German Prof: Climate Science Politicized, Exaggerated, Filled With “Fantasy”, “Fairy Tales”…”Paris Accord Already Dead”!

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
German Prof: Climate Science Politicized, Exaggerated, Filled With “Fantasy”, “Fairy Tales”…”Paris Accord Already Dead”!
Charles Rotter / 2 days ago October 7, 2020

Reposted from The No Tricks Zone

In an interview with publicist Roland Tichy, Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt – one of the founders of Germany’s modern environmental movement – said we have in fact three generations time to revamp the world’s energy supply system to one that is cleaner and sustainable.

He rejects the Fridays For Future claim that there are only 12 years left.

He's a white supremacist and wayciss to Blasphemy! Fwap fwap fwap
Red China is building some 40 new coal plants, yet the hippies and deviants can only whine about Trump, they can never bring themselves to criticize their heroes in Red China; Biden certainly isn't about to try and force them not to use coal power, and they certainly won't be able to make India stop either.
German Prof: Climate Science Politicized, Exaggerated, Filled With “Fantasy”, “Fairy Tales”…”Paris Accord Already Dead”!
Charles Rotter / 2 days ago October 7, 2020

Reposted from The No Tricks Zone

In an interview with publicist Roland Tichy, Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt – one of the founders of Germany’s modern environmental movement – said we have in fact three generations time to revamp the world’s energy supply system to one that is cleaner and sustainable.

He rejects the Fridays For Future claim that there are only 12 years left.

He's a white supremacist and wayciss to Blasphemy! Fwap fwap fwap
Climate Change fear is used as political tool.
Left Wing politicians exploit ignorant people.
It's shocking how many dumb people we have on our planet.
... In an interview with publicist Roland Tichy, Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt – one of the founders of Germany’s modern environmental movement – said we have in fact three generations time to revamp the world’s energy supply system to one that is cleaner and sustainable. ...

Fritz Vahrenholdt? Founder of what? I never heard this name - and I am a German. As far as I found out now he's a politician and not a scientist. And no one has any time to lose time in fighting the man made current climate change. I guess the USA lost meanwhile some decades time - what has perhaps to suffer all mankind and not only the USA.
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From the beginning the #1 goal of the climate hoax has been to deindustrialize the USA. Strong freely admitted that in an interview.

I don't have any idea why some people say such a total bullshit. You need a better technology - and not no technology. The general theme is the efficiency of energy, the production of energy and power storage. Other themes are to make cities colder in summer - for example with plants and better ventialisation and so on. Such programs often need more than a hundred years. But every travel starts with a first step - then follows a second - and not with a standstill.
Climate Change fear is used as political tool.
Left Wing politicians exploit ignorant people.
It's shocking how many dumb people we have on our planet.

Indeed it's shocking how many dumb people, who have not any idea about real science, live on planet Earth. The strange thing is that even people, who never were in a school, are able to see the effects of the current global warming worldwide.
Indeed it's shocking how many dumb people, who have not any idea about real science, live on planet Earth. The strange thing is that even people, who never were in a school, are able to see the effects of the current global warming worldwide.

They must have magic in their eyes ... because we're not supposed to be seeing the effects of global warming for many decades yet ...
Indeed it's shocking how many dumb people, who have not any idea about real science, live on planet Earth. The strange thing is that even people, who never were in a school, are able to see the effects of the current global warming worldwide.

They must have magic in their eyes ... because we're not supposed to be seeing the effects of global warming for many decades yet ...

Indeed it's shocking how many dumb people, who have not any idea about real science, live on planet Earth. The strange thing is that even people, who never were in a school, are able to see the effects of the current global warming worldwide.

They must have magic in their eyes ... because we're not supposed to be seeing the effects of global warming for many decades yet ...

We are specks on this planet. The middle ages were warmer then today.

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