impressed sometimes. Iā€™m not joking. It takes a lot of energy to be outraged, and I donā€™t know where they get the stamina to be outraged all day, every day, week in, week out. Years of outrage, and theyā€™re still going strong. If we could harness that source of unlimited power, the Energizer Bunny would finally be put in his place.

First example, Dave Chappell. For those who donā€™t know, Dave is a comedian, and the job of a Comedian is to turn a mirror on society, and show them how stupid, and funny they are being. There have been some really great ones in history. The greats have their own style, and it is often imitated, but rarely truly duplicated. Dave has pointed out racism and many other things in the past, and the left loved him. In his latest stand up he roasts the Left, and predictably, they are outraged. Where the hell do they get that kind of energy to maintain perpetual outrage?

The left is unhappy with Dave Chappelle for criticizing 'cancel culture' (Update)

I watched the special on Netflix. I thought it was funny, but I thought a lot of his stuff was funny in the past. Perhaps not up there with some of the greats in history, but funny. Now of course, the Left is outraged that their outrage is being made fun of. Dave turns the mirror on them, and they donā€™t like what they see. Now heā€™s old, stale, and just not funny. Another lesson from my youth that has served me well. Learn to laugh at yourself. It comes with donā€™t take yourself too seriously.

Speaking of taking yourself too seriously, we can now turn our attention from Dave, to The NY Times. A reporter or columnist literally melted down on Twitter over an intolerable insult. He was called a bedbug. Seriously.

NYT columnist quits Twitter, reports critic to his boss for calling him a "bedbug"

A bedbug. That is right up there with second graders calling each other Poopieheads. But he melted down anyway. This is another reason I titled this thread get over yourselves already. Because folks, you need to get over yourself. You are a pathetically small cog in an enormous machine. If you fall out, chances are the machine wonā€™t miss a movement. We donā€™t matter to the grand scheme of things. Get over yourself, and get a helmet.

But wait, there is more. Students at Evergreen University, if you donā€™t remember that was the one where a Professor said something controversial and the Students went on strike and the Administration basically straddled the fence. I honestly donā€™t remember what it was, but I was surprised to hear that Evergreen was still open. I assumed that either the students would have transferred to a more ā€œWokeā€ university or that enough would have quit that they would shut the school down.

Nope. They are still arguing over the Professorā€™s right to teach. The students insist he has to go. They are really angry when he uses logic and truth to defend himself. Their feelings are all that matter. Note to anyone in Human Resources. Avoid candidates with a degree from Evergreen. You donā€™t need the headache.

Theyā€™re still outraged what, two or three years later? How the hell do they manage to dress in the morning? I would be exhausted maintaining that level of outrage for a day, much less years.

Get over yourself. Lesbians are torn and upset. They would love to see Pete Buttigieg as President since he would be the first Openly Gay President, but they donā€™t want him to be President because he would take the slot from a Woman who deserves it more?

Why some lesbians donā€™t want Pete Buttigieg to be president

When I was a boy, I was taught in Civics Class how to vote. You see we were supposed to listen to the candidates, and find the one who represented the values and ideals that most closely associated with ourselves and our beliefs. Color, Sexual Orientation, Religion, and the rest wasnā€™t really supposed to matter. It was their values and beliefs that mattered. Not to todayā€™s perpetually outraged. Getting the first openly Gay President? Awesome and awful. Because it will be another Man and not a woman.

What policies does he support that you support? Being gay? Is that all? Get over yourself. Get over yourself and just chill out. Stop trying to figure out which social justice statement is the most pressing. Find a candidate that supports the ideals you do, and run with it. I donā€™t care what color the candidate is, and I donā€™t care what religion, sexual orientation, whatever. I care about the issues, and my biggest is the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. If you canā€™t find an issue you support more than the candidates Gender or Sexual Orientation, then you are so shallow as to be nothing but surface.

Get over yourselves. That is what Dave Chappell is saying. And a lot of us have been saying it for years. Life is rough, get a helmet.

Not sure what your point is, a lot of random rants. Buttigieg is a nut and mirrors many other insane Democrats running for office, none will get my vote. Dave Chappell is just an entertainer and why should we take him seriously? As far as Twitter, I donā€™t use it.

Not sure if they really spark outrage since I didnā€™t hear about any of them until reading a message board.
Condensed version.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
The "Perpetual hurt of today" is widespread. As a boy growing up in to 50's and 60's we too had sayings. The one I find most applicable to Trump is: He can dish it out, but he can't take it.

ā€œWhen criticized, narcissists show themselves woefully incapable of retaining any emotional poise, or receptivity. And it really doesn't much matter whether the nature of that criticism is constructive or destructive. They just don't seem to be able to take criticism, period. At the same time, these disturbed individuals demonstrate an abnormally developed capacity to criticize others.ā€
-Leon Seltzer, PhD., The Narcissist's Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But...​
The "Perpetual hurt of today" is widespread. As a boy growing up in to 50's and 60's we too had sayings. The one I find most applicable to Trump is: He can dish it out, but he can't take it.

ā€œWhen criticized, narcissists show themselves woefully incapable of retaining any emotional poise, or receptivity. And it really doesn't much matter whether the nature of that criticism is constructive or destructive. They just don't seem to be able to take criticism, period. At the same time, these disturbed individuals demonstrate an abnormally developed capacity to criticize others.ā€
-Leon Seltzer, PhD., The Narcissist's Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But...​
Also a perfect description of the modern day liberal
The "Perpetual hurt of today" is widespread. As a boy growing up in to 50's and 60's we too had sayings. The one I find most applicable to Trump is: He can dish it out, but he can't take it.

ā€œWhen criticized, narcissists show themselves woefully incapable of retaining any emotional poise, or receptivity. And it really doesn't much matter whether the nature of that criticism is constructive or destructive. They just don't seem to be able to take criticism, period. At the same time, these disturbed individuals demonstrate an abnormally developed capacity to criticize others.ā€
-Leon Seltzer, PhD., The Narcissist's Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But...​
Also a perfect description of the modern day liberal

I haven't noticed it so much. If so, then it's one of the least of their problems.

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