GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Muslims shall stay to live in their dirty backward 'countries' in the turd world, but not among humans.
The name of Merkel will be cursed for thousands years in Germany.

GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool and sexually harassing German girls

Now that a German swimming pool has been forced to lift its ban on Muslim male migrants, according to Bäder GmbH (Baths Inc.), Muslims have been masturbating and defecating into the water, and are

sexually harassing and groping women in the Sauna, while trying to storm the women’s changing rooms. Other reports claim Muslim migrants have also been sexually molesting children in a swimming hall.

Read the full story:
This is going to end very badly for tens of thousands of Germans and sand monkeys. The fucking loser coward pussies in Denmark et. are too shit scared to confront the filthy sub-human rag heads. The young White men of Germany are NOT! Watch for tens of thousands of Nationalist Germans declaring 'open season' on any fucking young muslims they find.
There's going to be blood in the streets and tens of thousands of young Muslim rag heads are going to flee Germany within a year.
WW 111 has started back where the other world wars started. Ironic eh?
Ah yes. This is ok guys. Liberals say we MUST accept multiculturalism.

You must understand something. Just because YOU may find it wrong to shit and ejaculate into a public pool....Muslims don't. It's just their culture and it must be RESPECTED AND tolerated.

Otherwise you're a racist mmmmkay?
This is becoming the biggest crisis in Europe since WW11. This is not going away.
The fucking idiots who believe the sand monkeys are going to "assimilate" into European cultures are fucking delusional.
Question for all you who believe hundreds of thousands of young fighting age muslim men are going to accept European culture: Do you all have any females in your family? How many of you would be OK with your daughter moving in with a fucking rag head? Better yet how about if your daughter brings a rag head to your house and declares he's moving into her room? Ya fucking RIGHT!!!!!!!
The WW111 has already started.
This is becoming the biggest crisis in Europe since WW11. This is not going away.
The fucking idiots who believe the sand monkeys are going to "assimilate" into European cultures are fucking delusional.
Question for all you who believe hundreds of thousands of young fighting age muslim men are going to accept European culture: Do you all have any females in your family? How many of you would be OK with your daughter moving in with a fucking rag head? Better yet how about if your daughter brings a rag head to your house and declares he's moving into her room? Ya fucking RIGHT!!!!!!!
The WW111 has already started.

Hey you racist!!!! No.....liberals are right about this okay? They CANNOT BE expected to assimilate.

If they assimilate to OUR culture....then it's not "multicultural" see??? And...and...and...multiculturalism is better than soloculturalism mmmkay?
German men are pussies. Absolutely unwilling to defend their families against the Musloid invasion.
Frigging unreal.


A GANG of migrant men sexually assaulted German women at a historic swimming bath, it has been claimed.,

Migrants assaulted women at a swimming pool, according to reports
Other migrants were caught "emptying their bowels" in the children's pool and masturbating in a hot tub, according to reports.
They are thought to have been caught on CCTV before laughing at pool staff when challenged about their behaviour.
Following the allegations, the historic Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony has banned migrants from the premises until further notice.
Horror as gangs of migrants 'assault female swimmers and masturbate in hot tub'

And this from Reuters


German town bars asylum seekers from pool after harassment complaints

A western German town has barred adult male asylum seekers from its public indoor swimming pool after receiving complaints that some women were sexually harassed there.

It was the latest sign of social tensions related to the arrival last year of 1.1 million migrants in Germany, followed by sex assaults on women by young male asylum seekers and migrants during New Year's Eve celebrations in the city of Cologne.
The deputy mayor of Bornheim, a town of 48,000 some 30 km south of Cologne, said on Friday that a difficult decision was taken to send a clear message that breaching German cultural norms was a red line that should not be crossed.
German town bars asylum seekers from pool after harassment complaints

Germany intends on imposing the German culture on middle eastern men. That's not very multicultural or respectful of them.
No wonder the American left wants to bring these immigrants here. It's more multiculturalism.
$30 hanging by the front door. Less than having to clean the pool.


Anyone caught does not leave the same way they came in
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dey's Muslumics...

... whadaya espect?

The reason dey been rapin' Germerman womens...

... is `cause dey can't find no sheep or goats or camels."
Muslims shall stay to live in their dirty backward 'countries' in the turd world, but not among humans.
The name of Merkel will be cursed for thousands years in Germany.

GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool and sexually harassing German girls

Now that a German swimming pool has been forced to lift its ban on Muslim male migrants, according to Bäder GmbH (Baths Inc.), Muslims have been masturbating and defecating into the water, and are

sexually harassing and groping women in the Sauna, while trying to storm the women’s changing rooms. Other reports claim Muslim migrants have also been sexually molesting children in a swimming hall.

Read the full story:
Who is going to police these disgusting and dangerous sub-human behaviors? Are there any Arab nations offering assistance or apologizing for this display? No. Are there any major populated Islamic groups strongly condemning this behavior and making it clear they are sinning and are anti-Islamic just like the occult is anti-Christian?

Not much if any.

And if they do not then they are complicit and part of these horrific crises, not innocent.
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Police are now admitting that there have been MENA sex attacks in 12 of 16 states in germany

A manners class is not going to help, this is not a culture shock, this is intentional and organized mobs across the country.

Its a form a warfare.
We will see.
I hope you are wrong.

I did not thing Great Britain would put up with so much Muslim nonsense, but they have? The leftist puke in the GOVT forced Muslims in and now they are way in. Sound familiar?

No go zones? Huh? where are the beer swillin' brawlin' soccer hooligans when you need em? Dis-arrmed of course. Need to ask Lucy poster why they not fighting back?

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