German Neonazi sued over abuse of children and teenagers in many cases


Nov 14, 2012
The former leader of a Nazi group and liaison of the German domestic secret service at the same time with links to NSU, Tino Brandt, is sued over massive abuse of male children and teenagers, who he is accused to have abused and sold in 157 cases. He has reportedly partly confessed.
Schwerer sexueller Missbrauch in 157 F llen Anklage Neonazi Tino Brandt soll Kinder missbraucht und weitervermittelt haben - Deutschland - FOCUS Online - Nachrichten

Holger Apfel, party leader of the NPD back then, accused of being attracted by little boys too much.
The Great NPD Leadership Crisis Christmas Edition - kai arzheimer
German's is racist and racism only led to presecution and death. Racism cant move the humanity forward becouse its horrible to believe that a race should led the society. They started WW1 and WW2 on this ideal. Germany should realize that they are in the hub of NATO already!
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German's is racist and racism only led to presecution and death. Racism cant move the humanity forward becouse its horrible to believe that a race should led the society. They started WW1 and WW2 on this ideal. Germany should realize that they are in the hub of NATO already!
Typical Anti-German crap. "Germans are racists". Realize that this statement is racist. Germans are not more or less racist then other peoples too. Germany did not start world wars. That´s just an easy explanation for the complicated happenings that led to these wars. Germans are not guilty by default. The Nuremberg tribunals stated that there is no collective guilt.
German's is racist and racism only led to presecution and death. Racism cant move the humanity forward becouse its horrible to believe that a race should led the society. They started WW1 and WW2 on this ideal. Germany should realize that they are in the hub of NATO already!
Typical Anti-German crap. "Germans are racists". Realize that this statement is racist. Germans are not more or less racist then other peoples too. Germany did not start world wars. That´s just an easy explanation for the complicated happenings that led to these wars. Germans are not guilty by default. The Nuremberg tribunals stated that there is no collective guilt.
Well, the German people obviously led Hitler start the second world war becouse of one stupied idea of that aryans should compete and defeat the world and it's people. And it's just to realize that the german people started the first world war with their ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia. They forced it to just get a ethnic cleansing! US and Russia at least stand for diversity and diplomacy with other people. Germany and it's ideal will start WW3 again if dont any stop them!
German's is racist and racism only led to presecution and death. Racism cant move the humanity forward becouse its horrible to believe that a race should led the society. They started WW1 and WW2 on this ideal. Germany should realize that they are in the hub of NATO already!
Typical Anti-German crap. "Germans are racists". Realize that this statement is racist. Germans are not more or less racist then other peoples too. Germany did not start world wars. That´s just an easy explanation for the complicated happenings that led to these wars. Germans are not guilty by default. The Nuremberg tribunals stated that there is no collective guilt.
Well, the German people obviously led Hitler start the second world war becouse of one stupied idea of that aryans should compete and defeat the world and it's people. And it's just to realize that the german people started the first world war with their ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia. They forced it to just get a ethnic cleansing! US and Russia at least stand for diversity and diplomacy with other people. Germany and it's ideal will start WW3 again if dont any stop them!
I always wonder, how some Americans show solidarity with Stalin, the guy who killed up to 60 million Russians, the guy who represented the soviet enemy of the western world, the guy who was even condemned as criminal by this communist system. There is no one who started the world wars. Historians know that.
One can say that Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1940 instead.

Friendship with Germany by Churchill Sep 17 1937
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The world should stand for a working judicial system that cooperates. It should also stand for equliaty, private ownership and against rascism. Human rights should in every situation uphold. Every behavior is cunning and should be accepted. Laws regulte that, such as behavior and opinions. Germany should be ignored and destabilized if they dont negotiate or cooperate with this human conditions. German will surely start WW3 again becouse of their racism. They shouldent even have a own country, Russia and US (or France and west allies) should invade and share the country with each other.
One can say that Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1940 instead.
We should declare war on them (or at least destablize them) for US values. Diplomacy, private ownership, capitalism, human rights, prosperity, human equality and human progress. Against racsism and dictatorship.
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The world should stand for a working judicial system that cooperates. It should also stand for equliaty, private ownership and against rascism. Human rights should in every situation uphold. Every behavior is cunning and should be accepted. Laws regulte that, such as behavior and opinions. Germany should be ignored and destabilized if they dont negotiate or cooperate with this human conditions. German will surely start WW3 again becouse of their racism. They shouldent even have a own country, Russia and US (or France and west allies) should invade and share the country with each other.
That´s incredible nonsense. At first, private ownership and equality are incompatible because someone owns and others work. Secondly, Germany is the land of humanity. Many of what we enjoy today, was invented in Germany. A new war on Germany means wasting millions of human lifes for nothing and thus is inhuman.
US and Russia at least stand for diversity and diplomacy with other people. Germany and it's ideal will start WW3 again if dont any stop them!

You seem not to realize that the US presently is on a dangerous path to start WW3.
The world should stand against Germany for non-rascism. If they don't negotiate, they should be destablized and competed by NATO, US and Russia.
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