Germany finally recognises it committed genocide in Namibia (killing 100K) after being sued. Germany will pay $1.34 billion compensation to Namibia

What is your point.

What did you not undestand?

I just told you that racist white South Africans have been migrating to Namibia for the past 40 to 50 years now.!!

And what means this? Has this anything to do with Germans or has this to do with Brits? Or is this a special problem of other populations of the world, who are in contact with Namibia? I heard the "new colonial might" China makes a lot of nonsense in Africa. Arabia is also a candidate for nonsense. Slaveholders and slaves seems sometimes not to be only past. And what exactly is the problem at all there? Became Namibia a racist country so Germany has to react with sanctions against Namibia - such as for example to withdraw the diplomatic relations? Or what else is a senseful solutions for which concrete problem? Or means what you say only "The world is an evil place and everyone is helpless. Do something: Send us an army and kill all racists in Namibia - except this racists are Herero and Nama." I doubt that we can send soldiers because our military boat and our military plan and plane are normally defect. No idea how German soldiers came to Mali and how they had installed a subversive government there. It seems to have to do something with Tuaregs and to be experts in falling from camels. So if you need camels that's a problem. Perhaps we can send some barrels of beer and tents for public festivals.

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What is your point.

What did you not undestand?

I just told you that racist white South Africans have been migrating to Namibia for the past 40 to 50 years now.!!

And what means this? Has this anything to do with Germans or has this to do with Brits? Or is this a special problem of other populations of the world, who are in contact with Namibia? I heard the "new colonial might" China makes a lot of nonsense in Africa. Arabia is also a candidate for nonsense. Slaveholders and slaves seems sometimes not to be only past. And what exactly is the problem at all there? Became Namibia a racist country so Germany has to react with sanctions against Namibia - such as for example to withdraw the diplomatic relations? Or what else is a senseful solutions for which concrete problem? Or means what you say only "The world is an evil place and everyone is helpless. Do something: Send us an army and kill all racists in Namibia - except this racists are Herero and Nama." I doubt that we can send soldiers because our military boat and our military plan and plane are normally defect. No idea how German soldiers came to Mali and how they had installed a subversive government there. It seems to have to do something with Tuaregs and to be experts in falling from camels. So if you need camels that's a problem. Perhaps we can send some barrels of beer and tents for public festivals.

My main point sir, is that if its not German, or British or Dutch, its Chinese looking to steal African miinerals, and pay very little for those minerals. This has been going on for many years now. Africans have been getting robbed for their mineral deposits. In the past and now!!
What is your point.

What did you not undestand?

I just told you that racist white South Africans have been migrating to Namibia for the past 40 to 50 years now.!!

And what means this? Has this anything to do with Germans or has this to do with Brits? Or is this a special problem of other populations of the world, who are in contact with Namibia? I heard the "new colonial might" China makes a lot of nonsense in Africa. Arabia is also a candidate for nonsense. Slaveholders and slaves seems sometimes not to be only past. And what exactly is the problem at all there? Became Namibia a racist country so Germany has to react with sanctions against Namibia - such as for example to withdraw the diplomatic relations? Or what else is a senseful solutions for which concrete problem? Or means what you say only "The world is an evil place and everyone is helpless. Do something: Send us an army and kill all racists in Namibia - except this racists are Herero and Nama." I doubt that we can send soldiers because our military boat and our military plan and plane are normally defect. No idea how German soldiers came to Mali and how they had installed a subversive government there. It seems to have to do something with Tuaregs and to be experts in falling from camels. So if you need camels that's a problem. Perhaps we can send some barrels of beer and tents for public festivals.

My main point sir,

¿Sir? Sir = "Depp". Got it.

is that if its not German, or British or Dutch,

Hmm ... Germanics. Our friends the good old Vandals were also in Africa once ... they never came back. This gives some hope that the Germanics who make not holy days but drunken weeks in Mallorca perhaps will also never find back their way home. "Home - sweet home! My home is where my bottle is." ... But Mallorca is not Africa.

its Chinese looking to steal African miinerals, and pay very little for those minerals. This has been going on for many years now. Africans have been getting robbed for their mineral deposits. In the past and now!!

So the Chinese came with weapons and forced Africans to give them their stones = "robbed for their minerals"? I guess that's not the reality. The reality is perhaps a problem of corrupt African governments says my prejudice. Concrete I know nothing about in which country of Africa the Chinese are doing what on what reasons.

I heard that German companies are not able to be in business competition with Chinese companies in Africa, because German companies have to pay fair prices and fair salaries in context of the different height of the costs for life in different regions. I heard if Germanics would do the same what the Chinese are doing then the whole world - specially also the Africans - would be upset - but what the "underdog" China is doing seems to be okay for them all.

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This really doesn't matter. Germans invaded this land. They murdered two tribes. That was wrong. There is really nothing more to say about that.

"Genocide" is a word that describes the attempt to not just mass murder people, but the intent to annihilate an entire people. That is what happened. Nobody in the world cares what you feel about this word.

I'm a German, and I'm a patriot. Go figure. Don't tell me what I am supposed to feel towards my country.

There are never entire peoples who do this or that. There are different views on patriotism and nationalism within any people.

? Do you have reading problems?


Who said you should?

For starters, Germany is among the top 15 countries in the world on most rankings, when it comes to quality of life, public health, freedom of speech, democratic standards, equality of wealth and so on ...

... to make it short, life is pretty good in Germany, compared to most other countries on this planet.

For example, admitting that colonialism was not a good thing, and, of course, everything that happened between 1933 and 1945 in this country is not exactly a good example, including the Holocaust on 6 million Jews and starting a world war that resulted in the death of ca. 40 million people.

I was born long after German colonialism and Nazi rule, so I can't say I'm personally responsible for any of these crimes. Got it?

how much does the Uk pay its colonies?
Yes, when will Moscow pay?

only after 🇷🇺decolonization , as for today, they love to live in the🇷🇺 empire , to steal oil - gas - etc. from the Siberian natives . 🇷🇺they are all genocidal imperialists. From Navalny to Dugin and they dont even hide it.

They dont care about genocides which
they have committed

In namibia the Germans fought a revolt … like the British in India

When did the British pay?
German , British empires have gone many years ago. Moscow - Mongol empire is still around, and it still kills , rapes , loots


Ukraine should apologize for the Khmelnytsky uprising. Bohdan Khmelnitsky, a military commander of Ukrainian Cossacks, was responsible for massacring Jews during the years 1648–1649. Up to 100,000 Jews were killed and hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed.

Khmelnytsky told the people that the Poles had sold them as slaves "into the hands of the accursed Jews." With this as their battle cry, Cossacks and the peasantry massacred numerous Jewish and Polish–Lithuanian townsfolk, as well as szlachta during the years 1648–1649.

One estimate (1996) reports that 15,000–30,000 Jews were killed or taken captive, and that 300 Jewish communities were completely destroyed.[25] A 2014 estimate puts the number of Jews that died during the national uprising of Ukrainians to 18,000–20,000 people between the years 1648–1649;[4] of these, 3,000–6,000 Jews were killed by Cossacks in Nemirov in May 1648 and 1,500 in Tulczyn in July 1648.[4]

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Ukraine should apologize for the Khmelnytsky uprising. Bohdan Khmelnitsky, a military commander of Ukrainian Cossacks, was responsible for massacring Jews during the years 1648–1649. Up to 100,000 Jews were killed and hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed.

Khmelnytsky told the people that the Poles had sold them as slaves "into the hands of the accursed Jews." With this as their battle cry, Cossacks and the peasantry massacred numerous Jewish and Polish–Lithuanian townsfolk, as well as szlachta during the years 1648–1649.

One estimate (1996) reports that 15,000–30,000 Jews were killed or taken captive, and that 300 Jewish communities were completely destroyed.[25] A 2014 estimate puts the number of Jews that died during the national uprising of Ukrainians to 18,000–20,000 people between the years 1648–1649;[4] of these, 3,000–6,000 Jews were killed by Cossacks in Nemirov in May 1648 and 1,500 in Tulczyn in July 1648.[4]

Khmelnitsky is a product of Moscow 🇷🇺 propaganda , he is a very complicated character.

watch this :


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