Get 'em while they are new and don't know better................

So why are you not condemning the Gideon's for placing bibles in motels?
Why not condemn the FBI or CIA or Apple for trying to get those who are walking out of college or even before they finish?
Are the newly minted citizens being held or brainwashed in some nefarious way?
Have you watched a commercial or political campaign message? How is this some terrible plot?

I don't condemn Gideon for the Bibles. They don't force me to read them, nor do they preach at me when I stay at a hotel.

The CIA, FBI and Apple are offering people good paying jobs. It's up to them to take it or not.

As far as the newly minted citizens? They are being given a bunch of GOP propaganda, that they are told contains a pocket Constitution. Yeah, it does contain one of those, but also contains a whole bunch of GOP propaganda that the Republicans fail to disclose is in there as well.
So they are forced to take it. They are forced to read it, they are forced to sign the card declaring for the GOP. How is this happening? Are they being rounded up and held at gun point? Are they being pumped full of drugs?

Is it possible that they are given the packets and allowed to do what they want? Perhaps read other? Perhaps throw it away?

I wonder if you are just upset that liberals were not there first.
Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.
They’re also not disclosing the fact that the GOP is anti-immigrant and seeks to decrease legal immigration, that the GOP is hostile to change and diversity, and that Republicans wish to compel conformity through force of law.
Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.
As a Democrat, I say good for them
It is long overdue that Republicans provide outreach to Hispanics

But a word to the wise, it takes more than a pocket Constitution to provide community outreach. Republicans need to provide a permanent presence in Hispanic communities, listen to their problems, help them in dealing with the government

That is what Democrats do
Translation: Democrats bribe them with welfare, EBT, and free health care for all of their mijos and mijas. And if you object, they call you a racist.
Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.
Well, if is as you say, most of them have lived here for years, they will know better than to think the Republican registration card is the only option.

In TX you only register to vote, there is no party affiliation on the form.

Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.
As a Democrat, I say good for them
It is long overdue that Republicans provide outreach to Hispanics

But a word to the wise, it takes more than a pocket Constitution to provide community outreach. Republicans need to provide a permanent presence in Hispanic communities, listen to their problems, help them in dealing with the government

That is what Democrats do
Translation: Democrats bribe them with welfare, EBT, and free health care for all of their mijos and mijas. And if you object, they call you a racist.
Actually, Democrats HELP them
If there are government programs, Dems will inform them
If they have a problem with interacting with govt, Dems will help resolve
If they need a job, Dems are there

Republicans think a pocket Constitution is the same
Sorry Republicans, but if you think pocket constitutions will swing the Hispanic vote......

Reinstate DACA
Stop terrorizing immigrant families
Stop English only tirades
Help Puerto Rico
Drop the wall nonsense
Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.

It's nice to see Republicans actually trying to register voters instead of disenfranchising them.

Most registrar of voters send representatives to New Citizen ceremonies. We have to have a lottery to see who gets to go. Those ceremonies are just pure, 100% good feelings.
Actually, Democrats HELP them
Keeping somebody dependent is not helping them.

If there are government programs, Dems will inform them
No argument there.

If they have a problem with interacting with govt, Dems will help resolve
No argument there either.

If they need a job, Dems are there
Yeah, they're there to tell them if they get a job they're cut off. These people are no good to Democrats if they work. That ends their dependency which defeats the whole purpose. Why do you think the left refuse to make jobs training a requirement for receiving welfare?
Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.

If they were smart, they would have listed in the Construction all the varies ways Dims have broken the Constitution over the years, like locking up innocent Japanese Americans under FDR cuz of their squinty eyes, etc.
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So why are you not condemning the Gideon's for placing bibles in motels?
Why not condemn the FBI or CIA or Apple for trying to get those who are walking out of college or even before they finish?
Are the newly minted citizens being held or brainwashed in some nefarious way?
Have you watched a commercial or political campaign message? How is this some terrible plot?

I don't condemn Gideon for the Bibles. They don't force me to read them, nor do they preach at me when I stay at a hotel.

The CIA, FBI and Apple are offering people good paying jobs. It's up to them to take it or not.

As far as the newly minted citizens? They are being given a bunch of GOP propaganda, that they are told contains a pocket Constitution. Yeah, it does contain one of those, but also contains a whole bunch of GOP propaganda that the Republicans fail to disclose is in there as well.
So they are forced to take it. They are forced to read it, they are forced to sign the card declaring for the GOP. How is this happening? Are they being rounded up and held at gun point? Are they being pumped full of drugs?

Is it possible that they are given the packets and allowed to do what they want? Perhaps read other? Perhaps throw it away?

I wonder if you are just upset that liberals were not there first.

Actually Liberals were here first. Wrote the Constitution and shit.
So why are you not condemning the Gideon's for placing bibles in motels?
Why not condemn the FBI or CIA or Apple for trying to get those who are walking out of college or even before they finish?
Are the newly minted citizens being held or brainwashed in some nefarious way?
Have you watched a commercial or political campaign message? How is this some terrible plot?

I don't condemn Gideon for the Bibles. They don't force me to read them, nor do they preach at me when I stay at a hotel.

The CIA, FBI and Apple are offering people good paying jobs. It's up to them to take it or not.

As far as the newly minted citizens? They are being given a bunch of GOP propaganda, that they are told contains a pocket Constitution. Yeah, it does contain one of those, but also contains a whole bunch of GOP propaganda that the Republicans fail to disclose is in there as well.
So they are forced to take it. They are forced to read it, they are forced to sign the card declaring for the GOP. How is this happening? Are they being rounded up and held at gun point? Are they being pumped full of drugs?

Is it possible that they are given the packets and allowed to do what they want? Perhaps read other? Perhaps throw it away?

I wonder if you are just upset that liberals were not there first.

Actually Liberals were here first. Wrote the Constitution and shit.
Got to give you credit. No thought but relatively crazy
Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.
Texas does not have voter registration by party. If this report suggests otherwise it brings into question whatever else it said.
Actually Liberals were here first. Wrote the Constitution and shit.
Got to give you credit. No thought but relatively crazy

Pogo is a one-trick pony, and that's his one trick—referring to the great mken who founded this country as “Liberals” with the clear intent of suggesting that their version of “liberalism” has anything at all to do with the modern ideology that is known by that name today, in spite of the clear fact that modern “liberalism” is about as far diametrically-opposed to the ideology of the Founders as it is possible to be.
Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.

Where do you get the racist view that Americans who came from Mexico benefit from illegal immigration? They don't, they are like every other American. Illegal immigration harms us all
Actually Liberals were here first. Wrote the Constitution and shit.
Got to give you credit. No thought but relatively crazy

Pogo is a one-trick pony, and that's his one trick—referring to the great mken who founded this country as “Liberals” with the clear intent of suggesting that their version of “liberalism” has anything at all to do with the modern ideology that is known by that name today, in spite of the clear fact that modern “liberalism” is about as far diametrically-opposed to the ideology of the Founders as it is possible to be.

Ah yes, Doublethink. The attempt to turn a term around into its own opposite, hoping nobody will notice.

I've heard of that.
Just the other day I was watching VICE News on HBO, and came across a rather interesting article. Seems that the GOP down in El Paso TX goes to swearing in ceremonies, and as soon as the newly sworn in citizens exit the building, GOP volunteers swoop down on them, congratulate them for becoming new citizens and then offer them a new pocket Constitution. Only thing is, that pocket Constitution is in a package that tells them why they should join the GOP and also has a voter registration card to become a Republican. The video on this article is pretty interesting to watch.

They are doing this without telling them they are GOP volunteers. How do the rest of you feel about this?

Texas Republicans are recruiting immigrants minutes after they become citizens

EL PASO, Texas — What do you do if you're the county Republican Party in El Paso, where the population is Hispanic and President Trump is wildly unpopular?

You try to recruit new American citizens into the GOP minutes after they take the oath of citizenship. Get 'em while they're fresh.

On Wednesday, 947 new citizens hailing from 49 different countries took the oath in the El Paso Coliseum just a few miles from the U.S. southern border. Most of the oath-takers have lived in the U.S. for years, and the vast majority of them came here from Mexico.

"So often the impression is the Republican Party is anti-immigrant," said Bob Peña, executive director of the El Paso GOP. "No, we’re anti illegal immigrant."

VICE News followed the El Paso GOP as it tried to make the Republican case to the new citizens — and found themselves trying to make the party of Trump appealing to Mexican-Americans.
Texas does not have voter registration by party. If this report suggests otherwise it brings into question whatever else it said.

Uhhhmmm.... just because they come in at El Paso it doesn't mean they're about to settle in Texas. Hello?
Actually Liberals were here first. Wrote the Constitution and shit.
Got to give you credit. No thought but relatively crazy

Pogo is a one-trick pony, and that's his one trick—referring to the great mken who founded this country as “Liberals” with the clear intent of suggesting that their version of “liberalism” has anything at all to do with the modern ideology that is known by that name today, in spite of the clear fact that modern “liberalism” is about as far diametrically-opposed to the ideology of the Founders as it is possible to be.

Ah yes, Doublethink. The attempt to turn a term around into its own opposite, hoping nobody will notice.

I've heard of that.

Saying that words have changed meaning over time is double-think? No, actually it's not. That's just stupid
Actually Liberals were here first. Wrote the Constitution and shit.
Got to give you credit. No thought but relatively crazy

Pogo is a one-trick pony, and that's his one trick—referring to the great mken who founded this country as “Liberals” with the clear intent of suggesting that their version of “liberalism” has anything at all to do with the modern ideology that is known by that name today, in spite of the clear fact that modern “liberalism” is about as far diametrically-opposed to the ideology of the Founders as it is possible to be.

Ah yes, Doublethink. The attempt to turn a term around into its own opposite, hoping nobody will notice.

I've heard of that.

Saying that words have changed meaning over time is double-think? No, actually it's not. That's just stupid

It is indeed stupid to think they could get away with it.
Thanks for the support, but really it's OK. I got this.
Actually Liberals were here first. Wrote the Constitution and shit.
Got to give you credit. No thought but relatively crazy

Pogo is a one-trick pony, and that's his one trick—referring to the great mken who founded this country as “Liberals” with the clear intent of suggesting that their version of “liberalism” has anything at all to do with the modern ideology that is known by that name today, in spite of the clear fact that modern “liberalism” is about as far diametrically-opposed to the ideology of the Founders as it is possible to be.

Ah yes, Doublethink. The attempt to turn a term around into its own opposite, hoping nobody will notice.

I've heard of that.

Saying that words have changed meaning over time is double-think? No, actually it's not. That's just stupid

It is indeed stupid to think they could get away with it.
Thanks for the support, but really it's OK. I got this.

You're just babbling, you don't have anything. He said, "their version of “liberalism” has anything at all to do with the modern ideology that is known by that name today." He was talking about the meaning of the word changing over time.

Double think is believing contradictory meanings for the same word here and now.

It's just your awful government school education again. And then you were particularly trained to not think when you were a star editor in fake news where you removed any truth that accidentally slipped into any reporter's writings

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