Get big pharma out of psychology!

Six months after the UK banned antidepressant drugs for children, Health Canada has issued a warning that using 7 of the medications may make patients worse.

Patients of all ages taking fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), mirtazapine (Remeron), fluoxetine (Prozac) and
citalopram (Celexa), as well as those taking bupropion as an antidepressant (Wellbutrin) or smoking cessation drug (Zyban) may “experience behavioural and/or emotional changes that may put them at increased risk of self-harm or harm to others,” Health Canada cautioned June 4 in a directive to physicians and consumers.

Pharmaceutical Warning UK bans Health Canada warns about antidepressants
clinical trails by british research scientist are usually wrong ? really ?
AS evidenced by the fact that what anti depressant works on an individual is a hit and miss proposition then yes his study is worthless.
It's a scatter gun, but it can and does hit the target, often enough. Just another tool in the toolbox.
The scatter gun you speak of can cause suicides and homicides
One of the ironies of working with people too depressed to kill themselves is when they start feeling better, when they have energy again, is they sometimes do. It happens with all forms of therapy. It's a known and unfortunate risk. The shrinks don't like it any better than you do but it happens. It's why suicide is described as the only real real question. Everything follows, or doesn't, after you make that decision.

Where all hell really breaks loose is with kids, who don't have adult coping skills and make impulsive, sometimes fatal, decisions. When they are on these drugs you have to watch them like hawks since they turn on a dime.
all of the mass shooters were on ssris
Just because they drank milk as children doesn't mean that was the issue. Don't confuse correlation with causation. These folks had serious problems before or they wouldn't have been put on the drugs, and most people on the drugs, the vast majority, don't flip out, they get better.
all of the mass shooters were on ssris
Just because they drank milk as children doesn't mean that was the issue. Don't confuse correlation with causation. These folks had serious problems before or they wouldn't have been put on the drugs, and most people on the drugs, the vast majority, don't flip out, they get better.
Milk does not come with a warning in the insert saying it may cause suicidal and homicidal Ideations
all of the mass shooters were on ssris
Just because they drank milk as children doesn't mean that was the issue. Don't confuse correlation with causation. These folks had serious problems before or they wouldn't have been put on the drugs, and most people on the drugs, the vast majority, don't flip out, they get better.
and you are basing this assumption on?
Unfortunately, SSRIs, a relatively new class of antidepressants, have been associated with an increased risk of suicide. In tests of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, Lexapro and Luvox on children with major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and other psychiatric disorders, about 4 percent of patients experienced suicidal thinking, behavior or attempts. In the placebo group, 2 percent of the participants experienced similar problems.

Antidepressants Suicide
Problem is we have no objective diagnostics for mental disorders. We have yet to invent a tricorder ala Star Trek we can wave beside a paitent's head and figure out "Ah yes, you seem to have clinical depression." So psychiatry functions by way of interviewing a patient and hoping to God they use the correct terms and references to describe how they're feeling. Then we match that up with known diagnoses and then push whatever wonder drug is supposed to treat that condition. We then adjust the dosage up or down until we see a desired effect.

But since so much depends on what a patient says, and not everyone's vocabulary is equal or even adequate to describe clinical symptoms, errors are more than likely. Plus doctors are financially incentivized to make a clinical diagnoses so they can sell a drug. No diagnosis, no Rx, and no money. System itself is prone to corruption and abuse.

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